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Weekly email – 31 January 2025

2025 > January > 31 > Weekly email – 31 January 2025
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A message from MrsΒ Rothenburg

Today, as our Year 11 students complete their PPEs, I couldn’t be more proud! They have approached their exams with great maturity, and my colleagues and I have been incredibly impressed with their hard work and commitment throughout the exam period. I was also visited by our external invigilators earlier today who wanted to tell me how polite and respectful our Year 11s have been during the PPEs. It is so lovely to get such glowing feedback, so well done to everyone in Year 11! In the coming weeks, teachers will be providing valuable feedback and delivering lessons to help students strengthen areas for improvement identified during the PPEs.

This week, we held our termly SEND Network Evening, for parents/carers of students on the SEND register or those being monitored for SEND support. Attendance at the event was the highest yet, so thank you to all those who came along. We put huge value on effective two-way communication with families, so it is wonderful that so many were able to attend. If any parents/carers were unable to attend and need to speak to the SEND team, you can contact them as usual, by email:

Next week we’re looking forward to hosting a Year 8 cricket tournament here at Millthorpe when we’ll welcome teams from across the city – of course we’ll be cheering for the home side! Also taking place next week is the Co-Create Festival at York St John University, where, on the evening ofΒ 7 February, our Year 10 Drama students will present a devised performance in the University’s Creative Centre. Our students have been working with undergraduate students from York St John on their performance, on the theme of β€˜Radical’. I’m sure they will do us all proud when they take to the stage.

Earlier today, parents/carers of children in Years 7-10Β will have received an emailΒ with a link to a video presentation and letter which details our proposal to make some positive changes to the school day from September 2025. Your views are really important to us so please do take the opportunity to engage with the consultation process,Β full details of which are on our website.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend – we’re back in school on Monday as usual for a β€˜B’ Week.

With best wishes,

Kavina Rothenburg
Acting Principal

What is my child learning at the moment?

Please see below to find out what your child has been learning this week in order to have productive discussions about their education:

Year 7 – Faculty: Global
Conversation starters

  • French:Β Students are talking about school in French and describing their school day. Can they tell you about their school day today in French?
  • Computing:Β Students have been learning about binary and will extend this knowledge by learning about logic gates and logic circuits.

Year 8 – Faculty: HumanitiesΒ 
Conversation starters

  • History:Β Students have been learning about why the trans-Atlantic slave trade grew in the 18th Century and how abolitionists and enslaved people brought it to an end. Ask your child to explain how triangular trade worked and whether Wilberforce should get the credit for ending the slave trade. Students will be writing an essay on this topic so do have a look in their books.
  • RE:Β Our new unit this term is titled: β€˜Is death the end?’ This week we are exploring what it means to live life to the fullest.
  • Geography:Β What is the difference between weather and climate? What instruments are used to measure different aspects of weather?

Year 9 – Faculty: PerformanceΒ 
Conversation starters

  • Drama:Β Scripted Drama – ‘Noughts and Crosses’, Dominic Cooke. Who is Ruby Nell Bridges and why is she important to our understanding of Scene 3? What features of non-naturalistic drama do we see in Scenes 1-6? What is the difference between institutional and individual racism and how do we see these in Scenes 1-6?
  • Music:Β Students are beginning to explore the blues from its heritage in the slave trade through to being a celebratory art form that is the foundation of rock and pop music.
  • PE:Β Students have changed activities. The girls have moved onto fitness and football and the boys have moved onto handball and basketball. Ask your child about the different skills and new rules they have learnt in the sports they are performing.

