Name: Anthony Crawshaw
Profession: Software Development/Product Manager
Primary school: Scarcroft Primary School
Attended Millthorpe/Nunthorpe: 1984-1990
Post-16 attended: York Sixth Form College
University or college? Sheffield Hallam University
Favourite subject at school: Science
What I thought I wanted to do: As a teenager I joined the Air Cadets, as I thought I might join the RAF.
What I ended up doing: I have ended up working for a global scientific company that makes everything from test tubes to Electron Scanning Microscopes. I work within a team responsible for a software application that is used in laboratories to test anything from water quality, to the next ground breaking pharmaceutical drug.
How I got here: After graduating from university with a Chemistry degree, I worked in several laboratories testing pharmacuticals. I used a software application called Chromeleon to perform some of the tests and got to know many of the software developers. After several years, a sales role became available which I sucessfully applied for. I have since developed my knowledge within the company and migrated from chemistry skills to IT skills. I started my current role as a Product Manager (for Chromeleon) in September 2023.
Most useful skill or character trait for my job: Listening and communication. I listen to our customers and share the information with our developers who implement those ideas into the product.
Top tip! Make connections and have a good professional network. Many of these people can really help you out when you are looking for that next career move.