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Ian Ramsden


2023 > April > 25 > Ian Ramsden


Name: Ian Ramsden

Profession: Marketing

Attended: Nunthorpe

Post 16 attended: Nunthorpe & Lamar High School, MissourI, USA.

University or college? None

Favourite subject at school: History and Geography

What I thought I wanted to do: Advertising or running my parents’ shop in Nessgate and building it into a chain.

What I ended up doing: Being one of the creators of today’s marketing industry in the 1970s and 80s. Despite hating maths at Nunthorpe, I discovered it was actually a language and became fascinated with data analytics.

I’ve run a top 10 direct marketing agency in London, taught customer loyalty for 24 years, run my own agency and then moved to Sri Lanka to do the same thing.

How I got here: My first job was with Yorkshire General Life in Rougier Street. One day, the pensions department ran an ad in The Press and Yorkshire Post. Two sacks of mail arrived along with cheques (old days, remember) galore.  I was hooked and have spent the last 52 years in direct marketing.

I’ve just finished judging the World Loyalty Awards for the seventh time.

I’m a Founder Member and Fellow of my professional institute and an Educator of the Year.

Most useful skill or character trait for my job: An understanding of people and what makes them tick.

Top tip! Explore your subjects in depth. Don’t settle for the obvious or mundane. You only get one chance of life so don’t waste it on frivolities.

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