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Alex Collins


Please use the below link to indicate how many people will be attending the Art Exhibition on 5 July   Art Exhibition Attendance Form
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National Strike Days  As you may be aware, national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) is planned for Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July. On Wednesday, we will be closed to all current students to allow Year 6 transition day to go ahead. On Friday we will be open to Year 7...
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Please use the below link to indicate your preference for the trip on Wednesday 19 July for students in Years 7 and 8 and Year 9 students not attending Carlton Lodge:   KS3 Trip Preference Form
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National Strike Days  As you may be aware, national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) is planned for Thursday 27 April and Tuesday 2 May. On both these days, we will only be able to open to vulnerable students and students in Year 7 and Year 11. Read the full letter here.
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National Strike Day  As you may be aware, national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) is planned for Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March. On both these days, we will only be able to open to vulnerable students and students in Year 7 and Year 11. Read the full letter here.
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We are aware of discussions taking place on social media about some of the changes that have taken place recently at school. Whilst we completely respect people’s right to have such conversations both on and offline, I am writing to you to provide the facts and rationale behind… Read the full letter here.
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National Strike Day  As you may be aware, national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) is planned for Tuesday 28 February. On Tuesday 28 February, we will only be able to open to vulnerable students and students in Year 7 and Year 11. Read the full letter here.
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Attendance Update I wanted to write to you again, following my letter ( on the 13 January, to thank you for your continuing support with your child or children’s attendance and punctuality, and also to explain a little about a number of new processes we have introduced and refined recently. As you may be aware,...
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Dear parent/carer, Government guidelines outline that, from the age of 11, it is compulsory for all schools to provide an RSE and health education curriculum. At our school, we believe that it is important to provide our pupils with a thorough and balanced curriculum, including age appropriate information about sex and relationships. The details of...
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