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Weekly email – 27 May 2022

2022 > May > 27 > Weekly email – 27 May 2022
Millthorpe School shield

School uniform

This message applies to students in Years 7-10.

School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student community. These factors contribute to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and the added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. With seven school weeks left until the summer holidays we thought it timely to remind students, parents and carers of our uniform expectations. These can be found on the school website.

We ask that parents please pay particular attention to the footwear section of the uniform policy. A general rule of thumb is no matter how convincing the retailer’s advertising is, the likes of Nike and Converse don’t produce traditional school shoes! Our uniform policy does not allow sports shoes/trainers, branded or unbranded.

We understand that some students are medically exempt from wearing particular shoes, so if this is the case, we kindly ask that parents provide the school with evidence from the doctor/hospital. To make things even easier we advise parents to stick a copy of this evidence to the inside cover of their child’s planner. If you feel that this is not appropriate due to the sensitive nature of some conditions, we ask that students present the information to their Year Team and they will make a note to the same effect.

Using the planner
If unforeseen circumstances mean your child will not be in the correct uniform for a short period of time then we ask that this is noted in your child’s planner with a date by which the issue will be resolved. This note means students will not be sanctioned. Without a note in the planner students are either given one negative behaviour ‘point’ if the issue can be resolved then and there, for example, excessive make up, or a 30-minute detention if the uniform issue can’t be rectified immediately, for example, wearing trainers.

When the forecast is for hot weather, we will temporarily remove the requirement to wear a blazer. This will be notified in advance, for a specified period. If there has been no notification, students should assume they need to wear their blazer. On days when blazers are not required, students should be dressed in a shirt and tie as normal. Naturally, they should not substitute their blazer for non-uniform jumpers, hoodies or jackets.

Thank you for your cooperation.

EcoLaundry – pre-loved uniform

Many of you will know that we offer an affordable uniform service in school, stocked with a range of sizes, all of which are clean and in excellent condition.

We will be opening the EcoLaundry to our new Year 7 students next half term and are currently running low on stock for some items. If you are buying new items of uniform for your child(ren) over the half-term break, please remember that we welcome donations of pre-loved uniform in good condition. Donations can be dropped off at the School Reception any time between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Thank you in advance.

If you wish to request items from the Eco Laundry, please email with the items needed and your child’s size and our amazing volunteers will get back to you to let you know what we have available. They will then leave the agreed items in reception for you, or your child, to collect, and add the nominal charge to your child’s ParentPay account.

Biometric registration

You will recall that we wrote to parents earlier in the year about improving the security of the school using magnetic locks on external doors during lesson times. On Thursday and Friday after half term (9 and 10 June) we will be registering students in Years 7-10 on the biometric system so that they can operate the door locks using their fingers or thumbs on the infrequent occasions where they need to do so. We can only register students for whom we have written consent from parents. If you wish to give consent and you haven’t yet done so, your child will be able to collect a consent form from his or her form tutor after half term.

Calling all Year 11 parents

Thank you to all those who have already sent us photos of their child(ren) to share in the Leavers Assembly. We are sure you will appreciate that this is a huge task (but a labour of love!) so we would really appreciate you sending in your photos as soon as possible. We will set a deadline after half term but it would really help us if you could send them through as soon as you can.

Please email your photos to and remember to include your child’s name! Thank you.

Year 7 Bolton Abbey trip – 23 and 24 June

We’re really excited to be able to run Geography field trips again, so this year we are taking all of Year 7 to Bolton Abbey – the north half of the school on 23 June and the south half on 24 June.

Full details can be found on the attached letter. Could you please give consent via ParentPay, where you can also pay the £15 contribution to the trip.

Year 10 Geography fieldwork – 27, 28 and 29 June

As part of their GCSE Geography studies, Year 10s are going to complete fieldwork in Hornsea. This is an essential part of their GCSE course. Students will have been given a letter this week about the trip and told which day their class is going on.

Full details can be found here. Could you please give consent via ParentPay, where you can also pay the £15 contribution to the trip.

Free school meal vouchers

We have been informed by the Council that free school meal vouchers will not be provided for the half-term holiday. A more targeted approach to supporting families is being adopted and information about where families can find further support can be found here.

The Live Well York website also provides further advice and guidance.

#WakeUpWednesday – A parent guide to cross platform sharing of inappropriate content

The internet is a minefield, and we are really keen to ensure that young people are not exposed to content that is inappropriate for them to view. This week’s handy guide from National Online Safety gives practical advice to help parents and carers to avoid this happening to their child.

New youth club launches

A new mobile youth club launches on 7 June for children aged 10 plus. The Inspire Youth mobile club will take place each Tuesday on Scarcroft Green, from 6.30-8.00pm, and then from 19 July on the Little Knavesmire.

Qualified youth workers will provide information, support, a safe space, positive activities, sports, crafts and much more.

For more information please contact Jess on T: 07547 287892.

Family Matters course

Family Matters York are offering an online course called Time Out for Parents – the Teenage Years, which runs for five weeks from 15 June.

To book a place or for further information please contact Helen Atkinson on 07393 147259 or email You can also find more information on the Family Matters website.

Job vacancies

If you would like to work with us, you can find full details about current job vacancies on our website.

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