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Weekly email – 24 January 2025

2025 > January > 24 > Weekly email – 24 January 2025
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A message from Mrs Rothenburg

Thanks to everyone for another lovely week at Millthorpe. Time is flying by – it’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through this half term!

Earlier this week, as part of the Options Process, we completed our one-to-one meetings with our Year 9 students. These meetings have been invaluable, not only in helping us to ensure the students receive the best guidance and make well-informed decisions, but also so that they all had the opportunity to talk through any queries, concerns or challenges.

During the one-to-one options meetings we also asked two important safeguarding/safety questions: ‘do you feel safe at school?’ and ‘do you have a trusted adult to talk to in school if there is an issue?’ The responses to these questions were overwhelmingly positive and it makes me incredibly proud to know that we have created a culture at Millthorpe where our students feel safe at school.

On Wednesday evening we welcomed Year 9 students and their families into school for Year 9 Options and Progress Evening. Following presentations from myself and Mrs Armitage, our students had chance to talk to subject leads to find out more about the choices available at Key Stage 4. It was lovely to feel a buzz of excitement about the future steps our Year 9s are preparing to take. Further information about options can be found here, together with a digital copy of our Options Brochure.

Year 11s have been putting in a sterling effort with their PPEs this week, demonstrating great resilience and maturity. Congratulations to them all for staying calm, working hard and dealing with the pressure of exams and revision. The PPEs continue next week – you can see the timetable here. If you or your child needs any support, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Next week our SEND Team will be hosting the SEND Network Evening – further information about this can be found below.

Congratulations to those students who came along to my Principal’s Breakfast this morning, following nominations from their faculties, including: Henry, Joseph, Jace, George, Mollie, Tom and Verity.

I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday for an ‘A’ Week.

With best wishes,

Kavina Rothenburg
Acting Principal

What is my child learning at the moment?

Please see below to find out what your child has been learning this week in order to have productive discussions about their education:

Year 7 – Faculty: Science
Conversation starters
Classes are studying a variety of topics in Block 2: Body Systems, Reactions and Space. Students who are studying Body Systems – you can ask them what a tissue is and four functions of the skeleton? Students studying Reactions can be asked the difference between a chemical and a physical change and what the signs of a chemical reaction are? Students who are studying Space can be asked about the difference between mass and weight. Can students explain why the Earth orbits the sun?

All Year 7 Science lessons are uploaded to the Year 7 Science Google classroom.

All Year 7 students have Weekly Science Homework to complete on Sparx Science – this is due every Thursday at 9am!

Year 8 – Faculty: Global
Conversation starters

  • Computing: Students have done a recap on why computers use binary and how everything we do on a computer is translated into binary. They have converted denary numbers into binary and vice versa. They have started learning about hexadecimal, a base 16 number system used in computing to represent large numbers.
  • French: Students are learning about their identity and describing their friends and the music that they like to listen to in French. Can they describe a friend in French?
  • German: Students are learning to talk about food in German, starting with breakfast foods. Can they tell you what their favourite breakfast is in German?

Year 9 – Faculty: Humanities
Conversation starters

  • History: Did Hitler intend WWII? Students have been weighing up the arguments of historians and finding evidence for and against this interpretation of history.
  • RE: We have started a new unit this term, titled The Holocaust – Where was God? We are starting by examining the history of anti-semitism, identity, prejudice and discrimination.
  • Geography: Why is the Middle East an important world region? How is Dubai developing sustainably?

Year 10 – Faculty: Performance
Conversation starters

  • Drama: Devised Drama – ‘Radical’. Students are continuing working on their final devised drama performance for this unit, working with undergraduate students from York St John University. They are producing a devised performance which they will perform at the University in the Creative Centre on the evening of 7 February as part of their ‘Co-Create Festival’. Nearly there now!
  • Music: Students are developing their analysis skills by working on DR SMITH.
  • PE: Students are continuing to develop their skills in rugby, badminton, football and fitness. Students are developing their skills from KS3 with more emphasis on gameplay and developing teamwork, leadership and cooperation skills that will set them up for physical activity in the future.

