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Our Staff

Our staff

Senior Leadership Team

To contact a member of SLT, please click on the relevant name below. 

If you need to contact a member of staff about your child, please contact their form tutor in the first instance. Please remember that staff will not answer emails outside of office hours, so if you have an urgent safeguarding concern, please see our safeguarding information.

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs K Rothenburg, Acting Headteacher (KRO)

Mr R Beever, Deputy Headteacher: Behaviour, Attitudes & Attendance and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (RBE)

Mrs V Armitage, Deputy Headteacher, Curriculum & Inclusion (VAR)

Mr A Baybutt, Assistant Headteacher: Teaching & Learning (ABA)

Miss H Boyd, Assistant Headteacher: Pastoral & Personal Development (HBO)

Mrs M Norman, Assistant Headteacher: Inclusion & SENDCo (MNO)

Mr A Collins, Business Manager (ACO)

Mrs S Cole, Senior Leader: Designated Safeguarding Lead (SCX)

Teaching Staff

Creative Faculty

Mrs S Cockburn, Subject Lead (SCO)
Ms L Braid, (LBR)

Design Technology
Mr Richard Cooper, Head of Faculty (RCX)
Mr G Dunn, (GDU)
Mrs F Frankland, (FFR)
Mrs S Price, Subject Lead (SPR)
Ms S Scott, (SSC)


English Faculty

Dr C Bates, Head of Faculty (CBX)
Ms J Bhatt, (JBH)
Mr J Brothers, (JBR)
Mrs E Coney, (ECO)
Mrs J Davis, (JDA)
Mr C Hughes, (CHU)
Ms N Hodgson, (NHO)
Miss H Maycock, Second in Faculty (HMA)
Miss S Tapscott, (STA)


Global Communications Faculty

Mr R Beever, (RBE)
Ms V Gourdin, Subject Lead (VGO)

Mr C Pollard, (CPO)
Mr M Turner, Subject Lead (MTU)

Modern Foreign Languages
Miss E Atkinson, Subject Lead (EAT)
Miss J Gray, Head of Faculty (JGR)
Miss K Bell, (KBE)
Mrs V Gourdin, (VGO)





Humanities Faculty

Mr C Figures, Subject Lead (CFI)
Mrs M Norman, (MNO)
Ms G Steers, (GST)

Mr A Baybutt, (ARB)
Ms S Bowland, Head of Faculty (SBO)
Mrs R Lingard, Head of Faculty (RLI)
Mr B Longworth, (BLO)

Miss S Richards, (SRI)
Ms C Webb, (CWE)

Maths Faculty

Mr M Anguige, (MAN)
Mr J Butler, (JBU)
Mr P Daunt, (PDA)
Mr I Hebden, (IHE)
Miss E Rhodes, (ERH)
Mr A Tebbs, Second in Faculty (ATE)
Mrs C Tucker, Head of Faculty (CTU)

Performance Faculty

Mrs K Sladen, Head of Faculty (KSL)

Mrs R Gillespie, Subject Lead (RGI)

Mrs V Armitage, (VAR)
Mr M Boothman, Subject Lead (MBO)
Ms E Lansdall, (ELA)
Mr D Randall, (DRA)
Miss S Watts, (SWA)

Science Faculty

Mr C Ferguson, Head of Faculty (CFE)
Mr D Mallen, Second in Faculty (DMA)
Ms A Adams, (AAD)
Mr R Curnow, (RCU)
Mrs P Elgin, (PEL)
Ms A Lancaster, (ALA)
Mr A Newman, (ANE)
Mr J Wright, (JWR)
Mr E Morris (EMO)

Support and Pastoral Staff

Heads of Year
Mrs  R Cooper, (Year 7 and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs L Robertson, (Year 8 and Attendance Lead)
Miss S Tapscott, (Year 9)
Mr J Wright, (Year 10)
Miss J Bhatt, (Year 11)

Deputy Heads of Year
Mrs V Pennington, (Year 8)
Mrs S Barbour, (Year 9)
Ms M McCartney, (Year 9)
Mr A Abdi, (Year 11)

School Counsellor
Ms S Clare

Inclusion Support
Miss D Bradsell (SEND Manager)
Mrs S Langan (SEND Manager)
Mrs V Powell (SEND Manager)
Ms S Reading (SEND Manager)
Mrs D Smith (SEND Manager)
Ms V Hill (Admin)
M H Gray TA

Teaching Assistants
Mrs A Domin-Boci
Ms E Fagan
Ms S French
Ms H Gray
Mr M Hallidie Smith
Ms N Heaton
Ms A Hinch
Mr C McGregor
Mrs C McGurrin
Ms K Thompson
Mr P Vinten

Miss A Brooks

Cover Manager
Mrs K Percival

Cover Supervisors
Mrs A Featherstone
Miss E Guffick
Mr P Sloan

Mrs S Cole (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs R Cooper (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Beever (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Business and Finance
Mrs M Brown
Mr A Collins

Mrs J Anderson
Helen Mackley (PA to Headteacher)
Mrs V Stanyon
Mr D Thomas (Attendance Admin)

Data Manager
Mr J Wilson

Exam Officer
Miss F Newton

Mr P Bunting (DT)
Mr J Fletcher (Art)
Miss E Frankland (Science)
Mr A White (Science)
Mr S Hardy (IT)
Mr S Potter (Repro)

Mr T Bridge
Mr A Henson
Mr N Woods

Mr I Coleman
Mr A Greenwood

Midday Supervisors
Ms A Cosgrove
Ms E Makungwa
Miss E Peart

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