Year 10 – Faculty: Creative
Conversation starters

  • Food and Nutrition:Β Students are completing the unit on nutrition after completing some challenging 12-mark question practices and an end of unit test.Β We are now moving onto the exciting topic of Food Science which is all about finding out about the functional and chemical properties of ingredients.Β Students will learn what ingredients are composed of, what they do in a recipe and how they do it.
  • 3D and Graphics:Β students have started working on their Component 1 project which will run for one year and is worth 60% of the GCSE. Students have been given a range of starting points to choose from and they have selected one to start researching. Students should be taking their own photographs linked to their theme as their primary research that they can be working from. Please support your child in taking photographs of patterns, reflections, textures and subjects linked to their project. Students are working through a range of techniques to present a number of observations linked to their theme before they choose their first artist to research.
  • Engineers:Β students have recently completed two skills-based projects and are moving back onto theory work. Homework quizzes will now be set on Google Classroom in the first lesson each week and will always be due the following Monday. We will start a practice coursework after half-term.
  • Child Development:Β students are moving onto Task 3 of their RO58, looking into nutritional requirements of two-three year olds and planning a suitable meal.
  • Fine Art:Β students have been busy this half term presenting development work for the ‘Identity’ project in their sketchbooks. Looking at your child’s artwork at home, discussing ideas and encouraging them to persevere when challenged is a great way to support them. Individual feedback has been provided to support your child to complete / refine their SAP (a self-portrait inspired by another artist) ready to hand in on 7 February for assessment. After half term we will start the second stage of our current coursework project – ‘Objects, Memories & Identity’.

Year 11 – Faculty: EnglishΒ 
Conversation starters
Students have worked really hard for their PPE exams, benefitting from whole school Walking Talking Mocks, targeted PPE teaching within lessons, their own revision undertaken at home, and support from families. They will now be embarking on the final part of their literature syllabus – completing poems of Power and Conflict. Ask your child which poem made the strongest impression on them when first studied in Year 10!

We hope that you will find this information useful when talking to your child about their learning. Additionally, you might want to take a look at theΒ curriculum section of our website which has lots more information about what your child will be learning over the academic year.

Year 11 attendance

We’ve been blown away by the Year 11’s approach to their PPEs this year. Over the last few weeks they have arrived in school fully prepared to test themselves against the practice exam papers. It’s been great to see how the year group has responded, recording its highest attendance figures to date. This will give many of them a boost towards achieving the 30-day streak challenge we set for all students as we entered 2025.

Completing the PPEs is vital of course, but now we move into one of the most important stages in GCSE preparation. Your child’s teachers are busy writing feedback and planning lessons to address any misconceptions and areas for improvement identified during the PPEs. We can’t stress enough how important it is that your child continues to come into school every day so knowledge gaps can be plugged, exam technique can be sharpened and pastoral support can be accessed for those who need it.Β Your child will only fully benefit from completing this challenging GCSE practice run if they are in school everyΒ day, listening to their teachers advice and guidance, over the coming weeks and months. We are here to help them every step of the way when they walk through the school gates at 8.40am!

Therapy dog

This week, we have had a therapy dog in school to help build confidence and improve self-esteem for identified children.

Pepper is a working cocker spaniel who is almost five years old.Β Small groups of up to three children were chosen to spend some time with Pepper, which they really enjoyed.Β The children were very excited about Pepper visiting and loved every minute they spent with her.

The children learned how to get Pepper to sit, wait, give her paw and find treats.Β They also learned how to groom Pepper safely.

The time the children spent with Pepper during their sessions was really useful in creating discussion and conversation.

Send Network Evening

We just wanted to say a huge thank youΒ to the large number of people who came to our SEND Network EveningΒ yesterday. Our SEND leads and inclusion team had tea and coffee with parents/carers and discussed support for their students. Sometimes a quickΒ face-to-face conversationΒ is what is needed!

We really valued the event and hope our attendees did too – we will be running another one next term.

The SEND Team

Year 7 students want to show it’s OK for girls to have short hair

Two of our Year 7 students have hit the headlines this week thanks to a campaign to support young female football players with short hair after the team they play for was accused of β€œcheating” by fielding boys in matches.

Antonia and Camille in Year 7, who both play for York RI’s U12 girls football team, were left feeling β€œupset” and β€œfrustrated” by comments made by opposing teams and their supporters.

York RI AFC’s women’s recreational squad took up the cause and made a social media video of players wearing T-shirts with the slogan β€œgirls can have short hair – get over it” to show solidarity with the club’s under 12 girls’ side.

