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Safeguarding Resources

Safeguarding Resources

During times of school closure there may be instances where you may have a safeguarding concern or need some help and advice. Please find below some phone numbers that may be helpful to you.


Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is the single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children and young people in York. Tel: 01904 551900. North Yorkshire out of hours Duty Team: 01609 780780.


CAMHS / Limetrees

CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. When a child or young person’s worries, problems or behaviours begin to impact upon their everyday lives, the CAMHS team can support you by offering professional help and advice. The CAMHS team in York is based at Lime Trees. Tel: 01904 615300


Single Point of Access 

This is a service offered by CAMHS for those who have concerns around their child’s mental health and feel a referral is required. This is often done in support with the GP. In the first instance a phone call would be best practice so you can discuss your concerns and they can advise what the next steps should be in your case. Tel:  01904 615345


Young People’s Crisis Line 

If you or your child feel like they are at crisis and need immediate support this can be sought by calling 01904 615348 or through a text service, Young Minds, on 85258. This service is provided to support urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying, relationship issues etc.


Adult Crisis Line

As with young people, adults too may at times need support with mental health and well-being. You will speak with an experienced professional who can listen to you and provide you with support and guidance. This service can  signpost you to the right professionals to help you further. Tel: 01904 526582


Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm – coronavirus-covid-19-keeping-children-safe-from-abuse-and-harm


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