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Young carers

Young Carers

What is a Young Carer?

A young carer is someone aged under 18 years who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.

Why do Young Carers need support in school?

A report completed by Carers Trust in 2024 (Caring and classes: the education gap for young carers) includes the following key findings:

  • Young carers missed on average more than a month of their education (23 days of school).
  • Almost half (46%) of young carers at secondary school in England were persistently absent in 2022/23. This means they missed at least 10% of school. That’s one day of school every fortnight.
  • Almost half (48%) of young carers reported being bullied in the past year.
  • More than two in five (44%) young carers frequently struggle to study for tests or exams because of the demands of their caring situation.
  • Almost a third of young carers (30%) are regularly late for school because of the demands of their caring situation.
Millthorpe’s commitment to Young Carers

Here at Millthorpe, we are committed to meeting the needs of young carers so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other students and achieve their potential.

We have a designated Young Carers Lead, Mrs Cole, who has responsibility for supporting young carers and their families alongside the Pastoral team. Students and families can contact Mrs Cole whilst in school, via the main school number or the dedicated Young Carers email address (see below).

Once a young carer is identified, the school will speak to the young person and contact parents/carers to discuss the support that can be offered inside. The school has an effective referral system and strong partnerships in place with York Carers Centre who can offer support outside of school as well as visiting students in school where possible. 

At Millthorpe we listen to our Young Carers and we recognise that they all may need additional support. Our offer includes:

  • Fortnightly drop in sessions which offer students the chance to to discuss any worries they may have, receive support from other young carers and have a bit of “time out”. 
  • Support from our Young Carers Lead alongside their Progress Leader, as and when required.
  • Practical support such as access to learning materials and support with transitions to post-16 provision
  • Access to provisions such as breakfast club and our Eco-Laundry.
  • Close liaison with York Carers Centre with the opportunity to access their youth groups outside of school hours.
  • Referral to York Carers Centre for one-to-one emotional support for those students who have the highest need.
  • All staff receive training on how to identify Young Carers and how to support them inside the classroom. 
  • All staff are aware of who our Young Carers are so that they understand the additional support required and any reasonable adjustments they may need. 
  • All students receive an awareness session during the academic year so that they know how to support friends who are Young Carers and know who to contact if they would like to discuss their caring role. 
Further information

If you are a student, parent or carer and would like to receive further information, or you would like to self-refer, please email Mrs Cole – just click the button below:

All students are welcome to attend the fortnightly drop-in which is advertised on the bulletin each week. This is held in the Pastoral unit on Friday ‘A’ Week at lunchtime.

If you would like to know about further support for Young Carers outside of school please access the Young Carers section on the Padlet:

Support for students Padlet

Support for parents Padlet

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