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Weekly email – 21 June 2024

2024 > June > 21 > Weekly email – 21 June 2024
Millthorpe School shield

A message from Ms Greenhalgh

This week, our wonderful Year 11 students have completed their GCSE exams and we couldn’t be more proud of them. They have worked incredibly hard, putting lots of effort into revision both at home and at our revision sessions in school. We’re now looking forward to the Leavers Assembly onΒ Thursday 4 JulyΒ and Prom onΒ Friday 5 JulyΒ when we can give them the send off they deserve.

Year 10s have also done a fantastic job so far with their PPEs which come to an end on Monday.

Thank you to all those parents/carers attended a SEND review with the team this week. If you need anything else at all, the SEND team can be contacted by email atΒ

Another thank you this week to all those people who took the time to acknowledge their teachers by sending a virtual card on National Thank a Teacher Day earlier this week. It meant a great deal to them to be appreciated in this way.

Ice lollies were definitely on the cards today for those students who were nominated by their faculty for being outstanding! Mr Baybutt had a lovely chat with the students, including Henry, Renson, Lewis, Ida, Samuel, Mollie, Caleb, Charlotte and Benjamin.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine! We’ll be back in school onΒ Monday forΒ aΒ ‘B’ Week.

With best wishes,

Gemma Greenhalgh

What is my child learning at the moment?

PleaseΒ see below to find out what your child has been learning about recently in order to have productive discussions about their education:

Year 7 – Faculty: Performance
Conversation starters

  • Drama:Β Students are ending the year by exploring scenes from William Shakespeare’s much-loved play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, focussing on Shakespeare’s use of language and presentation of a range of complex relationships.Β Please do use any of your own knowledge of the play to spark up a conversation around the topic!
  • PE: Boys are improving their talents in tennis, softball or cricket and girls are improving theirs in tennis, athletics or rounders.
  • Music:Β Students are developing their understanding of treble clef notations and performance skills.

Year 8 – Faculty: Global
Conversation starters

  • German:Β we are learning about what makes a good role model.
  • French:Β we are talking about issues that affect the typical teenager.
  • Computing:Β we are learning how programmes make decisions using “if” statements.

Year 9 – Faculty: Maths
Conversation starters

  • What are the advantages or disadvantages of using the mean, median, mode or range for different pieces of data?
  • How can statistics be presented in a way that might skew or give bias to the data?Β How can you be alert to this possibility?

Year 10 – Faculty: Creative
Conversation starters

  • Engineering:Β Students have recently started their Unit 1 coursework which will decide 40% of their final qualification on the course. Obviously, this is an important one! Please support them between now and the December deadline by asking about their phone rig, asking about their progress and encouraging them to complete sections of their write up for homework.
  • 3D, Graphics and Textiles:Β students are continuing with their Component 1 project, studying the work of artists that inspire them, and showing they can work in a range of techniques exploring their chosen project. They should all have taken their own set of photos relating to their theme, but if you are out and about and feeling inspired, please do continue to take photographs to include in their project. They can show you their work in their sketchbooks – they are really proud of what they are doing.
  • Child Development:Β groups have settled well with their new teacher, Mrs Leonarcik. They are completing the round up of Units 1-4 theory work, examined in the PPE mock. They will do their Question Level Analysis before starting their RO59 (final) coursework before the summer break.
  • Art:Β students continue to develop a personal response based around ‘Objects, Memories & Identity’ initially creating a series of observational object studies which relate to the special person chosen. A range of mixed media artists have been researched. Students explored media and techniques before creating an artist copy in the three-hour PPE. Students will review their development work before creating a multi-layered, mixed media personal response. We are delighted with the exciting, individual nature of their responses so far! Sketchbook work for the previous stage of the ‘Identity’ project will be completed before the summer so that students can focus on the initial research for their second coursework project before September. Please look out for the Year 10 into 11 Summer Holiday Task on Google Classroom Assignments in July.

Year 11 – All faculties
Conversation starter

An enormous well done to our Year 11 students who have now completed their GCSE exams.Β We are so unbelievably proud of you.Β We look forward to welcoming you at the leavers’ events:

  • Leavers Assembly –Β Thursday 4 JulyΒ in school at 11.30am (access via the rear gate only).
  • Prom –Β Friday 5 JulyΒ at York Racecourse, 6.00pm.
We hope that you will find this information useful when talking to your child about their learning.

Additionally, you might want to take a look at theΒ curriculum section of our websiteΒ which has lots more information about what your child is, has, or will be learning over the academic year.

