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SEND and Inclusion FAQs

Frequently asked questions

We’ve collated lots of FAQs below which we hope will be useful, but if you can’t find the answer, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Mrs V Hill, SEND Administrator will deal with all enquiries n the first instance and direct your enquiry to the relevant person:

T: 01904 686400

Details of our SEND Team can be found here.

How will staff know my child’s needs?

All students with SEND are on the Special Educational Needs Register which is accessible to all staff. Staff use this information and more detailed inclusion plans to inform their lesson planning, teaching and student learning activities. Targeted interventions are planned and delivered where appropriate. This may include small group or individual work across a range of activities.

How will I know that my child is making progress?

All students, including those with SEND, are assessed on a regular basis, in accordance with the School’s Assessment Policy. Teachers formally assess and review progress and attainment three times a year in KS3 and four times a year in KS4, which is communicated to parents/carers by a report that is sent home. Additionally, Parents Evenings are held once a year when there is an opportunity to discuss progress, attainment and next steps. All students with an Education Health Care Plan have an Annual Review. SEND students who are on the register will have information on their progress reviewed three times a year.

How do you evaluate provision?

The school has a Quality Assurance process that assesses the effectiveness of Teaching and Learning for all students, including those with SEND. The outcomes of these evaluations are used to create and implement development plans for all aspects of school life. Additionally, progress and attainment data for students is analysed for effectiveness and value for money.

Who should I contact if I want to find out more about how Millthorpe supports pupils with SEND?

The Vice Principal in charge of Inclusion and SEND is Mrs Armitage.Β 

Mrs Norman is Assistant Principal: Inclusion and SENDCo.

How do you check and review the progress of my child and how will I be involved?

The school will send home three reports a year in KS3 and four reports a year in KS4 which will provide information on your child’s progress, attitude to learning, homework, attendance, lateness, start point and End of Year target. Heads of faculty, subject leaders, heads of year and teaching staff will monitor and review your child’s progress and where concerns are identified an appropriate intervention will be put in place.

We welcome the involvement of parents/carers and want to keep you up-to-date and involved with your child’s progress. We do this through parents evenings; notes in planners; email; telephone calls; letters; texts; website; appointments made with individual teachers and annual reviews.

How do teachers help pupils with SEND?

Our teachers have high expectations of all students, including those with SEND. All teachers will be told about your child’s individual needs and will adapt their lessons to meet these requirements. Teachers have experience and/or are trained in doing this. This may involve using different strategies, more practical/adaptation of resources and activities. This means your child can access the lessons fully.

Within school there are a variety of staff roles to help us fully support your child. Where it is felt it is the right thing to do a student may be offered additional help and support, in which case you would be informed. There are a range of interventions and additional subject support which are available, and should your child need this, we will discuss this with you. When your child begins courses which are externally examined, if we think it is needed, we will assess and apply for exam Access Arrangements according to the Joint Council for Qualifications exam regulations. This application will usually happen in Year 10 of the exam courses.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Most of our students follow the school curriculum, a small number of learners have a more personalised curriculum to match their individual needs, identified by school in partnership with parents and carers. Pathways for GCSE are tailored to need, based on school assessment.

Is there additional support available to help pupils with SEND with their learning?

We have a wide range of staff to support pupils and address any additional needs they may have, including pupils with SEND. This includes the SENDCo, Inclusion team and Pastoral team.

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the children’s special educational needs?

Resources are allocated based on evidence of need and effectiveness. Students with an EHCP have resources allocated as outlined in their Plan. Teaching assistants are allocated to support students in lessons. Staff liaise closely with them to ensure maximum effectiveness. They have a huge range of skills to offer in supporting students directly and indirectly, assisting staff and helping parents/carers.

How much/what support will my child receive?

Students with EHCPs will have targets and strategies set by the SENDCo, support staff and subject teachers.Β Annual Reviews will take place involving the student, parents/carers, subject staff and other professionals when they will evaluate these targets and strategies and assess their impact. The decision is based on evidence of need and impact.

What social, before and after school, and other activities are available for pupils with SEND?

A large range of academic and hobby/interest clubs are available at Millthorpe. They are open to all students, including students with SEND. Details of these clubs are available here.

Additionally, we run activities to support SEND students including break and lunch clubs and homework club to mention a few.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

One way we support our students is by assigning them to a form tutor who will (in most cases) remain with them as they progress through school.

There are additional members of staff who are able to provide pastoral support, these include: heads of year, SENDCo, the Inclusion Team, key workers and also the Safeguarding Team. We also have excellent relationships with a number of external agencies, for example: The Educational Psychology Service; the Autism Support Service; the Visual and Hearing Impairment teams; and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?

The SENDCo is undertaking the SEND qualification and all of our staff undergo a comprehensive professional training programme to keep up to date with any recent developments. We also work closely with CYC Specialist Teaching teams who provide ongoing support and training for our staff.

How will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We will support you by making sure that you are aware of the key staff in school with whom you can raise issues or concerns and we will use planners and the school website to make sure you are kept informed. You will also be given guidance and advice by your child’s teachers on how you can support their learning when you attend parents’ evenings or review meetings and staff will be happy to discuss this with you at other times should you wish.

Who should I contact to find out about support for parents and families of children with SEND?

In addition to the contacts in school, you can also find more information on the SEND Updates page of the YorOK website.

How will the school prepare and support my child when joining your school?

We liaise closely with primary schools and support services and provide additional transition support both before your child starts and once they have joined us at Millthorpe if it is needed.

Where can I find out about other services that might be available for our family and my child?

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