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Starting school in September

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to Millthorpe!

Your first day

Year 7 pupils will start atΒ Millthorpe on TuesdayΒ 3 September. You will have the whole day withΒ only the Year 11 StudentΒ Leaders (who you met on your Transition Day) so that you can familiarise yourselves before everyoneΒ else returns to school onΒ Wednesday 4 September.

You will spend most of the first morning with your form tutor, who you will meet on the Transition Day in July, and they will give you your planner and timetable. You will begin to get to know other students in your form and have lots of opportunity to ask any questions.

Before your first day, you will hopefully have had the chance to visit us and should also have received lots of useful information:

Primary school visits

We try to visit all our potential students at their primary school during their time in Year 6, so that you could meet us, and we can share key information with you. This way, you will recognise some friendly faces when you arrive at school and will have all the information you need.

Transition events

We are holding:

TransitionΒ  Evening on Monday 1 July for those joining us in Year 7 in September 2024. Students and their families are all welcome.

Transition Day on Wednesday 3 July, where you will come in to school for a day and do lots of taster sessions and see what it is like to be a Millthorpian.

Form groups

This year, there will be seven forms in Year 7. Each form will haveΒ approximately 30 studentsΒ in them from a variety ofΒ different primary schools.

Your form will stay the same throughout the whole five years at Millthorpe. You will see the people in your form every day for the first 30 minutes of school.

Form tutors

Your new form will be lookedΒ after by a form tutor, a teacherΒ in school who will look afterΒ you and offer guidanceΒ and support every day.Β 

You will see your form tutor with the rest of your form every morning fromΒ 8.45am to 9.15am. They willΒ do the register, pass on anyΒ messages, check your uniformΒ and equipment and makeΒ sure you have everythingΒ that you need for the day. InΒ effect they will ensure youΒ are READY to learn. YourΒ form tutor will get to knowΒ you really well, a bit like yourΒ Year 6 teacher does. TheyΒ will look after you, make sureΒ everything is okay and ensureΒ that you have a positiveΒ start to each school day.

Your parents or carers willΒ be able to contact them ifΒ they need to and they willΒ be the teacher in school thatΒ you can go to if you need anyΒ help, support, or advice. YourΒ form will be 7 (for Year 7)Β and then the three initials ofΒ your form tutor eg 7HBO.

You will also be lookedΒ after by Millthorpe’s PastoralΒ Team – we will share moreΒ information about who they areΒ and how they will support youΒ when we come to visit you.

Moving to Millthorpe

Don’t forget to have a look at our Transition Guide: Moving to MillthorpeΒ – it’s full of useful information!

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