A message from Ms Greenhalgh
This week we held our annual open evening for Year 6 pupils and their families. It was wonderful to welcome so many people to Millthorpe and be able to talk about and demonstrate why we think we have something special to offer. A big thank you to my colleagues for making the event such a success and to those students who gave up their time on the evening to welcome guests, show families around the school and be the face of Millthorpe. You were all brilliant!
Next Wednesday, we are holding our Year 11 Parents Evening. Parents/carers should have received detials on how to book already, but if anyone has any questions, please contact the School Office.
On behalf of everyone at school, I’d like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the Year 11 netball team who were victorious in the U16 York and Selby Netball Tournament, beating St Peter’s in the final. A fantastic achievement girls, we’re all super proud of you!
Enjoy the weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday for the last week before the half-term break.
Kind regards
Gemma Greenhalgh
Assemblies and Personal Development this week
This week, students in Years 7-10 have received assemblies from Ms Ramadhan and Ms Garner Steel about Black History Month. This is something that we are passionate about as a school and invite you to ask your child(ren) about the content of this assembly.
We would really appreciate your support in speaking to your child(ren) about this too, and reinforcing the key messages from the session.
Changes to our Key Stage 3 PE programme
We have come to the end of our first four-week block of sport and so as of next week, there will be some changes. The following will hopefully help with organisation:
- Group 1 boys (Mr Boothman) moving from Badminton to Gymnastics – same kit.
- Group 2 boys (Mr Randall) moving from Gymnastics to Badminton – same kit.
- Group 3 girls (Miss Watts) moving from Netball to Football – change of footwear from trainers to football boots.
- Group 4 (Mrs Armitage/Miss Lansdall) from Football to Netball – change of footwear from football boots to trainers.
Student Leadership news
Thank you
A massive thank you to our Student Leaders, Form Reps, and volunteers who helped guide families around the school on Tuesday at our Open Evening. We were blown away by the 60+ helpers we had – you all did a fantastic job demonstrating what makes Millthorpe great – you!
Congratulations – Student Leadership success
Congratulations to three of our Year 11 Student Leaders. Jet, Mal, and Noah ably used what they have learnt this year to plan and successfully deliver an assembly for the Year 10s. The assembly outlined the benefits of the role of KS4 Student Leader at Millthorpe. The three students rose to the occasion and even had the confidence to work around a small technical mishap, showing that they can adapt to unforeseen situations. Great leaders show you how it’s done!
Mr Black and Mr Sloan are really proud of what you have achieved this week and we hope that you are too! Well done team.
Student Leaders applications are open
All Year 10 students are invited to apply for the role. Over 40 Student Leadership application packs have been collected so far!
Application packs are available from Mr Black, Mr Sloan or Year 10 form tutors. A copy of the letter and application can be found here.
School Uniform Review
Following government guidance, we are conducting a review of our school uniform. You can find full details in this document. We want to hear from as many parents/carers as possible and gather a wide range of views.
Responses should be submitted by midnight on Sunday 30 October.
Post-16 education providers
A number of post-16 providers are holding open events and taster days for Year 11 students over the next few months. Click here to find out more.
Maths puzzle/news
Well done to all the students who are working hard in maths so far this term.
We recently awarded the first round of ‘Mathematician of the Month’ awards to those students showing an excellent attitude to their maths work – if you haven’t been chosen this time, keep going. Next month, it could be you!
As always, here’s a little distraction from the day-to-day – this week from the excellent UKMT challenge. Enjoy!
#WakeUpWednesday – A parent and carer guide to Snapchat
We didn’t receive a #WakeUpWednesday this week, but we wanted to share this excellent guide to Snapchat that National Online Safety have shared with us previously. Snapchat continues to be immensely popular with young people but, sadly, also a platform that is used for less positive reasons by some young people. Please take a look at this guide and speak to your child(ren) about their use of Snapchat if they use this app.
If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition to being able to contact Mrs Cole or Ms Simpson during school hours by emailing safeguarding@millthorpe.southbank.academy, you may wish to make direct contact with the York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.