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Weekly email


Weekly email

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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Our Year 10 GCSE Geography students have been enjoying the very changeable autumn weather on the coast during their field work trips to Hornsea this week – some had lots of sunshine and some definitely needed their waterproofs. With fish and chips for lunch though, no-one seemed to mind too...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I want to start this week by saying a huge well done to all those who have been awarded a golden ticket this week – it’s wonderful to see so many of you on this week’s list (see below)! A special mention goes to Alfie Henderson and Benjamin Barton in Year...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Yesterday we held our annual Open Evening for Year 6 children and their families and it was fantastic to welcome so many people into school. I’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff and students who made the event such a success. If anyone attended the...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’ve enjoyed another lovely week at Millthorpe and it has been particularly great to see so many students taking advantage of our extra-curricular clubs and activities. There really is something for everyone, so please encourage your child to have a look at what is on offer. Rehearsals are already underway...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’ve had another great week at school, which thankfully has been a lot cooler than last week. I’d like to apologise to those of you who did not receive last Friday’s weekly email due to gremlins in our system! Hopefully you have now received it. As a reminder, all past weekly emails...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh Welcome back to all our returning students, and a very warm welcome to all our new students and their families. I hope you have all had a lovely summer. As our returning families will already know, we send a weekly email to all parents/carers every Friday afternoon, which is full...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I can’t quite believe that the end of term and the end of the school year are here! It has been an absolute pleasure to see our wonderful students going from strength to strength as they have progressed through the year. To the Year 11 students who have left us, we...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week has absolutely flown by, there has been so much happening! The weather held for us earlier this week allowing us all to enjoy our annual sports day. Everyone who took part did themselves proud, but it wouldn’t be sports day without a bit of healthy competition! The forms who...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week we have said goodbye to our Year 11 students in style with our Leavers’ Assembly on Monday and Prom last night. Both events involved lots of fun and laughter, and a fair few tears too! Our Year 11s will all be missed, but we’ll look forward to catching...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope everyone has had a good week. School has seemed quiet without our Year 11 students, but we’re looking forward to seeing them all at the Year 11 Leavers Assembly on Monday 3 July. A reminder that students should arrive from 11.15am at the Philadelphia Street entrance please. We’re also looking...
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