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SEND Register

SEND register

The majority of our student’s needs can be met via high quality teaching. To support our students we have different tiers of support:

SEND Monitoring
Our SEND monitoring list is for students that are not receiving “provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age”. Their needs are met by quality first teaching. These children will typically be a Band 0 or 1 on the City of York’s SEND banding documents.

For some of the students on our SEND monitoring list the school will support the child’s needs by completing a ‘Pupil passport’ in partnership with teachers, external agencies (where appropriate) students and parents. These will be created with the SEND team, parents and the child. Teachers will flag to the SENDCo if further intervention is needed, through our graduated approach. The monitoring list is reviewed termly, please feel free to get in touch with us with any concerns.

SEN Support
Some students will require a greater or more specialised level of support/intervention. In partnership with students and parents, either a ‘Pupil Passport’ and/or a “Learning Plan’ will be completed and implemented. This will be developed in partnership with the school, parents and the child. These children will typically be a Band 2 on the City of York’s SEND banding documents. Interventions for students on SEN Support will be led by the SEND team in liaison with the SENCo. Targets will be set and reviewed each term

A small number of students with significant learning difficulties might need an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). These children will typically be a Band 3+ on the City of York’s SEND banding documents. These will be led by the SENDCO and developed in partnership with parents, the child, classroom teachers and any relevant external agencies. Progress towards targets will be reviewed termly, SENDco to lead annual review.

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