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Weekly email – 29 April 2022

2022 > April > 29 > Weekly email – 29 April 2022
Millthorpe School shield

Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely Easter break. This week has been incredibly busy, but it has been a great start to another new term and we are very proud of our students’ behaviour and readiness to learn.

Enjoy the long weekend; we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Tuesday 3 May for an ‘A’ Week.

Sports practices

The following sports practices will take place this half-term, until May:

Students are not required to get changed for lunch practices, they can just turn up with appropriate footwear for their sport eg trainers or football boots.

Lunchtime practices for boys start at 12.30pm and finish at 1.05pm, and for girls, practices start at 12.40pm and finish at 1.10pm.

Students attending after-school clubs must get changed into their kit. All after-school practices will start at 3.25pm or as soon as their teacher has finished their last class of the day.

Carlton Lodge consent forms

A reminder that completed consent forms should be posted in the box in the main school reception, as soon as possible please.

A parent and carers’ guide to group chats

We know that many of our students are involved with “group chats” and whilst they can be a good way to keep up to speed with things such as “Is it A Week or B Week” or “What ingredients do we need for Food Tech tomorrow?” we are also acutely aware that group chats can be difficult for many students to manage.

We have previously written to parents and carers to share our concerns around specific group chats where we are aware of them, but there are probably many that we do not know about. This handy guide from National Online Safety will help you to navigate a conversation with your child(ren) around group chats so please do take a look.

And again, please can we encourage you to regularly check your child’s mobile phone to satisfy yourself that it is being used appropriately? Thank you for your support with this.

Esports open event at York College

York College is holding an Esports open event on 4 May from 6.00-7.00pm. This is for anyone who is considering the Esports Foundation Diploma or Extended Diploma Level 3 which starts in September. The course is aimed at students who want to progress to employment in the Esports industry. To book a place at the open event, click here.

Job vacancies

If you would like to work with us, you can see our current job vacancies on our website here.

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