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A talented secondary school pupil and athlete from York, who competed in an England strip for the first time last weekend, is now the proud owner of two gold medals! Rowan Whittaker, aged 15, who is a student at Millthorpe School, was selected to represent England last weekend in both the U17s 400m and 4...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Mrs Rothenburg Well, here we are – the last day of term and the school year! It’s been a fantastic week with lots of fun events, trips to both Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Flamingo Land and a residential for our Year 9s at Carlton Lodge. Thankfully the weather has been kind, so everyone has been...
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A talented secondary school pupil and athlete from York is set to compete for his country this weekend, at the Home Countries’ International Schools’ Track and Field Championship to be held in Carmarthen, Wales. Budding athlete, Rowan Whittaker, aged 15, who is a student at Millthorpe School, has been selected to represent England in the...
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Children from South Bank Multi Academy Trust have been immersed in the French language this month as they joined together for two ‘Café Français’ experiences. Year 5 pupils from Knavesmire and Scarcroft Primary Schools spent the day at a French Café hosted by fellow Trust school, Millthorpe School on 2 July, whilst Year 5 children...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Mrs Rothenburg Well, once again, it’s been quite a week! Our Year 11 Prom took place last Friday evening at the Racecourse – what a night! It was so lovely to see the students in all their finery, singing and dancing the night away. If you haven’t already seen photos on our social media accounts,...
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Dear parent/carer This letter is for the attention of the parents/carers who have a child attending the end of term trip to either Flamingo Land or Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The trips will take place on Wednesday 17 July 2024. Read the full letter here.
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Please complete this short form to confirm your child’s swimming ability:
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Mrs Rothenburg Firstly, thank you to those of you who have wished me well as I take up the role of Acting Headteacher. Your good wishes are very much appreciated! For those who I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, you can find out a little bit more about me below. There...
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Dear parent/carer Each year, we reward Year 11 students for being consistent Gold Standard learners by issuing them with a pass to allow them to leave site at lunch time. For them to receive their pass, we require your consent. You can read the full letter from Mr Wright here: You can provide your...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Mrs Rothenburg I hope you’ve had a lovely week. It is my absolute pleasure to be writing this message for our weekly email and to be doing so as acting headteacher at Millthorpe School. I’m really excited about this opportunity to work with the fantastic team here, our wonderful students and you, the...
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