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Weekly email


Weekly email

Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh Great news! Our Year 9 football team who are now York & District Schools Champions after a stunning 6-0 win in the final on Wednesday evening. They played incredibly well and their team spirit shone through. Also this week, some of our students took to the stage at the Theatre Royal...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh I’d like to start my message today with a big shout out to our Year 11 girls’ netball team and Year 9 boys’ football team – you can read about their successes below, but I want to say how proud we all are – well done! It has been wonderful...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been a bit of an unusual week this week, with many students not being in school for a couple of days due to the industrial action, but nevertheless we’ve managed to pack a lot in! We all enjoyed a wonderful Spring Concert on Tuesday evening, featuring fifty of our...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s hard to believe we all arrived at school in the snow this morning and are leaving in the sunshine! Hopefully the nice weather will continue into the weekend. As you will be aware, national strike action by the National Education Union (NEU) is planned for Wednesday 15 March and Thursday 16 March. On...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been another good week at school and great to see everyone celebrating World Book Week. Some of our students were lucky enough to enjoy a livestream on World Book Day yesterday, with author Michael Morpugo, which was amazing. Thanks to everyone in Year 7 and 8 who took part...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you all had a lovely half-term break. We’ve had a great week back at school and it’s definitely starting to feel like spring has sprung! It was lovely to chat to some of our students at lunchtime today and see them enjoying the improved dining areas. The new...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It certainly feels like spring is in the air as we head into the February half-term break. Hopefully we’ll have some more lovely sunshine next week! This half-term has been incredibly busy and I fully appreciate that we have made a lot of changes, some of which have had to happen very...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well done to our Year 11s who have shown true resilience over the last fortnight as they sat their PPEs. You’ve all been brilliant and thoroughly deserve a weekend off! Next week, we are taking part in National Apprenticeship Week and are looking forward to welcoming in a number of local business...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh Our Year 11s have worked really hard this work, revising for and sitting their Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs) and have another week of exams next week. Keep up the good work Year 11s, and don’t forget, if you are struggling or need any help or advice, have a chat with your form...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh Earlier this week, we enjoyed meeting parents and carers at our Year 10 Parents’ Evening. Thanks to all who came along. Next week, our Year 11s will sit their pre-public exams (PPEs); these will continue until 3 February. We wish all our Year 11s the very best of luck! We’re looking forward to...
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