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Millthorpe School launches fundraiser for new acoustic piano

2024 > October > 15 > Millthorpe School launches fundraiser for new acoustic piano

Millthorpe School has launched a community-wide fundraiser to purchase a new acoustic piano to support its students’ musical development.

With over 200 enthusiastic pianists amongst its students, the school is seeking to enhance their musical experience by providing access to a high-quality instrument.

In an effort to engage supporters, Millthorpe School is inviting parents, carers, and members of the local community to sponsor individual keys (or even half a key!) of the new piano.

The campaign has been really successful so far, with donations from parents and carers already amounting to £960 which equates to 32 of the 88 keys needed.

Contributions from ex-students and members of the community can be pledged by emailing the School Office at, whilst parents and carers can continue to make their donations through their ParentPay account.

Mrs Longbottom, Subject Lead for Music at Millthorpe said “We’ve been blown away by the generosity of our parents and carers so far. We believe that music is an essential part of a well-rounded education, and having the right tools is key to unlocking students’ potential. With a new acoustic piano, more students will have the opportunity to play and practice on a high-quality instrument. We’re really grateful for the continued support from our community which will further enhance our vibrant musical community.”

Millthorpe School belongs to Excel Learning Trust alongside York High School, Inspire Academy, Carr Junior School and Knavesmire, Scarcroft and Woodthorpe Primary Schools.

15 October 2024

Pictured: Mrs Longbottom, Subject Lead for Music at Millthorpe School and budding pianists with one of their current, older pianos. 

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