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Local employers put students through their paces

2023 > February > 10 > Local employers put students through their paces

Earlier this week, all our Year 10 students had a mock interview with local employers from around the York area. Each employer had a set of generic questions that may be asked on a real-life interview, such as: What are your strengths? What are you good at? What do you think are your areas of development? What is your main ambition? and Do you have a long-term goal?

Following the interviews, each student will be provided with written feedback on how they performed in the interview which can then be used as a supportive guide to help them develop their interview technique moving forward.

We welcomed employers such as Aviva, the Army, Clipper Logistics and Transpennine RU amongst others who all very kindly gave their time to support our students. We are very grateful to all those who came in to help.

There was a real buzz in the air as the interviews took place and our students really engaged with the process. The overall feedback was that our students were polite and respectful and really took advantage of the opportunity, so a huge well done to all of them.


10 February 2023

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