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Our Careers Programme

Careers Guidance at Millthorpe connects learning to the future and is an integral part of Personal, Social and Health Education. Our aim is to motivate students by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding. We believe our careers guidance widens our students’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life. We support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students. The programme includes:

Year 7 Careers Programme

1. Options

LMI and prospectus

Pupils look through brochures and prospectus re HE and discuss – form time activity

Activity takes place in Spring 1.

(Gatsby 2)

2. Interviews

Form time discussion with tutor

During careers form time each pupil will have an opportunity to speak to their form tutor and discuss their aspirations for the future and potential routes/barriers. This will be logged on Compass + via SIMS.

Activity takes place from spring 2 onwards in Y7.

(Gatsby 2, 3, 8)

3. Interaction with HE and employers

Careers lunches

Alumni invited to school to have a ‘careers lunch’ with students who have expressed an interest in this area of work.

(Gatsby 2, 6)

These activities take place throughout the year.

4. ISSP: Independent State School Partnership

Selected students have the opportunity to attend workshops and master classes and talks.

Activity takes place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 4, 5, 7)

5. Questionnaire

Compass +

Pupils complete questionnaire about transition to secondary school and knowledge of HE and skills for life and work.

This activity take place in the Autumn Term.

(Gatsby 3)

6. Presentation

Askham Bryan College

Askham Bryan College to present to students about the courses on offer.

This activity take place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 7)

7. PD lessons

Students taught about broad range of careers and abilities and qualities required for different careers; equality of opportunity; challenging stereotypes, broadening horizons and how to identify future careers aspirations.

This activity take place in Spring 1 and Summer 2.

(Gatsby 1, 4)

Year 8 Careers Programme

1. Options

LMI and prospectus

Pupils look through brochures and prospectus re HE and discuss.

Activity takes place in Spring 1.

(Gatsby 2)

2. Interviews

Form time discussion with tutor

During careers form time each pupil will have an opportunity to speak to their form tutor and discuss their aspirations for the future and potential routes/barriers. This will be logged on Compass + via SIMS.

Activity takes place from Spring 2 onwards in Y8.

(Gatsby 2, 3, 8)

3. Interaction with HE and employers

Careers lunches

Alumni invited to school to have a ‘careers lunch’ with students who have expressed an interest in this area of work.

These activities take place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 2, 6)

4. ISSP: Independent State School Partnership

Selected students have the opportunity to attend workshops, master classes and talks.

Activity takes place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 4, 5, 7)

5. Pupil workshop

Trading Game

NYBEP to deliver Trading Game workshops for all pupils, learning about key employability skills.

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 3)

6. Presentation

York College

To present to students about the courses on offer.

This activity take place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 7)

7. PD lessons

Equality of opportunity in life and work; challenging stereotypes and discrimination in relation to work and pay.

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 4)

Year 9 Careers Programme

1. Options

LMI and prospectus

Pupils look through brochures and prospectus re HE and discuss.

Activity takes place once per half-term.

(Gatsby 2)

Options Evening

Options Evening – parents and pupils invited to discuss GCSE options with subject leaders.

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 3)

2. Interviews

Form time discussion with tutor

During careers form time each pupil will have an opportunity to speak to their form tutor and discuss their aspirations for the future and potential routes/barriers. This will be logged on Compass + via SIMS.

Activity takes place from Spring 1 onwards in Y9.

(Gatsby 2, 3, 8)

3. Interaction with HE and employers

Careers Fair

Pupils will attend Careers Fair.

These activities take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 2, 6)

4. Questionnaire

Compass +

Pupils complete a questionnaire about transition from KS3-4, employability skills, knowledge of HE and skills for life and work.

This activity take place in Spring 2.

(Gatsby 3)

5. ISSP: Independent State School Partnership

Selected students have the opportunity to attend workshops, master classes and talks.

Activity takes place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 4, 5, 7)

6. Pupil workshop

Preparation for Employment

NYBEP to deliver student workshops linked to GCSE options – including coverage of employability skills and local labour market.

This activity take place in the Spring Term (to link to option choices)

(Gatsby 1, 2, 5)

7. Applications

Dummy job applications

Pupils complete applications for a dummy job and receive personalised feedback (supported by school enterprise advisors).

