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Weekly email


Weekly email

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A message from Mrs Rothenburg Well, here we are – the last day of term and the school year! It’s been a fantastic week with lots of fun events, trips to both Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Flamingo Land and a residential for our Year 9s at Carlton Lodge. Thankfully the weather has been kind, so everyone has been...
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A message from Mrs Rothenburg Well, once again, it’s been quite a week! Our Year 11 Prom took place last Friday evening at the Racecourse – what a night! It was so lovely to see the students in all their finery, singing and dancing the night away. If you haven’t already seen photos on our social media accounts,...
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A message from Mrs Rothenburg Firstly, thank you to those of you who have wished me well as I take up the role of Acting Headteacher. Your good wishes are very much appreciated! For those who I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, you can find out a little bit more about me below. There...
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A message from Mrs Rothenburg I hope you’ve had a lovely week. It is my absolute pleasure to be writing this message for our weekly email and to be doing so as acting headteacher at Millthorpe School. I’m really excited about this opportunity to work with the fantastic team here, our wonderful students and you, the...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week, our wonderful Year 11 students have completed their GCSE exams and we couldn’t be more proud of them. They have worked incredibly hard, putting lots of effort into revision both at home and at our revision sessions in school. We’re now looking forward to the Leavers Assembly on Thursday...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you’ve all had a good week and managed to stay warm and dry! (Who’d have thought I’d be saying that in June?!) We’ve had another good week in school. Some of our Year 11s have now completed their GCSEs, with the remainder of them due to finish next...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely half-term break last week. School is back in full swing for the final half term of this school year. Year 11s are now on the home straight with their GCSEs and continue to make me a very proud headteacher. Keep it up Year 11s,...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well, another half term under our belts! I have to give another mention to our Year 11 students this week who have been real troopers as they continue on with their GCSE exams. It was great to see some of them at their final Karaoke Club at Millthorpe at lunchtime today, where they...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’ve had another good week in school and I continue to be impressed with our Year 11 students who have applied themselves so diligently to their GCSE exams. A reminder that next week is the last week of this half term. School will finish at the normal time on Friday 24...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Our Year 11s have kicked off their GCSE exams this week, with Religious Studies Paper 1, Drama, Biology Paper 1 and German Reading and Listening now ticked off the list. The students have all behaved meticulously, showing great maturity and dedication – keep it up Year 11! A reminder that the...
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