Year 11 – Faculty: Creative
Conversation starters

  • Fine Art: Students are finalising both Component 1 – coursework projects (‘Identity’ & ‘Sense of Place’) ready to hand in on Friday 31 January. The coursework based 5-hour PPE on 10 January provided our Fine Artists with an opportunity to create a personal response for the ‘Objects / Memories’ stage of the ‘Identity’ project. The PPE will help students to prepare for the two final 5-hour Component 2 exams on 1 and 2 May. The preparation period for Component 2 – the AQA Externally Set Assignment (exam) started on 6 January. Students will spend the next 13 weeks developing a personal response for one question. The support of parents/carers is invaluable during the preparation period. You can help by discussing initial ideas for questions, listening to your child explain their ideas, supporting your child with photographic studies and if possible, ensuring they have quiet space to create samples and develop their personal response(s) at home. Reserving time during the February half-term break to complete development work would also be supportive.
  • Graphics/3D/Textiles: Students have now started their Component 2 project which is worth 40% of their GCSE. Students have chosen their starting point from 15 set by the exam board at the beginning of January. They are exploring their initial research of their starting point and producing observational studies in a range of different media. Students have been sitting their 5-hour PPE as practice for the final exams in the summer, and this is preparing them for how they will use their time and work independently on making their own practical pieces. Students need to keep on top of their work during this preparatory period which runs up to their final exam, as there is much less time than Component 1.
  • Child Development: Students are currently coming to the end of their antenatal topic and will be focussing on finalising their RO59 coursework before starting the final topic, postnatal care. Please advise your child that the coursework deadline is Friday 7 February.
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition: Students are completing their technical trials for NEA2. The vast majority of students are working to the brief based on international meals to serve in the school canteen. Meals need to be well balanced to meet healthy eating guidelines, appeal to school children and be low cost. This will lead to a 3-hour practical exam in the last week of March. More information about the practical exam will be provided shortly.

We hope that you will find this information useful when talking to your child about their learning. Additionally, you might want to take a look at the curriculum section of our website which has lots more information about what your child will be learning over the academic year.

SEND Network Evening – Thursday 30 January

This week, parents/carers of students on the SEND register or those being monitored for SEND support, should have received an invitation to our upcoming SEND Network Evening.

This evening, which will take place on Thursday 30 January from 4.00-5.00pm in the school library, is an informal opportunity to drop in and have a conversation with our SEND team.

We wanted to create a space for face-to-face conversations, which based on parental feedback, is particularly appreciated. There will be a short introduction, followed by tea and biscuits and the opportunity to discuss any SEND-related topics, such as access arrangements, interventions, or anything else you’d like to chat about.

If you’d like to attend, please confirm by clicking this link. This will help us prepare your child’s passport and, of course, ensure we have enough biscuits to go around!

We hope to see you there.

Year 9 Options and Progress Evening

Thank you to all those who attended our Options and Progress Evening on Wednesday. Parents/carers should have now received the email from SIMS online – please check all your mailboxes. If you have not received the email, please let us know by emailing

Here is the link to the SIMS Parent Login Guide. You will need access to SIMS to enable you to submit your child’s option choices. Please follow the instructions and let us know if there are any problems.

The deadline for completion is 10 February 2025.


This week we have reminded students that they must have their fob with them every day if they want to buy food from the canteen. Having their fob ready helps the queue move quicker for everybody and although there is a queue for those without fobs, it is much quicker if everyone has their fob with them.

Can we also remind you that the balance on your child’s fob should be kept in credit please? When checking your child’s balance please remember that it can take a couple of days for payments to reach the kitchen system.

If your child needs to buy a new fob, they can do so from the canteen for £1. It’s best to do this towards the end of break when the queue has died down.

