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What is counselling?

Counselling is being able to talk through your thoughts and feelings in a confidential setting.

It can help you to get a clearer picture of what is affecting or distressing you. You may not be coping with your feelings, mood or behaviour and you may want to develop ways of making beneficial changes.

How long does it take?

This varies on your individual situation, usually you will be offered 8 sessions but sometimes young people don’t need as many as this or they might need more.Β  Your counsellor will discuss this with you and review it during the course of your counselling sessions.

How long is a session?

Sessions will usually last 60 minutes.

How often will I see my counsellor?

Many people see their counsellor once a week, but the frequency can vary according to your need.

What happens at the first meeting with a counsellor?

The counsellor will spend a few minutes talking about confidentiality and how records are kept. You will then be able to ask any questions and have a conversation about your situation. Then you and the counsellor can decide whether having counselling might be helpful to you and/or whether you would benefit from other types of support.

Who can access this service?

Any student at Millthorpe School can access this free, confidential service.

How can I make an appointment

You can make an appointment by speaking to any member of the pastoral staff or by emailing

If a parent or carer feels counselling maybe beneficial they can contact the pastoral team on 01904 686400 and ask to speak to Mrs Cole. Counselling is voluntary and it is always the young person’s choice about whether they would like counselling

Who is the counsellor?

Our counsellor is Sian Clare.

Sian is a registered accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and has many years of experience working with young people.

What do people talk about in counselling?

Many issues are brought to counselling, some examples could be:

  • Anxiety/stress/panic
  • Abuse
  • Bullying
  • Bereavement
  • Coping with School life
  • Family
  • Identity
  • Low mood
  • Relationships

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