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Jane Taylor


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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Our Year 11s have kicked off their GCSE exams this week, with Religious Studies Paper 1, Drama, Biology Paper 1 and German Reading and Listening now ticked off the list. The students have all behaved meticulously, showing great maturity and dedication – keep it up Year 11! A reminder that the...
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As we approach an essential phase of your child’s GCSE journey, I wanted to take a moment to inform you about the upcoming Pre Public Examinations. The Pre Public Examinations are scheduled to commence on Monday 10 June and will run until Monday 24 June 2024. Read the full letter here. Take a look at...
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FAO Parents/Carers of Year 6 children moving to Millthorpe in September 2024. Dear Families Welcome to Millthorpe! We are excited to welcome you into the Millthorpe family and share with you some key events in our Transition programme. Millthorpe Friendship Afternoon – 16 May 2024 The first event that we would like to invite you...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you’ve had a good week and are looking forward to the long weekend. A reminder that school will be closed on Monday 6 May for the May Day Bank Holiday, reopening on Tuesday 7 May for a ‘B’ Week. Sixty-one of our Year 8 students recently took part in the Junior Maths Challenge, and...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We were thrilled to publish our Ofsted report earlier this week, announcing that we received a judgment of ‘Good’ across all areas. I hope you have had a chance to read the Ofsted report and our letter. I would like to thank colleagues, parents/carers and of course our wonderful students not only for their input...
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Staff and students at Millthorpe School are celebrating the results of a recent Ofsted inspection which recognises the school as ‘Good’ across all areas. Following a two-day inspection in March, Millthorpe School, which is part of South Bank Multi Academy Trust, has been praised by inspectors for being an “inclusive community” where “pupils value difference...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I I hope you’ve all a lovely week and managed to stay warm and dry! Hopefully the weather this weekend will be a little kinder to us! Congratulations to all those students who have received a Golden Ticket this week. It’s so lovely to see so many of you being the...
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From Monday 29 April we will be making some small changes to the school day timings to cater for the Year 11 exams which require longer afternoon sessions. The new school day timings are as follows: 8.45-9.15am: Registration 9.15-10.15am: Period 1 10.15-11.15am: Period 2 11.15-11.30am: Break 11.30am-12.30pm: Period 3 12.30-1.15pm: Lunch 1.15-2.15pm: Period 4 2.15-3.15pm: Period 5 Once...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We’ve had a great week back at school and it is so nice to finally see some signs of spring! Our skiers returned from a fantastic trip to Austria over the Easter holidays. Thank you to those colleagues who made the...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I am thrilled to announce that this week we received official notification that we have become the first school in the city to receive the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM). Following a lengthy process of self-evaluation, feedback and a formal two-day assessment visit from inspectors, we have not only been awarded the IQM...
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