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February 2024


Dear parents and carers The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme is a nationally recognised scheme promoting personal development. It is extremely well regarded by both universities and employers. Committed participants could complete the Bronze Award in one year. More information is available via the website Ian and Rachel Turnbull of the ‘not for profit’...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week seems to have galloped by! It has been lovely to have everyone back in school after the half-term break and I hope you all had a good week and enjoyed some of the first signs of spring. During the half-term break, some of our students enjoyed a four-day trip to...
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At the end of the first half term of this academic year, in the early hours of the morning, forty-five Year 11 students and five members of staff set off on an unforgettable trip to Krakow, Poland. Unbelievably, all of the students (and parents – thank you!) were punctual and the coach departed for the...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It has been a very short half term, but it feels like we have packed a great deal into five weeks! Thanks to all those parents/carers of our Year 10 students who came into school earlier this week for Parents Evening. It was great to see so many of you. And thank you...
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Dear Parents and carers Please find linked below a letter from the police that has been sent to all schools in York prior to planned assemblies on Youth Produced Imagery. There is growing concern in the city and nationally regarding children engaging in sending, requesting, storing and sharing inappropriate images of children on their phones...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Thanks to everyone, students and staff, who has made this week such a lovely week. As ever, lots has happened, but the moments that filled me with an overwhelming sense of pride occurred during this week’s assemblies. I was so impressed with how mature, thoughtful and respectful students were, as Mr...
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For those parents/carers who were unable to attend Mr Boothman’s presentation about the Ski Trip in 2024, please take a look at this video.
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