This activity take place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 2, 3, 5, 8)

8. PD lessons

Pupils taught about:

  • Young people’s employment rights and responsibilities; skills for enterprise and employability
  • Giving and acting upon constructive feedback; habits and strategies to support progress
  • Managing ‘personal brand’ online; identifying and accessing support for concerns relating to life online

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 4)

9. Presentation

Derwent College

Derwent College to present to pupils regarding the courses on offer.

This activity take place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 7)

Year 10 Careers Programme

1. Options

LMI and prospectus

Pupils to focus on post-16 options available in the York area and complete mock-applications.

Activity takes place in Autumn 1.

(Gatsby 2)

2. Pupil visits

Careers Fair

Pupils will attend Careers Fair.

This activity takes place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 2, 5)

3. Interviews

Mock Interviews

All pupils to have mock interviews with employers.

This activity takes place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 2, 5)

4. ISSP: Independent State School Partnership

Selected students have the opportunity to attend workshops, master classes and talks.

Activity takes place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 4, 5, 7)

5. Pupil workshop

Job Applications

Dummy job applications (PD lessons).

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 2, 5)

6. PD lessons

Pupils taught about:

  • Evaluating strengths and interests in relation to career development
  • Opportunities in learning and work
  • Strategies for overcoming challenges or adversity
  • Responsibilities in the the workplace
  • Managing practical problems and health and safety
  • Maintaining a positive personal presence online

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 4)

7. Presentation

ASK Opportunities Offer

Awareness assemblies and support sessions about apprenticeships and T-Levels for students, parents and staff.

This activity take place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 7)

8. Workplace visit

One-day visit to an employer

All pupils visit an employer for a day, engaging in meaningful employment activities.

This activity take place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 6)

Year 11 Careers Programme

1. Options

LMI and prospectus

Pupils to focus on post-16 options available in the York area and complete mock-applications and support to complete actual applications.

Activity takes place in Autumn 1.

(Gatsby 2)

2. Pupil visits

Careers Fair

Pupils will attend Careers Fair.

This activity takes place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 2, 5)

3. Interviews

Careers Advice

All pupils to have two 1-hour careers advice sessions with school careers advisor.

(Gatsby 2, 5)

4. Residential

NCS Programme

Residential and community action project for the summer after students finish GCSEs – for students who complete applications.

Activity takes place in the Summer Term.

(Gatsby 4, 5, 7)

5. PD lessons

Pupils taught about:

  • Using feedback constructively when planning for the future
  • Setting and achieving SMART targets
  • Effective revision techniques and strategies
  • Options post-16 and pathways
  • Application processes, including CVs, personal statements and interview technique
  • Maximising employability, including managing online presence and taking opportunities to broaden experience
  • Rights, responsibilities and challenges in relation to working part time whilst studying
  • Managing work/life balance

This activity take place in the Spring Term.

(Gatsby 1, 4)

6. Presentation

ASK Opportunities Offer

Awareness assemblies and support sessions about apprenticeships and T-Levels for students, parents and staff.

York College

Awareness assemblies about the application process and offers from post-16 providers.

School Sixth Forms


These activities take place throughout the year.

(Gatsby 7)

How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme

We will evaluate the success of the careers programme by:

  • External Review: In 2017 the school’s excellent work in providing a first class careers education to all students was recognised by receiving the prestigious Quality in Careers standard. In the report the assessor highlighted particular strengths of the school’s CEIAG provision, including: ‘Inclusivity is outstanding, with strong evidence of tailored support and excellent outcomes for most vulnerable students’, and ‘There is strong leadership and commitment to CEIAG with good communication links between all those involved in CEIAG.’
  • Published data: The Department for Education publishes a range of data on pupil destinations at 16 and 18 and we compare our school with all schools in England.
  • Evaluating activities: We evaluate the success of each activity by asking our students and providers for feedback on the impact of all activities.

Our Careers Team

We are always looking for new employers and businesses, parents and past students to collaborate with us. If you would like to get involved delivering assemblies, mock interviews or workshops, or should you wish to contact our aspirations and careers team to give feedback, or seek help, please contact our careers lead, Sarah Watts on or by phone on 01904 686400.

Steven McLean is our impartial Careers Adviser and can be contacted by email on

Review of Information published

We will review the information published on our website on an annual basis and update/amend were necessary. Our next review is due in September 2024.

Provider Access Policy

Working in partnership

Millthorpe School is part of the Careers and Enterprise Company, York and North Yorkshire Careers Hub

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