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Our Staff

Our staff

Senior Leadership Team

To contact a member of SLT, please click on the relevant name below.Β 

If you need to contact school with a general enquiry about your child, please email so we can deal with your enquiry promtly and effectively. If you need to contact us about a pastoral or SEND matter, then please contact the relevant year team, or Inclusion team. If you have an urgent safeguarding concern, please see our safeguarding information.

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs K Rothenburg, Acting Principal (KRO)

Mr R Beever,Β Vice Principal (Deep Support)Β (RBE)

Mrs V Armitage,Β Vice Principal (Deep Learning and Deep Experience)Β (VAR)

Mr A Baybutt,Β Assistant Principal (Deep Learning) (ABA)

Miss H Boyd,Β Assistant Principal (Deep Experience) (HBO)

Mrs M Norman,Β Assistant Principal (Deep Support) (MNO)

Mr A Collins, Business Manager (ACO)

Mrs S Cole, Senior Leader: Designated Safeguarding Lead (SCX)

Teaching Staff

Creative Faculty

Mrs S Cockburn, Subject Lead (SCO)
Ms L BraidΒ (LBR)

Design Technology
Mr Richard Cooper, Head of Faculty (RCX)
Mr G Dunn, Subject Lead (GDU)
Mrs R LeonarcikΒ (RLE)
Mrs S Price, Subject Lead (SPR)


English Faculty

Dr C Bates, Head of Faculty (CBX)
Mr J BrothersΒ (JBR)
Mrs J Harris (JHA)
Ms N HodgsonΒ (NHO)
Miss H Maycock, Second in Faculty (HMA)
Mr R Prado (RPR)
Miss S TapscottΒ (STA)
Miss C Webb (CWE)


Global Communications Faculty

Mr C Pollard (CPO)
Mr M Turner, Subject Lead (MTU)

Modern Foreign Languages
Miss K Bell (KBE)
Ms J DavisΒ 
Mrs E Dukes Subject Lead (EDU)
Mrs V Gourdin (VGO)

Humanities Faculty

Mr C Figures, Subject Lead (CFI)
Mrs M Norman (MNO)
Ms G Steers (GST)

Mr A Baybutt (ARB)
Ms S Bowland, Head of Faculty (SBO)
Mrs R Lingard, Head of Faculty (RLI)
Mr B Longworth (BLO)

Miss S Richards (SRI)

Maths Faculty

Mr M Anguige (MAN)
Mr J Butler (JBU)
Mr P Daunt (PDA)
Mr I Hebden (IHE)
Miss E Rhodes (ERH)
Mr A Tebbs, Second in Faculty (ATE)
Mrs C Tucker, Head of Faculty (CTU)

Performance Faculty

Mrs K Sladen, Head of Faculty (KSL)

Mrs A Longbottom, Subject Lead (ALO)

Mrs V Armitage (VAR)
Ms E Lansdall (ELA)
Mr M Nicholson, Subject Lead (MNI)
Mr D Randall (DRA)
Miss S Watts (SWA)

Science Faculty

Mr C Ferguson, Head of Faculty (CFE)
Mr D Mallen, Second in Faculty (DMA)
Ms A Adams (AAD) (Maternity Leave)
Miss V Cook (VCO)
Mr R Curnow (RCU)
Mrs P Elgin (PEL)
Mr M Lyons (MLY)
Mr E Morris (EMO)
Mr A Newman (ANE)
Mr J Wright (JWR)

Support and Pastoral Staff

Heads of Year
Mrs S Ramplin
Progress Leader (Year 7)
MrsΒ  R Cooper,
Progress Leader (Year 8)
Mrs V Pennington,
Progress Leader (Year 9)
Mrs S Cook,
Progress Leader (Year 10)
Miss McCartney,
Progress Leader (Year 11)

Educational Welfare officer

Mrs Robertson

Attendance Admin Officer

Mr Thomas

School Counsellor
Ms S Clare

Inclusion Support

Mrs S Horsfall (Assistant SENCO)
Miss D Bradsell (SEND Manager)
Mrs S Langan (SEND Manager)
Mrs V Powell (SEND Manager)
Mrs D Smith (SEND Manager)
Ms V Hill (Admin)

Teaching Assistants
Ms S French
Ms H Gray
Mr M Hallidie Smith
Ms N Heaton
Ms A Hinch
Mr C McGregor
Mrs C McGurrin
Ms K Thompson

Miss A Brooks

Cover Manager
Mrs K Percival

Cover Supervisors
Mrs A Featherstone
Miss E Guffick
Mr P Sloan

Mrs S Cole (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Beever (Behaviour & Attitudes – Attendance)

Business and Finance
Mrs M Brown
Mr A Collins

Mrs J Anderson
Mrs H Mackley (PA to Principal)
Mrs V Stanyon
Mr D Thomas (Attendance Officer)

Data Manager
Mr J Wilson

Exam Officer
(Vacant Post)

Mr P Bunting (DT)
Mr J Fletcher (Art)
Miss E Frankland (Science)
Mr S Hardy (IT)
Mr S Potter (Repro)

Mr T Bridge
Mr A Henson
Mr N Woods

Mr I Coleman
Mr A Greenwood

Midday Supervisors
Ms A Cosgrove
Ms E Makungwa
Miss E Peart

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