Please take a look at the full story here.

SEN and Safeguarding update from Excel LearningΒ Trust

Every month, Sue Wight, Director of SEN and Safeguarding at Excel Learning Trust circulates tips and advice regarding SEN and safeguarding toΒ parents/carers.

TheΒ January SEN and Safeguarding newsletterΒ can be found here.

Job of the Week –Β Nutritionist

Having an extensive knowledge about food science is key to helping guide someone into developing a healthy active lifestyle and diet, and this is key to the job of a nutritionist. NutritionistsΒ tend to specialise in a particular area such as children or the elderly and this can often be in a hospital to support patient care or rehabilitation.

Watch this video for more information about becoming a nutritionist.

Applying to university

OnΒ Friday 7Β FebruaryΒ we are welcoming colleagues from Kings College, Cambridge into school. TheyΒ will be talking to students who may be interested in applying to university when they have left further education. In particular, this talk is aimed at students considering applying to one of theΒ Russell Group universities, although it is open to anyone.

If your child is in Year 10 and would like to attend the talk and Q & A, please let us know via email:Β

Apprenticeship vacancies

York College is currently advertising a few apprenticeship vacancies which can be seen onΒ the attached pdf. Each vacancy has a hyperlink to the Apprenticeship Service website, where you will find full job details and where you can submit your application.

Also attached areΒ HospitalityΒ andΒ ConstructionΒ vacancies, which require an email or phone call directly to the employer.

A note onΒ closing dates:Β vacancies often close earlier than the stated date, so if you are interested, please make sure you apply as soon as you can.

You can alsoΒ read the attached guidanceΒ on how to write a strong application to ensure the best chance of success.

Other apprenticeships are available and can be accessed through the Careers section of your child’s Google Classroom.

York College’s Apprenticeship Employer Fair

York College’s Apprenticeship Employer Fair will take place onΒ Monday 10Β FebruaryΒ from 5.30-8.00pm. Further information and booking detailsΒ can be found here.

Jobs, Apprenticeships andΒ Skills Fair

The next York Jobs, Apprenticeships and Skills FairΒ will take placeΒ onΒ Tuesday 11 March, 1.00-6.00pm at York Barbican.

Students are welcome to attend any time after school.Β Even if they have their next steps arranged, they can hear from local employers and learn about higher apprenticeships and technical education routes.

Further information can be found here.

Rail industry apprenticeship webinar

If your child is interested in learning about careers and apprenticeship opportunities within the railway industry, this webinar may be useful. It takes place onΒ Wednesday 19 FebruaryΒ at 10.00am.Β Further information and booking details can be found here.

Parent Carer Forum

To find out more about events and support available from the Parent Carer Forum,Β please take a look at their latest newsletter here.

#WakeUpWednesday – A guide to supporting young people to develop their emotional literacy

Emotional literacy refers to the ability to recognise, understand, and express our feelings effectively. Anger at a phone or tablet being confiscated? Frustration or sadness when losing a game? Giving up when struggling in class or with homework?

All young people will experience challenging feelings sooner or later. Emotions are a natural part of life, and while youngsters should be allowed to express themselves, it’s important they also learn how to process these more difficult emotions in a mindful way.

Of course, many children may well be encountering these intense feelings for the first time, and it can be difficult to find the balance between helping them properly handle their emotions while also validating their experiences. That’s why The National Online College has put together this free guide, offering expert advice on supporting youngsters to develop emotional literacy.Β Please take a look.

Online support for students and parents

We wanted to remind you about ourΒ online support app called Padlet, which is a directory of support available for students and parents.

Padlet signposts the user to a range of websites and resources, providing supportΒ and advice relating toΒ mental health, exam stress, online safety, self care, managing emotions, young carers, family support and more.

You can visit the Padlets by scanning the QR codes or clicking the links below.

Visit the Parent Padlet
Visit the Student Padlet


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition toΒ being able to contact Mrs Cole, Mrs Cooper or Mr BeeverΒ during school hours by emailingΒ, you may wish to make direct contact with theΒ York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)Β on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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