School day timings

A reminder that we will return to the normal school day timings on Tuesday 25Β June.Β Timings will be the same until the end of term.

  • 8:30am:Β School gates open to students
  • 8:45am:Β All students must be through the outside gates and on the school grounds by this time
  • 8:45-9:15am:Β Registration and Form Time/Assemblies
  • 9:15-10:15am:Β Lesson 1
  • 10:15-11:15am:Β Lesson 2
  • 11:15-11:30am:Β Break
  • 11:30am-12:30pm:Β Lesson 3
  • 12:30-13:30pm:Β Lesson 4
  • 13:30-14:15pm:Β Lunch
  • 14:15-15:15pm:Β Lesson 5
  • 15:15pm: School day ends

The Long Game

OnΒ Tuesday 25Β JuneΒ we have a visitor coming in to talk to students in Year 8, 9 and 10 about County Lines and Modern Slavery through aΒ workshop called ‘The Long Game’ delivered by the agency, Leaders Unlocked.

The Long Game is delivered by Adam Elliott, a young adult withΒ lived experience of exploitation in the County Lines system.Β Adam has visited other schools in York and North Yorkshire and his presentation has been really well received by staff and students. All students have been made aware via the Student Bulletin of when their session is for their year group and should go to their usual timetabledΒ lesson.

We are really looking forward to welcoming Adam to Millthorpe School.

Should you have any questions regarding the content of this session, please contactΒ Mrs ColeΒ orΒ Ms Boyd.

Flamingo Land and Yorkshire Wildlife Park trips

We are pleased to confirmΒ that theΒ trips to Flamingo Land and Yorkshire Wildlife Park will go ahead onΒ Wednesday 17Β JulyΒ for those students in Years 7-10 who have signed up.

Any student not signed up to either trip will remain in school where a fun and educational activity has been planned.

More informationΒ about the trips and the plan for students who remain in school to follow!

Water bottles

Now that summer finally seems to be here and the weather is getting warmer, please send your child(ren) to school with a refillable water bottle which they can replenish at a number of points across school during the day.

Matilda auditions

A reminder that auditions for Matilda will take place in the Drama Hall at the following times:

  • Year 7 –Β Monday 1Β July – lunchtime
  • Year 8 –Β Tuesday 2Β July – lunchtime
  • Years 9, 10 and 11 –Β Thursday 4Β July – lunchtime

Students should come to the Drama Hall at the beginning of lunchtime.Β On the day of their audition it would be helpful if they could bring a pack up to eat whilst they wait.

Any questions, please contact Mrs Sladen.

Do you like cycling?

If you like cycling, would you enjoy the chance to cycle at school with others?

Mr Randall would like to organise a trial β€˜friendly cycle’ event around the school fields and the woods. If you have aΒ bike that works (it MUST have working brakes!) and a helmetΒ (or are happy to borrow a helmet from school), thenΒ you can sign up with Mr Randall onΒ Friday 5 JulyΒ in the Sports Hall at the end of school.

If there is enough interest, the cycle will take place onΒ Monday 8 JulyΒ after school, 3.30pm-4.15pm.

All are very welcome – students, staff, young and not so young!

ISSP Business and Enterprise programme

Three of our Year 10 students have taken part in the recent ISSP Business and Enterprise programme.

Students were split into groups with students from schools across theΒ city and having worked with local businesses, their task was to consider the theme of ‘Cost of Living’ and create a business which would help to reduce costs for the consumer. Our students attended a launch event at Bootham School and a session at Betty’s in York with the event culminating in group presentations of theirΒ business plan at the final event at Merchant Adventurers Hall.

One group named themselves Sandbank. Their idea was to use heat from sand banks to generate electricity and then store it before transporting it across Europe. They pitched that lower production costs means cheaper fuel prices

Another group created Frugal Feasts, an app targeted at students, where they can simply open their fridge, scan it, and it will come up with wonderful meal ideas and recipes to help you use up all your food and cut down on food wastage, keeping more money in your pocket.

The final group was Revive Clothing, a membership-based clothes rental and exchange business. Targeted at young parents, this concept is both money saving and sustainable as it reduces fast fashion.

Many congratulations to Revive Clothing who were the winners of some Amazon vouchers.

Parent Carer Forum

To find out more about events and support available from the Parent Carer Forum,Β please take a look at their latest newsletter here.

Children’s Wellbeing and Emotional Support Service at York Mind

The Children’s Wellbeing and Emotional Support Service at York Mind is a free service which is open for referrals now. Running through the summer, it offers a range of low intensity interventions that are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and guided self-help.

