Name: Kristopher Wong
Profession: Multiskilled maintenance Engineer (formally known as a Controls Engineer)
Primary school: Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Primary Schools
Attended Millthorpe/Nunthorpe: Millthorpe 2011-2016
Post 16 attended University or college? York College
Favourite subject at school: PE
What I thought I wanted to do: A professional athlete, or something along the lines of sport or IT
What I ended up doing: Controls engineering – working machinery, in particular automation and system integration. It can be a mixture of IT, programming, electrical installation and mechanical work, with a lot of fault finding and troubleshooting.
How I got here:I did a BTEC Level 3 90 Credit, two-year course, then a four-year apprenticeship which includes Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations, Level 3 BTEC and NVQ Level 3 job write ups and End Point Assessment.
Most useful skill or character trait for my job: Electrically minded. Programming skills. Communication.
Top tip! Do something you enjoy, and don’t be scared of changing courses/career. Be realistic with your goals. Taking baby steps is key. A challenge will always make you as a person. Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.