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Weekly email – 1 October 2021

2021 > October > 01 > Weekly email – 1 October 2021

Teacher Training Day

A reminder that school will be closed to students onΒ Wednesday 6 OctoberΒ for a Teacher Training Day and to allow preparation for the Open Evening.

Year 6 Open Evening – fully booked

Bookings for our Open Evening have been fast and furious and even though we added as many extra places as we could, all three slots on the evening are now fully booked.

We realise that some families may not have been able to secure a place. If that is the case and you would like to find out about alternative options to visit the school, please contact the School OfficeΒ by calling T: 01904 686400 or E:Β

Sex and Relationships Education

A revised policy for Sex and Relationships Education, taking into account statutory changes from September 2021, has been published inΒ the policies section on the school website. Any comments should be addressed toΒ Mr Noble, Head of Personal Development.

Millthorpe School Parents’ Forum

You will know from our recent β€˜Meet the Tutor’ evenings that we really value theΒ close working relationships weΒ have with our parents.Β Last year saw the successful launch of our Parents’ Forum which sawΒ aΒ group of enthusiastic parents come together, via Google Meet, to discuss a range of new policies and futureΒ plans.Β We would like to sayΒ a big public β€˜thank you’ to this group. ThroughΒ positiveΒ debate and discussion, we were able to improve the provision which studentsΒ benefitΒ from at Millthorpe School.

We are now looking for a newΒ group so that more parents can haveΒ the opportunityΒ to shape the student experience. The group meets virtually, once per term and we do our best to schedule the meetings to suit as many people as possible. If you are interested in being part of a group, that is very much solutionsΒ focused, then please declare your interestΒ using thisΒ Google FormsΒ link.

(Please note: if you have a specificΒ concerns directly relating to your child then please contact your child’s tutor rather than using this stakeholder voice opportunity.)

Wake up Wednesday

ThisΒ week’s β€˜Wake up Wednesday’ fromΒ National Online SafetyΒ relates to Pokemon Go, a game that was very popular a few years ago and has seen a recent resurgence. However, as the guidance explains, there are several concerns associated with the game so pleaseΒ see the advice for more information.

Mobile phone use

Please can we politely remind all parents and carers that students are not permitted to use their mobile phones during the school day, including break and lunch.

If you need to contact your child urgently during the school day, please contact the Main Reception on 01904 686400 and we will arrange for you to speak to your child. Students who use their phone during the school day will have it confiscatedΒ for the remainder of that day.

Additionally, please can we encourage parents and carers to speak to their child(ren) about their mobile phone use when walking to and from school? Students should ensure that their mobile phone use is not distracting them from their ability to walk to school safely and cross busy roads.

Information for parents/carers of Year 11 students

A number of parents/carers askedΒ questionsΒ about next steps at post-16 for Year 11 students, at the recentΒ Meet the Tutor evening. Our Careers Advisor,Β Rachel Howlett, has collated answers to these questions – you canΒ see the document hereΒ orΒ in the careers bulletin.

If you have any queries, please contact Rachel at E:Β

Computer Science homework

To support students with their Computer Science homework, PC1 and PC2 are available for students to come and complete their homework on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3.00-3.25pm.

Talk: The small things that matterΒ 

Entomologist,Β Erica McAlister,Β from the Natural History Museum, is giving a talk nextΒ Friday, 8Β October, at 7pm, allΒ about flies!Β Further information can be found hereΒ and you can emailΒΒ or call 01904 527300 to book tickets.

Girls U13 football team – keeper needed!

York RI Football Club is on the lookout for a goalkeeper to play in their U13s girls’ team. Anyone interested canΒ find out moreΒ here.

Crack the code

It’s week 3Β of our β€˜just forΒ fun’ Crack the CodeΒ puzzle…

Mrs Myers turns 40 in March (What?! That cannot be right).Β As a birthday surprise, her lovely colleagues in the Maths Department are arranging for Gary Barlow (the lead singer and most talented member of boy band Take That) to sing her Happy Birthday (ssshhh, don’t tell her).

On Mrs Myers’ birthday, what will the age difference between her and Gary Barlow be?

Add to that, the number of members in the original band Take That and the first prime number.

This willΒ give you your third answer – keep a note. Clue 4Β will follow next week…..

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