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Weekly email – 8 October 2021

2021 > October > 08 > Weekly email – 8 October 2021

Early closure – Wednesday 13 October

As next week is B Week, school will finish at 2.10pm on Wednesday 13 October for staff Continuous Professional Development.

Personal Development sessions

We are planning to deliver breast awareness sessions to students in Years 10 and 11 over the next month or so as part of their Personal Development entitlement. We will be using materials developed by CoppaFeel!, a UK breast cancer charity set up to create awareness amongst young people. Although a serious matter, the message is delivered in a light-hearted way, empowering young people to kickstart healthy habits, for life.

We will also take the opportunity to discuss testicular cancer using materials supplied by Orchid, a charity set up to highlight the risks of male cancer. If your child has a close relative or friend that has gone through, or is going through, cancer, please do let us know so we can support them accordingly.

Proposed Merger Consultation

As you will recall, the Trustees of South Bank MAT are in discussion about a possible merger with South York MAT. Next week, Trustees from both trusts will be writing to parents, staff and other stakeholders to invite them to take part in a consultation on the merger proposal.

Dropping off students

For the safety of students, staff and visitors, a reminder that parents/carers are asked not to drive onto the school site to drop children off. Please find a convenient place, close to school, where you can pull over safely and without causing an obstruction to other road users.

Contacting school

  • Could we politely request that if you need to contact school, that you either call on T: 01904 686400 or if you need to email, please contact the relevant member of staff or E: Please do not use the email address to report student absence or illness.
  • If students or parents/carers have issues with Google Classroom, please contact Mr Hardy E: Please do not contact Mr Ward with Google enquiries.

School uniform – a ‘thank you’

We have been incredibly impressed with how smart our students are looking in their uniform this half-term. At recent staff consultations, the uniform standards were highlighted as an enormous positive thus far in the academic year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents, carers and students for their support with this. Wearing a uniform brings a sense of pride, helps to create uniformity and relieves the pressure of your child deciding what to wear every day. The students are looking smarter than ever before and uniform infractions are virtually non-existent.

Please also remember that we have an Eco Laundry where you can purchase clean, pre-loved uniform items in good condition at excellent prices, which helps not only your budget but also the environment. If you would like to contact the Eco Laundry, please email with your child’s name, sizes and the required items and our team of volunteers will let you know what we have available.

Labelling PE kit

Congratulations to all the students who have made such a strong start to the year with the organisation of their PE kit and participation so far. Can we remind parents/carers that as all students wear the same kit, having your child’s name in their kit is ESSENTIAL to helping you get your kit back quickly should it be lost or misplaced.

Sports fixtures

Details of sports fixtures can now be found on the school website. Please check back often as they are updated regularly!

Celebration Art Gallery for Year 11 Cohort 2021

Congratulations to all our Fine Art students on completion of their GCSE course this summer! We have created a ‘Celebration Art Gallery’ to showcase your artistic achievements featuring the piece you selected and at least one other piece chosen by your Art teacher.

The Gallery can be found here.

Computer Science homework

To support students with their Computer Science homework, PC1 and PC2 are available for students to come and complete their homework on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3.00-3.25pm.

Wake up Wednesday – a parent’s guide to Tinder

This week’s ‘Wake up Wednesday’ from National Online Safety left us somewhat taken aback as we would hope that none of our students are using, or even considering, online dating apps. However, as the guidance explains, until Tinder recently improved their management of age restrictions, there were a number of young people nationally who had bypassed these age restrictions to create profiles using dishonest dates of birth.

We would like to politely encourage parents/carers to check that their child(ren) does not have an app such as Tinder on their phones or devices and that you consider this advice.

Read the Parents’ Guide to Tinder

Family Matters courses

The short courses offered by Family Matters York give parents the opportunity to meet other parents and find out that they are not alone; to think about what they are doing with their children; and, in the light of the course material and ideas from other parents, decide if they want to make any changes.

The following courses, some online and some in person, are starting after half-term:

  • Handling Anger in the Family
  • Time Out for Parents – the Teenage Years
  • Time Out for Parents – Children with Additional Needs
  • Time Out for Dads

To book a place or for further information please contact Helen Atkinson on 07393 147259 or email You can also find more information on the Family Matters website.

Netball skills sessions for students in Years 7-13 

If your child is looking to improve their netball skills, they might be interested in the skills sessions offered through Raise Your Game. You can find out more here or by contacting Lead Coach, Catherine Fairclough at

Huntington Rovers Football Club – U13 Boys

Huntington Rovers Football Club is looking for Year 8 boys to join its boys’ U13 football team, Huntington Rovers Red.

The team was very successful last season, with six players being selected to play for academy level football, five of whom are now playing for York City. This has left the team with a huge gap to fill!

The team is coached by Charles Colley, whose son previously attended Millthorpe School. To find out more, please contact Charles directly on T: 07968 599 013 or via the club’s website.

Girls U14 football team – keeper needed!

York RI Football Club is on the lookout for a goalkeeper to play in their U14s girls’ team (not U13s as we posted last week!). Anyone interested can find out more here.

Can you crack the code?

It’s week 4 of our ‘just for fun’ Crack the Code puzzle…

This week, Facebook and its associated apps went down, leaving many students feeling un-cone-ected with the wider world.
Multiply the number of hours that Facebook went down, by the second cube number. Divide this number by the positive square root of 36. Finally, take away the second prime number.This will give you your fourth answer – keep a note. Clue 5 will follow next week…..

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