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Clubs and activities

Extra-curricular activities

We aim to provide a wealth of opportunities to our students so that they can not only grow academically, but also as an individual and holistically. We can’t wait for you to get involved and look forward to seeing you there!

To find out more about the clubs and activities, just click on the club names below.


Sport and PE clubs


Monday (A Week only) | Lunchtime | Gym

Indoor archery club for students in all years.

Run by: Miss Watts

Badminton Club

Monday | After school | Sports Hall

An opportunity for students in Years 7-11, to play badminton matches and develop their badminton.

Run by: Mr Randall


Monday | Lunchtime | Sports hall

An opportunity for students to have fun and improve their basketball skills.

Run by: Mr Randall

Year 9-11 Bouldering Club

Thursday | After school | Red Goat

Indoor bouldering and climbing challenge at Red Goat that develops confidence, teamwork and fitness in a safe and attractive venue. Students must be aged 14+.

Run by: Mr Randall


Tuesday | Lunchtime | Gym

A fun session for students who would like to play dodgeball.

Run by: Mr Nicholson

Fitness Club

Tuesday | After school | Sports Hall

An opportunity for students to have fun and improve their fitness.

Run by: Mr Randall

Year 7 Football

Monday | After school | AGP

A training session for Year 7 boys interested in playing football.

Run by: Mr Randall

Year 8 Football

Friday | After school (B Week) | AGP

A training session for Year 8 boys interested in playing football.

Run by: Mr Randall

Year 9 Football

Friday | After school (A Week) | AGP

A training session for Year 9 boys interested in playing football.

Run by: Mr Randall

Year 10 Football

Thursday | After school (A Week) | AGP

A training session for Year 10 boys interested in playing football.

Run by: Mr Nicholson

Year 11 Football

Thursday | After school (B Week) | AGP

A training session for Year 10 boys interested in playing football.

Run by: Mr Nicholson

Year 7-9 Girls football

Tuesday | After school | AGP (Keep an eye on the bulletin each week to check this is still happening).

A training session for girls in Year 7-9 interested in playing football.

Run by Miss Lansdall 

Year 9-10 Girls Football

Thursday | After school | AGP/Sports Hall (Keep an eye on the bulletin each week to check this is still happening).

A training session for girls in Year 9-10 interested in playing football.

Run by Miss Lansdall 

Year 7 Netball

Wednesday | Lunchtime | Sports Hall

Developing netball game play for Year 7 students.

Run by: Miss Lansdall

Year 8 Netball

Tuesday | Lunchtime | Sports Hall

Developing netball game play for Year 8 students.

Run by: Miss Lansdall

Year 9/10/11 Netball

Thursday | Lunchtime | Sports Hall

Developing netball game play for Year 9/10/11 students.

Run by: Miss Watts


Friday | Lunchtime | Sports Hall

An opportunity for students to have fun and improve their volleyball skills.

Run by: Mr Randall

Music and performance clubs

Brass Group

Wednesday | Lunchtime | M1/M2

A musical get together for all brass players.

Run by: Mr McGregor


Wednesday | Lunchtime | M1

All welcome!

Run by: Mrs Longbottom

Concert Band

Thursday | Lunchtime | M1

Concert Band for wind and string instruments. 

Run by: Mrs Longbottom

Guitar Club

Monday | Lunch Time | M1

All guitarists and bass players are welcome to come along.

Run by: Mrs Longbottom

Jazz Band

Tuesday | Lunchtime | M1

Senior ensemble and suited to players Grade 3 and above.

Run by: Mrs Longbottom

Karaoke Club

Friday (B Week only) | Lunch Time | Music Studio

Aspiring singers gather to sing their favourite karaoke hits! (Please note that no food is allowed.)

Run by: Mr Baybutt

School Production

Each year, the Music and Drama teams produce a school production showcasing the talents of students in Years 8-11. Auditions take place in July and rehearsals run from September – December.

Run by: Mrs Sladen

Other fun clubs

Axiom Maths Circle - Year 7s

Look out for Year 7 Axiom Maths Circle later this year. Invites from the maths department. 

Book Club

Wednesday | After school | Library

An opportunity for students to get together, read and discuss some great books!

Run by: Miss Brooks

Bullet Journal Club

Monday | 1.30-2.00pm | Art D6

A bullet journal is a creative method for personal organisation. Some people create bullet journals to structure their days, weeks and months whilst others use them more holistically to track their thoughts, feelings and favourite things. Bullet journals are completely unique to you! In this club, Year 8 and 9 students work on their own bullet journal each week, taking inspiration from many sources and using a range of exciting resources.

Run by: Miss Braid

Coding Club

Wednesday |Lunchtime | PC1 & PC2

Students in all years get together to code!

Run by: Mr Turner and Mr Pollard

Creative Writing Club

Thursday | After school | B13

A creative writing club for all budding authors! Students gather together to read out a small piece of creative writing they have done since the last meeting, based on a prompt they all agreed on at the last meeting.

Run by: Mr Brothers

Culture Club

Thursday | Lunchtime (1.30-2.00pm) | A11

This is an opportunity for students to explore different cultures and deliver presentations to others.  

Run by: Miss Richards

Debate Club

Monday | After school | A3

Pupils meet to debate current affairs and other issues. They research, write and deliver speeches, developing the mastery of the art of rhetoric, and take part in formal debates including opening speeches, rebuttals, open debate and closing speeches.

Run by: Ms Lingard and Mr Longworth

Dungeons and Dragons

Thursday | After school | Library

An opportunity to play DnD with other students.

Run by: Miss Brooks

FPL Club

Friday | Lunchtime | B3

Fantasy football club.

Run by: Mr Sloan

French Drop-ins

Monday | 12.30-1.00pm | C5

Weekly opportunity for KS4 French students to drop-in and practise their speaking.

Run by: Mrs Gourdin

GCSE 3D/Graphic Club

Monday and Thursday | Lunchtime | D5

An opportunity for GCSE students to learn more!

GCSE Art Club

Tuesday | 1.30-2.00pm | Art D6

Art Club for students in Years 10 and 11.

Run by: Miss Braid

GCSE Graphics Club

Monday | After school | Room TBC

Graphics Club for students in Years 10 and 11.

Run by: Miss Braid

LGBT+ Club

Thursday | Lunchtime | A6

Safe space for all pupils to discuss topics related to the LGBT+ community.

Run by: Mr Newman

Language Ambassadors

Tuesday | 12.30-1.00pm | C5 & C6

For KS3 students.

Run by: Mrs Gourdin

Manga Club

Monday | After school | Library

Run by: Miss Brooks

Maths - Year 11 Interventions

Monday | After school 

Year 11 students will be invited to these interventions by the Maths Department. 

Run by: Maths Department

School Production: Staging & Prop Design

Monday | 1.30pm | D&T

For students who would like to get involved with the school production behind the scenes.

Run by: Mr Cooper and Mrs Price


Friday | After school | Library

An opportunity to play Warhammer with other students.

Run by: students (supervised by Miss Brooks).

YoYo Club

Wednesday | Lunchtime | A11

Run by: Miss Richards

Young Carers Drop-in

Friday (A Week only) | Lunchtime | B16

Drop-in for young carers – dates are published on the board opposite the B Block toilets and in the student bulletin at the start of the week.

Run by: York Carers Centre and Mrs Cole

Harry Potter Club

Tuesday | After school | Library

Run by: Miss Brooks

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