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Year 11 Virtual Art Gallery 2022

Y11 Virtual Art Gallery

While in Years 10 and 11, our students followedΒ AQA’s Art & Design (Fine Art) GCSEΒ course and worked in two or more of the following areas: Drawing & Painting; Mixed Media; Sculpture; Print making; Photography. Every student has accomplished so much and their hard work has resulted in diverse and powerful portfolios which we’re very proud to showcase – just click a student name below to see a snapshot of their coursework portfolio.

Congratulations to all our Year 11 GCSE Art students from 2022 for their amazing GCSE coursework!

Amelia Neville

Anya Smith

Asma Al Gharawy

Brook Harrison

Emily Knox

Eric Bell

George Bennett

Harald Davey

Hattie Davison

Josef Lambley

Keeley Jones

Kiera Medd

Leah Elliott

Leah Vaistij

Lizzy Austin Falconer

Milly Haigh

Neve Dixon

Tilly Brichieri

Year 11 student

Year 11 student

Find out more about our Art curriculum here.

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