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Jane Taylor


We would like to invite you to the Transition Evening for Y6 students and parents/carers on Monday 1 July 2024. The evening will start with a short presentation from Miss Boyd and myself. Form Tutors, Pastoral staff and members of the Senior Leadership Team will also be present during the evening if you have any further...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you’ve all had a good week and managed to stay warm and dry! (Who’d have thought I’d be saying that in June?!) We’ve had another good week in school. Some of our Year 11s have now completed their GCSEs, with the remainder of them due to finish next...
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Across our family of schools, we know that the parents and guardians of our pupils have hugely varied and exciting careers. Our goal is to broaden aspirations for all pupils attending schools within the Trust and part of this involves learning about the wide and wonderful range of careers which exist! We would be really...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely half-term break last week. School is back in full swing for the final half term of this school year. Year 11s are now on the home straight with their GCSEs and continue to make me a very proud headteacher. Keep it up Year 11s,...
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Millthorpe School has launched an exciting partnership with a luxury York hotel to provide careers opportunities for its students. Through the partnership, which will further develop the school’s careers programme, students from Millthorpe School will have the chance to work with professionals at Middlethorpe Hall, including their general manager, conference and banqueting team, the hotel’s...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well, another half term under our belts! I have to give another mention to our Year 11 students this week who have been real troopers as they continue on with their GCSE exams. It was great to see some of them at their final Karaoke Club at Millthorpe at lunchtime today, where they...
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We are excited to share our plans to revamp our PE kit following a consultation with students for our incoming Year 7 students starting in September 2024. As current families of our students in years 7-10 this is purely for information only and there is no need to replace any part of your PE kit...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’ve had another good week in school and I continue to be impressed with our Year 11 students who have applied themselves so diligently to their GCSE exams. A reminder that next week is the last week of this half term. School will finish at the normal time on Friday 24...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Our Year 11s have kicked off their GCSE exams this week, with Religious Studies Paper 1, Drama, Biology Paper 1 and German Reading and Listening now ticked off the list. The students have all behaved meticulously, showing great maturity and dedication – keep it up Year 11! A reminder that the...
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As we approach an essential phase of your child’s GCSE journey, I wanted to take a moment to inform you about the upcoming Pre Public Examinations. The Pre Public Examinations are scheduled to commence on Monday 10 June and will run until Monday 24 June 2024. Read the full letter here. Take a look at...
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