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Our homework policy - information for families

At Millthorpe School, we recognise the educational benefit of setting quality homework regularly.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research proves that homework can add up to 5 months progress, whilst completing work away from the classroom helps to develop students’ independence, builds good study skills and helps them to take control of their own learning. Homework also enables teachers to identify gaps in knowledge, misconceptions and inform their future planning for the benefit of all students.

We are also careful to ensure that students have sufficient time for extracurricular activities, clubs, hobbies and interests, as well as socialising and family time. To help with this, teachers give sufficient time for the students to complete the task. Teachers do not set homework that is due the next school day unless it is a very short (maximum 10 mins) consolidation or preparation task that is essential for the next day’s lesson.

Please take a look at our Homework Policy 2024-26 here.

Explaining the homework policy to students

Here at Millthorpe we have a student friendly version of the whole school homework policy which tutors explain to their students. This is to ensure that all students are clear about why we set homework, what homework they can expect, which platforms are used and what support is available should they need it. It also explains how we monitor this weekly and reward students who are receiving the most Homework Praise on ClassCharts, and how it is followed up with families if there are issues with homework completion.

Parents/carers might want to use this in discussions with their child so it is available here – Homework Policy 2024-26 – Information for students.

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