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Weekly email


Weekly email

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A message from Ms Greenhalgh A huge well done to all our Year 11 students who have now completed their GCSE exams. They have all been brilliant and I am very proud of how they have taken the last few weeks in their stride. I hope they all now enjoy a bit of down time...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you’ve all had a lovely week enjoying the sunshine! Our students have been putting in a sterling effort as they sit their exams and end of year assessments. Year 11s are almost at the end of their GCSEs with just a couple of papers for some students to...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been a pleasure to be back in school this week after the half-term break. Our Year 11s are continuing to take their GCSEs and their attendance at revision sessions has been outstanding. Well done to our Year 9s too who have taken their end of year assessments this week. Next...
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York Pride  – Saturday 3 June 2023 Millthorpe has a long and indeed proud tradition of supporting York Pride, which celebrates diversity and the LGBT+ community. Alongside other schools and organisations from across the city, staff will be marching with a Millthorpe banner to the event site on the Knavesmire. Students and their families are very welcome to...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well, here we are at the end of another half-term! Thank you to our Year 11 students who have been real troopers as they continue on with their GCSE exams. Keep up the hard work over the half-term break, but make sure you have some downtime too to recharge your...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been a busy week for our Year 11s with the commencement of this year’s exams. We have been absolutely delighted with the attitude, conduct and punctuality of every single Year 11 student in the first week of their GCSEs. They have approached this week in exemplary fashion and we...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh This half term is flying by and it’s hard to believe that we only have another two weeks in school before the Spring Bank half-term break! A huge well done to the 240 students who were invited to our attendance gathering earlier this week. We wanted to recognise the commitment...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh We’ve had another lovely week here at school and are now looking forward to the King’s Coronation celebrations over the long weekend. You may have seen the piece in The Press this week asking for Old Millthorpians to get in touch and share their stories. If you or someone you know is...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been a good, if slightly chilly, week at Millthorpe! Year 11s continue to work hard towards their forthcoming exams, lots of students are still making the most of extra-curricular activities and plans to welcome our new cohort of students in September are beginning to take shape. In Careers activities this...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. It has been a great week at school and wonderful to see so many of our students enjoying our outdoor spaces in the sunshine at break and lunchtimes. This week, we have welcomed Miss Boyd to Millthorpe as our new Assistant Headteacher...
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