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Weekly email – 8 July 2022

2022 > July > 08 > Weekly email – 8 July 2022
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh

School seemed a little quiet without our Year 11 students earlier this week, but it was fantastic to see them celebrating in style at the prom last Friday. We miss them, but wish them all well for the summer and for their next steps in September. School didn’t stay quiet for long however, as we welcomed our new Year 7 students and their families to Millthorpe for our induction events. We can’t wait to see them all again in the autumn.

We’ve had lots of tempting aromas and tastes of international cuisines this week as students (and staff!) enjoyed BBQ Week in the canteen. We also welcomed more than 100 Year 5 pupils from some of our feeder primary schools to the French Cafe Day on Tuesday. Everyone had lots of opportunity to practise their French, whilst also enjoying some delicious French treats! Thanks to those who got involved and supported the event.

Next week is looking busy too. We’re very much looking forward to the Summer Concert at 7.00pm on Tuesday 12 July; please do come along to support our wonderful performers. On Thursday evening, we will be hosting our Awards Evening, where 75 students will receive subject, year group awards and Headteacher’s awards. There will also be performances of music, languages and dance. We recognise that many, many more of our students are consistently hardworking, resilient and kind and contribute positively to school life in all kinds of ways and, whilst we can’t present awards to everyone, their efforts and good behaviour do not go unnoticed. We are currently working on a rewards system for 2022/23, so if your child has any ideas about incentives or recognition, please do encourage them to speak to Mr Beever.

As you will see below, the countdown to the Year 9 residential trip to Carlton Lodge has begun, only ten more sleeps! It is so lovely to be able to offer this and other enrichment activities after so long without them.

The sun looks set to shine this weekend, so I hope you can make the most of it and enjoy some outdoor fun.

Kind regards

Gemma Greenhalgh

New Year 7 transition events

We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our new Year 7 families to the parent and carer information evening on Monday, and the students to their full induction day on Wednesday. The students spent time with their Form Tutors, made friends, enjoyed social time and attended a variety of exciting taster lessons. We were incredibly impressed by the new Year 7 students who were polite, well behaved, enthusiastic and positive throughout the day. They had clearly taken on board our motto and mission, as they were all “Respectful, Responsible and Ready” and gave an excellent first impression as they strive to “be the best that they can be.” We are really looking forward to welcoming them to Millthorpe School in September.

Thanks also to our student leaders who gave up their time on Monday evening to welcome families and spent the whole of Wednesday helping the new students find their feet and feel at home in their new school.

Year 11 Prom 

We had a superb night at the Class of 2022 Prom at The Principal Hotel last Friday night. The students all looked amazing and had a ball – posing for professional photographs, enjoying a three-course dinner and then dancing the night away with their friends and teachers.

There was a cameo appearance from Mr Wright, who”treated” the Year 11s to one of his favourite N-Dubz songs, and even a student vs teacher “dance off!”

A huge public thank you to Mrs Hurst for organising the Prom, and to one of our parents who stepped in at the (very!) last minute to ensure that the students were able to have professional photographs taken after the photographer was unable to attend.

We didn’t want to share any photos from the night without permission of the students and their parents/carers, so here is one of some of the staff who attended at the end of the night. We all had a great time and gave the Year 11s a fitting send off.

Non-uniform day

The Student Leaders are excited to announce that on Wednesday 13 July there will be a non-uniform day in support of Diabetes UK. We have a number of students with diabetes in school who all do a great job managing the condition themselves. The day is aimed at supporting those students by raising money towards the charity and awareness of diabetes.

Please can students either bring a £1 donation into school on Wednesday or there will be a link to donate on ParentPay.


A reminder that anyone wishing to purchase food and drink in the canteen must have their fob.

Carlton Lodge information for parents

We’re well and truly on the countdown to our Year 9 residential to Carlton Lodge. It’s so exciting to be able to offer these trips again!

A few pupils have asked where to find the letter provided in March which detailed pick up points and times, kit list for the trip etc. You can find this document here on the school website.

If you have any queries, please contact Mr Newman.

Activities Week

In the final week of term whilst Year 10s are out on Work Experience and many of the Year 9 students are at Carlton Lodge, Year 7 and 8 students will enjoy Activities Week.

On Monday 18 and Wednesday 20 July, Year 7 and 8 students will take part in a project all about rollercoasters, culminating in a competition to create and build a new rollercoaster. On Tuesday 19 July, the majority of students will visit Flamingo Land. Students should wear appropriate clothing for this visit. Please ensure students are prepared for the weather, with rain coats, hats and/or suncream. Students in Year 7 and 8 are expected to be in school uniform on Monday and Wednesday.

