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Ski trip 2023 – Mr Boothman’s presentation For those who were unable to attend the meeting in February, please see Mr Boothman’s presentation below:  
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Free accredited courses for parents from The AIM Group South Bank Multi Academy Trust has been contacted by The AIM Group who deliver Free online Level 2 Accredited Courses to parents to help better understand some key issues around young people’s mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with...
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Attendance Update I wanted to write to you again, following my letter ( on the 13 January, to thank you for your continuing support with your child or children’s attendance and punctuality, and also to explain a little about a number of new processes we have introduced and refined recently. As you may be aware,...
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NATIONAL STRIKE ACTION – UPDATE In the last week, we have seen the announcement of national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) which has caused much interest in the public domain and amongst our staff, parents and carers. Millthorpe School and South Bank MAT absolutely respect the rights of our staff to take...
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This year we are introducing a careers newsletter to keep our pupils and their families/carers up-to-date with all the latest information about careers and post-16 opportunities. All students at Millthorpe receive targeted careers education within PSHE lessons throughout the academic year. In addition, we provide students with a range of opportunities to access up-to-date careers...
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I wanted to write to you regarding some improvements we are making to ensure that you have a regular indication of your child’s attendance and punctuality to school. The vast majority of Millthorpe students are on time to school and have very good attendance, and we are very grateful to parents and carers for their...
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This year we are introducing a careers newsletter to keep our pupils and their families/carers up-to-date with all the latest information about careers and post-16 opportunities. All students at Millthorpe receive targeted careers education within PSHE lessons throughout the academic year. In addition, we provide students with a range of opportunities to access up-to-date careers...
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Dear parent/carer A team from the Harrogate and District Foundation NHS Trust’s School Age Immunisation Service is due to visit Millthorpe School on 16 January to deliver the flu nasal spray to students in Years 7, 8 and 9 whose parents have consented. All parents should have received a letter earlier this week. Your child will not receive...
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Dear parent/carer As we are about to come to the end of our first full term, I thought that it would be an opportune time to write to you with some information in relation to physical education at Millthorpe School. Dressing for the occasion Moving into the colder months can I remind you that it...
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Dear parent/carer, We are writing to inform you of a recent increase in notifications of scarlet fever to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), above seasonal expected levels. You may have seen this in the media which may be causing you some concern.  We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the...
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