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SEND Local Offer

SEND Local Offer

York SEND Local Offer

The new York SEND Local Offer can be found here. If you wish to contact the team at City of York Council, please email:

The York SEND Local Offer sets out services and activities available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; support is available from birth to 25 years old. The Local Offer website provides helpful information for families at every stage of their journey, whether this is to learn about what Special Educational Needs are, to find out about the support available with or without a diagnosis, or to understand what preparation for adulthood looks like for young people with disabilities, the website covers all.

SEND Outcomes Framework

City of York Council launched the new SEND Outcomes Framework in May 2022.

The basis of the framework is that in York, we want all children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to be happy and live the best lives they can. 

City of York Council and the NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group have worked with parents, carers and young people with SEND to produce a set of outcomes that we all want to achieve for our children and young people.

These seven SEND Outcomes are:

  1. I am healthy
  2. I have a choice and I am heard
  3. I am safe
  4. I achieve my goals
  5. I am included
  6. I can overcome challenges and difficulties on my own or with support
  7. I am becoming independent

Each outcome will look different for each child so for a more in-depth list of descriptors, visit

This factsheet also gives you more information.

Image of SEND outcomes from NHS and City of York Council

City of York Council (CYC) has produced this year’s Special Edition SEND Newsletter which you can read here.

This covers a range of the work that has taken place at CYC and the Yorkshire and Humber Care Partnership as a part of their joint improvement journey since last year and includes just some examples of how they have worked with families to make improvements.

SEND Universal Offer for parents/carers

You can find out more about the City of York Council’s SEND Universal Offer for parents/carers during 2024 here.

Further information

Further information, support and guidance about SEND in the City of York can be found on the Yor-ok website.

Educational Psychology (EP) Support Line

A confidential telephone support service, staffed by Educational Psychologists, is available through City of York Council, to talk through questions or concerns about children and young people’s wellbeing or learning.

It is open to all parents/carers of children with additional needs or SEND living in the City of York (who have not had recent EP involvement), and any practitioners working with children who live in/attend an educational setting in York. 

Take a look at this flyer for further information. 

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