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Our curriculum

Our Curriculum

Curriculum intent

We want our school to be a warm and welcoming community where students believe that anything is possible because they are challenged, engaged and excited about learning as a result of their curriculum experiences. Students are encouraged, supported and inspired ‘to be the best they can be’ both in academic success and character contributing positively to society as kind, responsible and respectful young people.

We believe that high quality teaching, a broad and balanced curriculum and exposure to a variety of enrichment and personal development experiences will equip students with a rounded skill set to ensure they are future ready.

We are determined to leave no child behind and expect success for all our students. We work proactively with all our stakeholders to break down barriers to academic success and personal goals and where necessary adapting our curriculum.

Our guiding principles
  1. To provide a curriculum that is tailored to the needs of all our learners; ensuring that all learners are challenged and supported ‘to be the best they can be’.
  2. To provide high quality teaching through well planned, resourced and sequenced lessons so that all our students are ‘gold standard learners’.
  3. To ensure that all our students develop strategies to commit their learning to memory and develop independence in their learning habits so that they are fully prepared for their examinations and lifelong learning beyond school.
  4. To ensure that all our students benefit from a curriculum which ensures they secure the best possible academic outcomes at the end of Y11.
  5. To equip all our students with the necessary skills for their futures Post 16. This is delivered through individual subjects but also includes the Careers, advice and guidance which is delivered through our Personal Development programme.
  6. To promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
  7. To enrich the taught curriculum with a range of exciting extra curricular opportunities.
Our Curriculum Model
Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

Students have a broad and balanced curriculum, which consists of: English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, French/German, Religious Studies, PE, Computing, Music, Drama, Art, Design Technology and Personal Development.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

The core curriculum, which all students study consists of: English language and literature, Maths, Science, PE, History and or Geography and PSHE which includes Religious Studies.

Most students will also study a Modern Foreign Language and will also have at least 2 further options which include: Triple Science, Art, Computer Science, Ethics, Religious Studies, Child Development, Sport Studies, Drama, Music, Food & Nutrition, Textiles, 3D Design, Engineering and Graphic Design.

More information about the Options process is available in the annual KS4 Options booklet which is provided to Year 9 students to guide them in their choices for KS4 or on our website here. The subjects available may vary according to demand each year.

Compulsory Subjects and the right to opt out

All schools are required to teach RE as part of the National Curriculum, but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lesson. Sex education is compulsory in secondary schools but parents can ask to withdraw their child from parts or all of sex education taught as part of Relationships and Sex Education. Parents cannot withdraw their child from sex education taught in Science. See our RSE Policy for more details.

Find out more about our curriculum
If you have any questions or would like to know more about our curriculum offer, please contact Victoria Armitage, Vice Principal (Deep Learning and Deep Experience), E:

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