Year 11 access to the Library before morning exams

During the PPEs, the Library will be open for quiet revision from 8am-8.30am each day before the morning exam. We encourage Year 11 students to take the opportunity to come in a little earlier, avoid any stress about being on time, avoid the rush hour and get themselves well prepared for their exam. The room will be supported by Mr Wright and, where possible, a teacher from the subject being examined that morning. Please note that students can only enter via the Nunthorpe Avenue entrance at this time.

Leadership training

This morning, we had a fantastic time with our newly appointed Student Leaders and Student Ambassadors. They all completed a quiz which helped them discover their leadership style and considered its strengths and weaknesses. They then had the opportunity to put into practice our considerations of what makes a good leader by working in groups to complete various tasks. These included building a tower from spaghetti and marshmallows that can support different figures and making a persuasive presentation based around trying to sell glass nails or chocolate fire guards. It was fantastic to see them collaborating as they continue their personal development as leaders.

Earlier this week they supported the school by helping out with Year 9 Options Evening and they have begun to plan exciting projects for the year ahead. We are very proud of how well the teams are working together already. Well done everyone!

Mr Sloan and Miss Boyd

Eco Laundry – uniform donations

If you have any pieces of school uniform or PE kit which your child has grown out of or no longer needs, but is still in good condition, please do donate it to our Eco Laundry. We’d also be happy to receive any revision guides that are no longer needed.

Any donations can be dropped off at the School Office between 8.00am-3.30pm every week day.

Duke of Edinburgh

An updated summary of key dates for Year 9 and Year 10 students taking part in DofE can be found on the website here.

Karaoke Club

After a brief hiatus, Karaoke Club was back at lunchtime today. ‘Call Me Maybe’, ‘Let It Go’, ‘Scars’, ‘You’re Beautiful’ and a Pentatonix version of ‘Hallelujah’ all featured amongst the renditions as the students sheltered from the storm and enjoyed some amazing singing!

Karaoke Club meets on a Friday lunchtime, ‘B’ Weeks only – come along and have a go!

Year 8 indoor cricket tournament

If any Year 8 cricketers would like to play in an indoor cricket tournament on Wednesday 5 February, please see Mr Randall as soon as possible.

Exam Invigilator vacancies

We are seeking to recruit Exam Invigilators to join our existing, well-established team, to start as soon as possible.

Further information can be found here.

Job of the Week – Mortgage Advisor

When buying a new home, you are often encouraged to speak to a mortgage advisor as they give you the best information. They explain the different types of mortgage, as well as offering products that clients can choose from. The most important part of this job is ensuring that people choose a mortgage that they can afford to pay back, otherwise they risk losing their home!

Watch this video for more information about becoming a mortgage advisor.

#WakeUpWednesday – A guide to Health and Fitness Apps

A study entitled The Digital Health Generation has highlighted that more than 70% of young people in the UK, some aged just eight, are using apps and other digital online technologies to track and manage their health. For those of us who might struggle with sticking to a routine or even knowing where to start, physical wellbeing and fitness apps promise to do the heavy lifting for you providing meal plans, exercise routines and more, and of course we want to encourage young people to be physically active.

However, some of these apps aren’t always as safe as they might first appear, and they tend to present a few risks to their users – especially for their underage demographic. That’s why National Online College has put together this free guide on safety concerns around physical wellbeing apps, to provide you with expert advice on how to mitigate these risks for young people.

Online support for students and parents

We wanted to remind you about our online support app called Padlet, which is a directory of support available for students and parents.

Padlet signposts the user to a range of websites and resources, providing support and advice relating to mental health, exam stress, online safety, self care, managing emotions, young carers, family support and more.

You can visit the Padlets by scanning the QR codes or clicking the links below.

Visit the Parent Padlet
Visit the Student Padlet


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition to being able to contact Mrs Cole, Mrs Cooper or Mr Beever during school hours by emailing, you may wish to make direct contact with the York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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