The serviceΒ aims to help children, young people and their parents/carers in the self-management of their recovery, to feel empowered and have tools for life, and focuses on setting and working towards goals made by the young person.

The young person may experience mild-moderate anxiety and/or low mood. This may be generalised anxiety and worry, social anxiety, panic or specific phobias as well as depression and low self-esteem.

Parents/carers can make a referral via this form.

MillthorpiansΒ shine bright at county athletics meet

After competing at the North Yorkshire Schools Athletics Championships a couple of weeks ago, two of our students went on to represent Millthorpe and North Yorkshire at the Inter Counties School competition in Gateshead last weekend.

Year 10 student, Zoe Bind and Juliette Maquin-Jones in Year 8, put in a sterling effort, doing themselves, and us, very proud!

At the North Yorkshire schools athletics championships, Zoe won gold medals in the triple jump and the discus, winning her a place in the inter counties match. North Yorkshire schools won the match and Zoe again had a win in the triple jump competing against Year 10 and 11 girls and also got second place in discus. She had her best jump of the season at 10.90m.

Zoe has now been selected to be part of the 40-strong team (among which there are only six Year 10 and 11 girls from across the county) to represent North Yorkshire at the English Schools track and field championships in triple jump on 12 and 13 July at the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham.

Following her success at the North Yorkshire schools meet, Juliette had a fantastic meet at the inter counties competition, securing first in long jump with 4m81 and second in pole vault with 2m10 (she cleared 2.20 the very next day!). Both results are a real achievement as not only is Juliette in her first season of competing at U15 level, but long jump is super competitive and she only started pole vaulting this year.

Although Juliette missed the required standard to go to English Schools she should be massively proud of herself.

This weekend, Juliette is going on to represent Millthorpe as part of the North Yorkshire pentathlon team.

Awesome achievements girls!

Job of the week – Urban Planner

This job gives you the opportunity to plan the spaces of the future. An urban planner is responsible for planning spaces in residential, commercial and recreational areas. You work as part of a team with architects, surveyors, construction companies and many more. The main aim of this job is to ensure that the spaces are safe and enjoyable.

For more information on becoming an urban planner, you can watch this video.

Make Space for Girls Festival

There are lots of free events and activities happening until the end of June as part of the ‘Make Space for Girls’ Festival which has aΒ focus on getting older girls into parks and having fun, trying new things and meeting new people.Β Book free places:Β

FREE events coming up at Rowntree Park:

  • FridayΒ 21Β June 5-6pm – Cheerleading
  • Friday 21Β June 6.30-8pm – Basketball
  • Saturday 22Β June 10-11.30am – Herbal Remedies Workshop
  • Saturday 22Β June 1-2.30pm – Drawing the Park (Art Session)
  • Saturday 22Β June 3-5pm – Empower Her Theatre Workshop
  • Sunday 23Β 10.30-12.30pm – History of Girl Power
  • Sunday 23Β June 1-2pm – Botanical Beauties (Art Session)
  • Tuesday 25Β June 4.30-5.30 –Β Drama Workshop
  • Thursday 27Β June 5-6.30pm – Art Workshop
  • Friday 28Β June 6.30-8pm – Basketball
  • Saturday 29Β June 10-12pm – Printing session
  • Saturday 29Β June 1-4pm – Room to Roar (poetry/spoken word)
  • Sunday 30Β June 1-4pm – West Bank Park Summer Fair – come to our information stall and a chance to join Tik Tok, Street Dance and Cheerleading sessions!

#WakeUpWednesday – 10 top tips for promoting physical wellbeing

A recent Sport England study found that less than half (47%) of children in the UK currently meet the Chief Medical Officer’sΒ guidelines of taking part in an average of 60 minutes or more of sport and physical activity a day. While this figure may see a rise during the Euros, taking this chance to get children and young people engaged in regular exercise could cement the increase in a more permanent way.

However, it can be tricky to know where to start, or how best to encourage young people to stay active,Β soΒ this week’s Wake up Wednesday guide is here to offer some tips. This week, we’re sharing expert advice on how to promote exercise and the importance of physical wellbeing for the younger generation.

This guide ties in perfectly with Mr Beever’s assembly last week which provided students with tips and advice to stay healthy both physically and mentally.

Please take a look.Β 


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition toΒ being able to contact Mrs Cole, Mrs Cooper or Mr BeeverΒ during school hours by emailingΒ, you may wish to make direct contact with theΒ York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)Β on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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