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Weekly email – 5 November 2021

2021 > November > 05 > Weekly email – 5 November 2021

Proposed merger consultation

A reminder that the consultation on the proposal for South Bank Multi Academy Trust to join with South York Multi Academy Trust will run until 3.00pm on 12 November 2021.

This letter contains full details about the proposal and consultation and you can complete the feedback form here (please note this will download as a Word document). Please email your completed form to by the deadline.

‘Reducing the pressures of Year 10’ workshop and team building events

This morning, Year 10 participated in two events which were planned and delivered by their Head of Year, Ms Hodgson and Deputy Head of Year, Ms Bramwell. Students worked with their forms and form tutors on a series of team building challenges and also received a ‘Reducing the pressures of Year 10’ workshop to help them as they juggle the demands of the start of GCSEs.

Both events were a roaring success and you can find a couple of photos here. Thank you to Ms Hodgson and Ms Bramwell for planning and delivering these events, to the Year 10 Form Tutors for their encouragement and participation (you can see Mr Black joining in one of the challenges on one of the photos!) and to Mrs Kuhn and Mrs Brown for all of their help with arranging the logistics.

Year 11 ‘Exploring Pathways’ event, managing exam stress and team building

Today, Year 11s have spent the morning participating in an ‘Exploring Pathways’ event, where they learnt about lots of opportunities that are available to them once they leave Millthorpe.

There was a Careers Fair in the Main Hall, with stalls, informative talks and workshops from local colleges, sixth forms, universities, apprenticeship providers and more.

In the afternoon, students received a ‘Managing Exam Stress’ workshop from their Head of Year, Mrs Parr, which is timely as students are busily revising for the imminent Pre-Public Examinations. They then also took part in team building games with their form and form tutors, organised and delivered by Mrs Roberts, their Deputy Head of Year.

A huge thank you to all of the staff who were involved in making these events happen. The students took a lot from it and it will really benefit them moving forward. You can see a few photos here.

Student Leadership – application deadline extended

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are aware that some Year 10 students have not been able to apply to become a Student Leader. To ensure everyone has the opportunity to do so, we have extended the application deadline to Friday 12 November.

The application form can be dowloaded here, or students can get a copy from their form tutor, Mr Black or Mr Sloan.

Language GCSEs 

Every year several students are supported through an additional GCSE in their home language. If your son/daughter has a home language which is not English and in which he/she is fluent, please contact Mrs Domin-Boci E: for further information.

Instrument Donation Scheme

Due to the success of the Millthorpe School Instrument Donation Scheme, we now have a few instruments available for pupils to try out. If your child would like to have a go on a trumpet, violin, flute or cello then please contact Mr Jackson E: or Mrs Wright E: for further details.

PE/Games reminders: cold weather clothing

As the weather starts to change, parents/carers and students are reminded that:

  • wearing two layers for outdoor games is a good idea, ie a t-shirt/skin/thermal layer under a reversible games top or a school navy fleece.
  • a suitable pair of gloves and/or hat may also be appropriate, especially for students who struggle with the cold.
  • all students are permitted to wear navy blue or black skins or leggings under their navy shorts in outdoor Games lessons during the colder months.
  • students may also wear the uniform tracksuit bottoms (available from Keal Teamwear).
  • students should always bring navy shorts, as this is a compulsory item of PE/Games kit.
  • wearing the additional items is optional.

Please note that the indoor PE kit remains unchanged. 

Students must bring the kit to all lessons and if they are unable to participate, they need to produce a medical note each week.

Are you back on the school run? Do you always switch off your engine whilst waiting?

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK.  The World Health Organisation and the UK government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today with children especially vulnerable to the effects.  Air pollution has been linked to low birth weights, poor lung development and may even contribute to reduced IQ and mental health issues.

Sitting outside school with an engine running creates a polluted environment for your child and others to walk straight into. You may also be breaking the law and causing disturbance to local residents. Council officers in York are able to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for idling offences on the public highway.

We have recently received a complaint about idling engines in the local area, so please help us to keep our children safe by switching off your engine when waiting. Further information about idling is available on City of York Council’s website at:

A parent’s guide to TikTok

TikTok is incredibly popular with young people and the Wake Up Wednesday sent by National Online Safety during half term is a really useful guide for parents and carers so that they know everything they need to know about this addictive social media platform, and how to keep their children safe.

Read the guide here.

Wake Up Wednesday – Snapchat

Parents and carers will be aware from our last weekly email that we have significant concerns around students’ use of Snapchat. The guide sent to you on Friday 22 October is excellent, but we also wanted to share this guide from National Online Safety which further explains the concerns around Snapchat, and how parents and carers can keep their child(ren) safe if and when using this incredibly popular app.


#AskTheAwkward is a brand new resource from ThinkUKnow for parents and carers of secondary-aged children.

#AskTheAwkward aims to help parents and carers have regular conversations with their children about online relationships and more. The resource includes three short films created in a social experiment style, with real parents and their children to capture their reactions to a range of questions.

You can find lots of great information and guidance on the ThinkUKnow website.

Islamophobia Awareness Month

November is Islamophobia Awareness Month. Islam is the second biggest religion in England. We have been asked to share the attached poster with students and their families to increase understanding of Islam, Islamophobia and how to report a hate crime. These posters have been displayed around school and will be shared with students by their Form Tutors, but we also wanted to share it with you so that you can support us in sharing this message with your child(ren).

The MCC Foundation Hub is back in YORK for both boys and girls!

By joining a MCC Foundation Hub, you will get up to ten weeks of high-quality cricket coaching and have fun whilst being supported to reach your full potential on and off the cricket pitch.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be aged 11-15 (in school years 6-10)
  • attend a state school
  • not have played in a county team this summer

Girls’ hub
This will take place at St Peter’s School, York, YO30 6AB from January – April from 7:30-9:30pm. To register your daughter, please click here.

Boys’ hub
This will take place at St Peter’s School, York, YO30 6AB from January – April from 6.00-8.00pm. To register your son, please click here.

For more information on the programme, please email the HUB Manager, Mick Pickering E:

Brilliant behaviour!

We are delighted to report the following behaviour for learning figures from last half term – they paint a brilliant picture!

We have been incredibly impressed with the way our students support one another, focus in the classroom and ultimately strive each and every single day to be the best that they can be. It’s been a pleasure to watch them enjoy all that Millthorpe has to offer once more and do this with a level of maturity, respect and resilience well beyond their years.

You’ll know that we introduced a behaviour and attitudes system from September 2021. In this system, students are given a ‘point’ for minor misdemeanors. Over the course of the seven-week half term, an incredible 819 students didn’t reach the 5 points threshold that would result in a detention. From this group 516 students recorded either zero or only one point.

This is incredibly impressive and says so much about the conduct of our students. During this same period we were able to give out 470 Golden Tickets for academic progress and students’ wider contribution both inside and outside of school. We expect this figure to rise even further as more extra curricular opportunities open up for our students to explore. We would love to be able to share with parents the total number of ‘Rs’ awarded but the computer is struggling to cope with such a large number!

We would like to thank you for the major part you play in helping Millthorpe School embed these new systems so that all students feel safe, enjoy the learning experience and can achieve their full potential.

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