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Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

2023- 2025 Options

At Millthorpe we have the highest expectations of young people and want them to gain high value qualifications for further education or employment. Our option choices are structured to keep open as many careers as possible. Our option choices are broad to keep open as many future careers choices as

Students are placed in a pathway, based on their GSCE predictions, which will enable them to study a broad and balanced range of subjects alongside their free choices.

All students study the core subjects: English Literature, English Language,Maths and Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) either as separate subjects (Triple Science) or as part of Combined Science, worth two GCSEs.

Students on Pathway 1 will study core subjects, a language of their choice (French or German) and a Humanity of their choice (Geography or History) plus two further option choices; (Triple Science counts as one choice).

Students on Pathway 2 will study core subjects, a Humanity of their choice (Geography or History) plus three further option choices; (Triple Science counts as one choice).

A small number of students on Pathway 3 will study core subjects plus three option choices, with additional support in English and Maths.

Below is a list of the GCSE option subjects being offered to current Year 9 students who will begin their courses in September 2023:

  • Art
  • Child Development
  • Computer Science
  • Drama
  • Engineering
  • Ethics
  • Fashion and Textiles
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition
  • French
  • Geography
  • German
  • Graphics
  • History
  • Music
  • Product Design
  • Sports Studies
  • Triple Science

More details about each of the subjects can be found in this booklet: Options Booklet 2023 or on our subject pages.

More details about the options process can be found in this presentation from the Options Evening held in January 2023.

Find out more about our curriculum

You can read in more detail about our curriculum intent, implementation and impact here.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our curriculum offer, please contact Victoria Armitage, Deputy Headteacher E:

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