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Jane Taylor


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A message from Ms Greenhalgh What a lovely festive week we’ve had! Today we enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner with staff and students and we also had a sneak preview of our school production ‘Elf the Musical’. Our students did themselves proud, performing their dress rehearsal to a hall full of Year 5 and 6...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been another busy week with lots of activities taking place in the lead up to the Christmas holidays. Here’s a few dates for your diary: We’re looking forward to seeing parents/carers of our Year 8 students at Parents Evening on Wednesday 13 December. Christmas dinner for those who have booked a ticket...
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This week, we have written to parents/carers to inform you about the content of the Personal Development (PD) lessons that students will be taught this half-term. Moving forward, prior to the beginning of every term, we will routinely inform parents/carers about the content of PD lessons and give you the opportunity to discuss any concerns...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope everyone is managing to stay warm now the weather has becoming a lot chillier! We know that this can be a difficult time of year for some families and we all need additional support from time to time. Now more than ever, many families are facing pressures linked to...
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Members of the boys football team at Millthorpe School are now proudly sporting a new sports strip thanks to the generosity of a local businessman. York-based company, Modelmatic has generously sponsored the school’s new football kit after Director, Jon Irvine, saw a plea for help on the school’s weekly email. Modelmatic is a specialist online...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’re a day early with our weekly email this week as we have a Teacher Training Day on Friday. A reminder that school will be closed to students tomorrow. We’ll see everyone back on Monday for a ‘B’ week but in the meantime, have a lovely weekend all! Have a...
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Fionn O’Toole in Year 10 took to the course at the British Schools Orienteering Championships at Temple Newsam Park, Leeds last weekend and came away the proud owner of a bronze medal! The 2023 British Schools Orienteering championships saw the very best orienteers from Britain gather together and Finn knew he would have to dig...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week has just flown by! It seems we’re no sooner into the swing of the new half term and we’re already thinking about Christmas! Further information about Christmas dinner is below as are details of next week’s rehearsals for our Christmas school musical, Elf, which is shaping up to be...
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Thanks to everyone who came along to the Year 7 Parents Evening yesterday, it was lovely to see you all. It was even more lovely to get such glowing feedback – 94 of 95 parents surveyed (99%) said they would recommend Millthorpe to other parents. Makes us so very proud ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been lovely to have everyone back in school after the half-term break. Some of our Year 7 students attended the York ISSP Breakthrough Event at St Peter’s School on Wednesday, where they got to debate the greatest historical breakthrough of all time. The students had to choose between fire, the printed...
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