Name: Jordan Fentiman
Profession: Strength & Conditioning Coach
Primary school: St Paul’s
Attended Millthorpe/Nunthorpe: Millthorpe School, 2010-15
Post 16 attended University or college? York College 2015-18; Leeds Trinity University 2018-21
Favourite subject at school: PE
What I thought I wanted to do:I had no idea!
What I ended up doing: Working as an Strength & Conditioning Coach in professional rugby league
How I got here: A year long unpaid internship during my first year of uni which eventually turned into a full time paid role.
Most useful skill or character trait for my job: Work ethic
Top tip! Don’t be scared to try new things. It wasn’t until failing my A-Levels that I realised what I wanted to do as a career. Once I did know, I worked as hard as I could to get there. Being hard working and good person to be around will get you far with a lot of people.