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Weekly email – 3 February 2023

2023 > February > 03 > Weekly email – 3 February 2023
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh

Well done to our Year 11s who have shown true resilience over the last fortnight as they sat their PPEs. You’ve all been brilliant and thoroughly deserve a weekend off!

Next week, we are taking part in National Apprenticeship Week and are looking forward to welcoming in a number of local business partners who have been kind enough to offer their time to provide mock interviews for our Year 10 students. You can find out more about both events below.

The Skills for Life Apprenticeship Fair will take place at York Racecourse on Wednesday 8 February, bringing together employers and apprenticeship providers from a wide range of sectors from across the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding region to discuss their apprenticeship opportunities with attendees. Further details can be found here.

We have just one more week of this half term to go – it has certainly sped by! We will close for the half term break on Friday 10 February, returning to school on Monday 20 February.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Gemma Greenhalgh

Assembly: Addressing sexual harassment in school

As part of our personal development programme and in line with national guidance, our safeguarding team will be delivering an assembly in the first week after half term (w/c 20.2.23) to all year groups on addressing sexual harassment in school. The assembly will focus on what students and staff can do to support and educate each other and to call out unacceptable behaviour.

Any child(ren) wishing to know more about the content of the assembly should discuss this with their Form Tutor.

National Apprenticeship Week – 6-12 February 2023

As next week is National Apprenticeship Week, we will be looking at the wide range of apprenticeships available in all subject areas. Every day, students will be provided with an interesting fact about apprenticeships and will watch a short video from an apprentice giving them insight into what completing an apprenticeship is like. You can follow these each day next week on our Twitter feed. We will also share the top ten reasons for considering apprenticeships with students.

For more information about apprenticeships, please see this video or contact Miss Watts.

Year 10 mock interviews

On Wednesday 8 February our Year 10 students will be involved in mock interviews. Each of our Year 10 students will receive an appointment card inviting them to meet with a local business partner who will take them through the interview process, ask them some questions and then give the valuable feedback on how they did. The process will take around 15 minutes.

For further information, please contact Miss Watts, Careers Lead.

Year 11 basketball team pipped to the post

Our Year 11 basketball team sailed through the U16 district rounds, remaining unbeaten in all their matches to become district champions. Earlier this week, they went on to represent York in the North Yorkshire Championships at York College, where they were just pipped to the post, with a full-time score of 24-27 in the final against Queen Ethelburga’s.

The team all played superbly and with just a little slice of extra luck, the win could have been theirs. Nevertheless they should be very proud of their achievement – well done to Korbin Evans, Oliver Priestley, Noah Schofield, Alex How, Lucas Karmazyn, Harvey Karmazyn, Sam Bradley, Ralph Smith, Eddie Wragg, Noah Goforth and Makoto Imazato who were all part of the squad.

York College Open Event

York College is holding an Open Event on Tuesday 21 February, from 5.30-8.00pm to showcase everything from vocational qualifications to A Levels, T Levels and apprenticeships. Anyone interested in adult education courses and degree courses is also welcome.

For more information and to book a place, please go to

Free accredited courses for parents

We have been contacted by The AIM Group who deliver Free online Level 2 Accredited Courses to parents to help better understand some key issues around young people’s mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing your own careers.

There are 60 different qualifications available which can be completed within a ten-week period at your own leisure.

Please click here to find out more.


Many parents and carers have frequent conversations with their child about their lives, but a recent study found that just under half don’t ask about what their child does online, despite most young people spending a lot of time online. Today’s handy guide from National Online Safety gives practical advice to parents and carers to help open up those tricky conversations about what young people do online.

‘A mind of their own’ – building children’s emotional wellbeing

Family Matters York is hosting a new, free course for parents and carers to help them build their children’s emotional wellbeing. If your child is anxious, stressed, unmotivated, feeling down or lacking confidence, ‘A mind of their own’ will enable you to share, discuss and learn strategies to equip our children and to support them more effectively as they face the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century.

The course will take place on Saturday 11 March, 9.30-12.00noon at The Belfrey Hall on Stonegate. To reserve a place or to find out more about this and other courses provided by Family Matters, please visit their website.


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition to being able to contact Mrs Cole or Ms Simpson during school hours by emailing, you may wish to make direct contact with the York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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