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Weekly email – 9 September 2022

2022 > September > 09 > Weekly email – 9 September 2022
Millthorpe School shield

Welcome back!

Our first week back at school has certainly been busy! It has been lovely to welcome our new Year 7 cohort who seem to be quickly settling into Millthorpe life, as well as welcoming back some more familiar faces in other year groups. We’ve been really impressed with the positive attitude the students have shown on their return and we’re very excited about the year ahead. Thank you to all parents and carers who have made the return to school go so smoothly.

Following the news about the Queen’s death, it has been a rather sombre end to the week and I know there may be some who may struggle with the news. Please take a look below for some helpful guidance should you need it.

A reminder that next week will be B Week. As we no longer have an earlier finish on the Wednesday of B Week, school will finish at 3.15pm as normal.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Gemma Greenhalgh

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

We were extremely saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II yesterday. She was a truly remarkable monarch who touched the lives of so many. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this difficult time.

We are in the process of considering some special activities and assemblies to reflect the period of national mourning and commemorate the life of Her Majesty.

Some children are likely to be curious and will ask lots of questions about the Queen and death itself, whilst some may find this period of mourning very difficult. This guide gives some excellent advice on how to help children who are struggling. Our Pastoral Team are also available should your child(ren) need someone to talk to.

Uniform – thank you and a piercing reminder

It has been amazing to see our students returning to school looking so smart. If there are ever any issues with your child’s uniform, please contact their Form Tutor.

Please can we remind parents and carers that students are only permitted to wear one pair of plain studs in their ears and that no other piercings are allowed. Students who have additional piercings will need to either remove it, wear a plastic retainer or cover it with a small plaster. Please do not permit your child to have any additional piercings as they are not allowed under the uniform policy. Full details are available here.

Eco Laundry goes from strength to strength

Our Eco Laundry, which provides a facility through which you can buy or donate items of pre-loved school uniform, is going from strength to strength.

At a time when many families’ budgets are being squeezed and we are all trying to reduce the negative impact of our daily lives on the environment, we are keen to ensure that everyone is able to buy good quality pre-worn uniform at a very low cost.

Since the Eco Laundry began, we have sold over 1800 items of school uniform, saving families a whopping £17000. This is absolutely fantastic, but it would not be possible without our fabulous volunteers. A HUGE thank you to all our Eco Laundry warriors!

Donations of uniform can be left at the school office anytime school is open. If you are in need of items of school uniform, just drop an email to stating the items you need, with the preferred size and we will do our very best to provide the items you need.

National Online Safety – #WakeUpWednesday

Each week we share online safety advice from the accredited National Online Safety (NOS). We hope that the guides we share help you to have those important but sometimes tricky conversations with your child(ren) about their online safety.

NOS have produced a few guides over the summer that we wanted to share with you which could open up discussions about promoting equality onlineonline safety tip for going back to school and a parent and carer guide to the increasingly popular Instagram.
(Please note that whilst the “Safety tips for going back to school” guide mentions “putting phones away at break”, students are not permitted to use their mobile phones at any point during the school day at Millthorpe, so we do not expect to see them, or for them to be used, between 8.45am and 3.15pm.)

Updates and events for families of children with SEND

Extending Access4All group
Access4All is City of York Council’s strategic group for young people with SEND which reformed earlier this year. The group, which is currently made up of five Millthorpe students, has done some fantastic work including some city-wide campaigns. This term, the Council are looking to increase membership of the group with representatives from other secondary schools.

Further information about Access4All can be found here or you can contact Laura Brown, Participation and Engagement Officer at City of York Council E:

Opportunities and Progression Event
There will be a drop-in event for families of young people with SEND on 18 October, 4.00pm-7:30pm at Askham Bryan College. At the event, families can find out about post-16 options including employment, apprenticeships, post-16 education and supported internships.

Take a look at the event flyer here. If you have any questions about the event, please contact

Interview Panels
To ensure the voices of young people with SEND are heard, City of York Council have introduced Young People’s Interview Panels. Young people aged 10-16 who are interested in participating, should email


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition to being able to contact Mrs Cole or Ms Simpson during school hours by emailing, you may wish to make direct contact with the York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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