Race for Life
On the afternoon of Thursday 21 July, students in Year 7 and 8 are completing a Millthorpe Race for Life on the Little Knavesmire. Students can walk or run and can complete any distance that suits them. In previous years we have issued sponsor forms and asked students to collect sponsors, but this year we asking for donations to be made through the Online Giving Page. All donations will go directly to Cancer Research UK. Students will receive an official Race for Life medal at the end of their race.
Students should wear appropriate sports clothing on Thursday 21 July please. This is a fun run and students can walk or run the course in appropriate outfits or fancy dress for a school event, but students need to remember that they will be in lessons in the morning.

Millthorpe School productions return

We are delighted to announce that, after a highly successful round of auditions, we will be presenting a production of the magical musical Mary Poppins in December (13th, 14th and 15th if you want to save the date!). The students (and staff) are very excited about donning the greasepaint and treading the boards again and we hope many of you will be able to join us.

A message from Miss Frankland

A reminder to Year 7 students who have a lesson with Miss Frankland on Monday 11 July – you are making apple/fruit crumble, the recipe is in your book and Miss Frankland will also put it on Google Classroom. Don’t forget to bring a dish to cook your crumble in!

District athletics results

Well done to the 61 athletes who represented Millthorpe School in the semi-finals of the District Athletics competition this week. Twenty-six students qualified for the final which will take place on Thursday 14 July at York University.

Our finalists are:

Year 7 boys
Drew Oldfield – 100m; boys relay.

Year 7 girls
Florence Ward – 800m.

Year 8 boys
Archie Baker – 1500m;  Lukas Karmazyn – 200m and javelin; Rowan Whittaker – 300m and shot 3k; Theo Clarke – 1500m and long jump.

Year 8 girls
Grace Harding – 200m; Martha Featherstone – javelin; Zoe Bind – 100m and shot.

Year 9 boys
James Borlase – 1500m; Ralph Smith – 800m; Rob McNichol – shot; boys relay.

Year 9 girls
Aimee Fitzpatrick-Scott – 800m; Alice Saker – 800m.

Year 10 boys
Adam Quinn – 800m and long jump; Alex How – long jump; Ed Cullen – javelin; Finley King – shot; Henri Cooper – 800m; Korbin Evans – shot; boys relay.

Year 10 girls
Ellie Phillips – shot; Imogen Barrett – 200m; Kathryn Clague – 100m and javelin; Louisa Birch – 300m and long jump; Olivia Weatherstone – 100m; girls relay.

Pictured below are Enzo (Year 10) and Rose (Year 9), in the final leg of their relay races.

Fantasy football

Congratulations to Ben Walsh who was last year’s champion of the Millthorpe Masters mini-league on Fantasy Premier League.

Mr Sloan is again running the mini-league for next season. You can now get your team entered for the new season at and after you have chosen your team you can enter the Millthrope Masters mini-league with the code: m9ubh1. The league is open to any current student at Millthorpe.

York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre

York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre exists to provide opportunities for young people aged 5-19 years to participate in weekly drama sessions with the aim of enabling them to gain confidence, develop performance skills, work as part of a team and live creative lives. They are currently looking for new members.

They are also launching three new groups:

  • Explore for 11-16 year olds with additional needs and/or learning disabilities.
  • Technical and Backstage for those aged 12+ for those interested in making theatre.
  • Playwriting for those aged 12+ who are interested in writing.

Details of the timetable, programme and how to book can be found on their website or you can download their flyer here.

Young Language Learner Award 2022

The ‘b small’ Young Language Learner Award 2022 is open for submissions until 1 August 2022. Children aged between 6-11 are encouraged to send in a four-page story or comic (two sides of A4) written in a language of their choice, other than a mother tongue on the theme of ADVENTURE.

Further information can be found here.

UK-German activities for young people this summer

UK-German Connection are launching a summer photo challenge, asking young people aged 14-25 years to Snap Your Summer!

This bingo-style challenge, which runs throughout July and August, challenges young people from the UK and Germany to capture as many of the scenarios on the grid as possible, from finding e-scooters and trains, to the most remote bus stop or picturesque train window view.

Photos will be displayed on the UK-German website and social media, and if participants can submit a photo for every part of the grid, they’ll be named as a Challenge Champion and will receive a prize! Small prizes will also be awarded to the judges’ favourite three-in-a-row submissions.

Further information can be found here.

#WakeUpWednesday – A parent/carer guide to Steam

Steam is a gaming distribution platform and lively social environment with more than 30,000 games available to buy and sell for real money. There are risks associated with this platform including scams, spending sprees, unsuitable content and contact with strangers. This handy guide from National Online Safety will help parents and carers to manage their child’s use of this platform, and includes helpful tips and advice.

Job vacancies

If you would like to work with us, you can find full details about current job vacancies on our website.

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