Year 11 Pre-Public Exams (PPEs)
Over the next two weeks, Year 11 students will be sitting PPEs (mock exams) in most subjects. Students have been given individual timetables for all their exams. Because of the timing of exams, Year 11 students will take their lunch in the earlier slot (12.20-1.00pm) during this period.
Year 11 taster days
Information has gone out to parents and students about the two Year 11 taster days on 11 and 13 January 2022. The documentation that students need to book places can be accessed here.
Year 10 work experience
For those parents who were unable to attend the parents meeting yesterday, please click here for a copy of the presentation and the documentation that your child will need to complete and bring back to school once they have found a placement.
For any queries please contact Mr Noble or Mrs Anderson at school via e-mail. The deadline for returning forms is 28 January 2022.
Christmas dinner
Christmas dinner (traditional turkey or a vegetarian option) will be served on Wednesday 8 December this year. Tickets, priced at £2.40, are now on sale via ParentPay. Children who are eligible for free school meals will still need a ticket, but there is no cost. Your child’s form tutor will distribute tickets to students on the day.
Assemblies next week
We are running a reduced assemblies schedule next week because the Main Hall is being used for Year 11 exams. Year 11 will have no assemblies so they can focus on their PPEs.
On 25 November there is an international awareness day for the elimination of violence against women. We have invited IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) in to deliver assemblies to Year 9 and Year 10. The charity works with victims of abuse but is also trying to branch out into preventative work in schools. We have asked them to focus on ‘healthy relationships’. They will talk about what these look like and some of the signs that a relationship isn’t healthy and briefly look at abusive relationships. This will be quality assured so that it is age appropriate whilst not avoiding an issue that unfortunately affects so many. Although the assembly will look at the issue via a positive lens, we realise this topic could be difficult for some of our students. If you would rather your son or daughter does not to take part in the assembly, then please contact your child’s year team.
Key Stage 3 team building
Today, all Key Stage 3 students have taken part in fun team building activities with their form and form tutor. Each year group enjoyed two hours of fun: one hour on an inflatable assault course and one hour completing a series of challenges. The events were organised and hosted by their Head of Year and Deputy Head of Year and the students had a superb time. You can see a few photos here.
The Eco Laundry
The Eco Laundry, our store of preloved uniform items, has become a popular resource for families as students grow in and out of different sizes of clothes. For a small charge, you can get Millthorpe uniform pieces, including blazers (£3), shoes (£3), jumpers (£2), PE kit (£2), trousers/skirts (£2), shirts (£1) and ties (£1). Now the weather is getting a little colder, you’ll be glad to know that we have a good stock of Millthorpe jumpers and a selection of winter coats.
If your child needs new (to you) uniform items, you can email with your request. Just let the Eco Laundry volunteers know the name of the student, what items you require and what sizes. Provided we have the correct item and size, we will then pack them up and let you know when it’s ready for collection from the school office. The cost will then be added to your ParentPay account.
The Eco Laundry is open to everyone in school. Reusing clothes is an easy way for us all to protect the environment, so we are always keen to receive donations of school clothing. Any donations can be dropped off at any time to the School Office. All donations are then sorted, washed and labelled ready to find a new home.
Further group chat concerns
This week, we emailed all Year 7 and 8 parents as we became aware of two highly inappropriate group chats involving Year 7 and 8 students across the City of York. We made direct contact with any parents/carers whose child was thought to be actively involved, but we wanted to ask all parents and carers to once again check their child’s mobile phone and social media use.
Young people are being sent or accessing material which is highly inappropriate so please do take the time to speak to your child(ren) and check their devices.
10 ways to share kindness online
This week is Anti-Bullying Week; students have received assemblies from Mr Bates on this theme. National Online Safety’s “Wake Up Wednesday” gives young people top tips about how to share kindness online. We have shared this with students in school, but would be grateful if you could also discuss this with your child(ren) at home to encourage positivity online.
Roots to Success
The Roots to Success programme which aims to increase the number of young people going on to Higher or Further Education is still recruiting eligible students – the deadline has been extended until 1 December.
This short film explains what the programme is all about.
The Uni Connect programme – privacy notice
Students in Years 9-11 will be given the opportunity to access advice about different Higher Education pathways, through the Uni Connect programme. This is a national programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS), which aims to promote the benefits of university and other forms of higher education, particularly among under-represented groups.
All students in Years 9-11 should be aware of the Privacy Notice which relates to this programme. Please could we ask parents/carers to bring this to their attention?
Bishop Burton College – new prospectus
Students in Years 10 and 11 may be interested in Bishop Burton College’s new prospectus. It can be downloaded here.
ISSP lecture
A reminder that the next ISSP lecture for students in Years 7-8 is on 25 November. The lecture, “What is endocrinology and who are endocrinologists?” is open to all students in Years 7-8, not just those on the ISSP register. Click here to find out more and sign up.