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Weekly email – 15 October 2021

2021 > October > 15 > Weekly email – 15 October 2021

Covid-19 – testing over half-term

The DfE is encouraging students to continue to test twice-weekly over the half-term break and preferably take an LFD test the night before they return to school. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Proposed merger consultation

As you will have seen in the letter dated 11 October 2021, a consultation has begun on the proposal for South Bank Multi Academy Trust to join with South York Multi Academy Trust. The consultation will run until 3.00pm on 12 November 2021.

The letter contains full details about the proposal and consultation. Our Trust Board would very much like to hear your opinion and would encourage you to respond to the consultation by completing the feedback form (please note this will download as a Word document). Please email your completed form to by the deadline.

Student Leadership applications

Mr Black and Mr Sloan are delighted to open up applications for next year’s Student Leaders. This morning during assembly some of our current Year 11 Student Leaders spoke to the Year 10s about this fantastic opportunity which is open to everyone in Year 10.

If anyone would like to apply, the application form, which can be downloaded here, should be completed and returned by Friday 5 November.

Year 10 GCSE Art & Textiles visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Parents/carers of Art & Textiles students should have received an email outlining arrangements for the study visit next Friday, 22 October. Please note that students should bring a mask, wear casual, warm clothing including a waterproof jacket and footwear suitable for walking on grass and gravel.

To finalise arrangements it is important that all parents/carers complete the consent form, make payment and return the packed lunch order (Pupil Premium students only) via ParentPay by Monday 18 October please.

Thank you in advance for your support and apologies for the short notice.

Brandon Hunt to visit Millthorpe

Upcoming pop sensation Brandon Hunt is performing for Year 7-9 students next Tuesday and delivering some important PSHE messages in the process. He will have merchandise available including pens for sale at £1.00 and T-shirts at £7.50. You can find out more about Brandon here.

Wake up Wednesday – Apple Guided Access

This week’s ‘Wake up Wednesday’ from National Online Safety is about Apple Guided Access.

iPhones and iPads don’t offer separate user accounts, so when you hand your Apple device to a child to play a game or watch a video, you’re also handing them access to your email, the web, messaging and other apps through which they could accidentally do something regrettable.

Apple Guided Access solves this problem by letting you restrict the iPhone or iPad to one particular app whenever your child uses the device. If they try and leave that app, they will be asked for a password or Face ID, meaning they can’t access anything they shouldn’t.

In the guide, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to set it up and switch it on, so you can confidently let your child borrow your iPhone or iPad.

Can you crack the code?

It’s week 5 of our ‘just for fun’ Crack the Code puzzle…

In honour of this weekend’s Yorkshire Marathon (look out for the Maths Department’s very own Mr Bruce), this week’s puzzle has a marathon theme.

Round the official length of a marathon to the nearest mile, then divide this by the number of whole hours taken by Ethiopia’s Sissay Lemma in this year’s London Marathon, and finally subtract the number of minutes from his winning time minutes.

You should now have five answers… If numbers were letters you have an anagram of a maths word to solve. All the answers will be revealed next week.

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