Below, we have tried to cover everything that we think you might want to know about Millthorpe School. If you have a question that is not covered by these FAQs, please contact us.
Millthorpe is a big secondary school in the South Bank area of York. We have over 1,000 students and over 150 staff. This might seem quite scary, but please donβt be worried; we are a welcoming and caring community and the staff and older students will help you to settle in and find your way around.
There are 210 Year 6s coming together from 20 different primary schools to make Year 7. You will have plenty of opportunities to make lots of new friends.
There will be seven forms in Year 7. Each form will have approximately 30 students in them from a variety of different primary schools. We have asked you to select up to four friends who you would like to be in a form with. It is unlikely you will be with all four friends, but we will ensure that you are placed in a group with at least one of the friends you have selected.
There will definitely be peopleΒ in your form who you have neverΒ met so this is a great opportunityΒ to make lots of new friends. YouΒ will see the people in your formΒ every day and you will stay in thisΒ form throughout the whole fiveΒ years at Millthorpe. Many of ourΒ students view the students inΒ their form as their school family.
Your new form will be lookedΒ after by a βform tutorβ; a teacherΒ in school who will look after youΒ and offer guidance and supportΒ every day. You will see your formΒ tutor with the rest of your formΒ every morning. They will do theΒ register, pass on any messages,Β check your uniform, equipmentΒ and make sure you have everythingΒ that you need for the day.
Your form tutor will get to knowΒ you really well; a bit like yourΒ Year 6 teacher does. They will lookΒ after you, make sure everything is okay and ensure that you have aΒ positive start to each school day.Β In effect theyΒ will ensure youΒ are READY to learn.
Your parents or carers will be ableΒ to contact them if they need to andΒ they will be the teacher in school thatΒ you can go to if you need any help,Β support, or advice. Your form willΒ be 7 (for Year 7) and then the threeΒ initials of your form tutor e.g. 7HBO.
You will also be looked after byