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Jane Taylor


Dear Parent/Carer Students in Years 9-11 will be given the opportunity to access advice about different Higher Education pathways, through the Uni Connect programme. This is a national programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS), which aims to promote the benefits of university and other forms of higher education, particularly among under-represented groups. All students in...
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Year 11 Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) Over the next two weeks, Year 11 students will be sitting PPEs (mock exams) in most subjects. Students have been given individual timetables for all their exams. Because of the timing of exams, Year 11 students will take their lunch in the earlier slot (12.20-1.00pm) during this period. Year 11 taster...
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Millthorpe remembers  Following on from remembrance assemblies led by Mr Baybutt last week, our whole school community fell silent for two minutes at 11.00am on Thursday to mark Armistice Day. Mr Jackson sounded the Last Post in the quad, as all students impeccably observed the silence. Lest We Forget. Parents’ Forum Members of the new Parents’...
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Proposed merger consultation A reminder that the consultation on the proposal for South Bank Multi Academy Trust to join with South York Multi Academy Trust will run until 3.00pm on 12 November 2021. This letter contains full details about the proposal and consultation and you can complete the feedback form here (please note this will download as a Word document). Please email your...
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Happy half-term break! As ever, we wanted to say thank you for all your support this half term. It’s been great to get back to more ‘normal’ procedures and activities, and although it hasn’t been without its challenges, we’ve had a great few weeks! We have been particularly impressed with how incredibly well students have responded to...
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Covid-19 – testing over half-term The DfE is encouraging students to continue to test twice-weekly over the half-term break and preferably take an LFD test the night before they return to school. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Proposed merger consultation As you will have seen in the letter dated 11 October 2021,...
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Dear Parent/Carer Consultation on a proposal for South Bank Multi Academy Trust to join with South York Multi Academy Trust Read the full letter
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Early closure – Wednesday 13 October As next week is B Week, school will finish at 2.10pm on Wednesday 13 October for staff Continuous Professional Development. Personal Development sessions We are planning to deliver breast awareness sessions to students in Years 10 and 11 over the next month or so as part of their Personal Development entitlement....
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Teacher Training Day A reminder that school will be closed to students on Wednesday 6 October for a Teacher Training Day and to allow preparation for the Open Evening. Year 6 Open Evening – fully booked Bookings for our Open Evening have been fast and furious and even though we added as many extra places as we...
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Early closure – Wednesday 29 September As next week is B Week, school will finish at 2.10pm on Wednesday 29 September for staff Continuous Professional Development. Year 11 ‘Meet the Tutor’ evening A reminder that Tutor Meetings will take place on Monday 27 September for Year 11 students and their parents/carers. Please check your letter for arrival times....
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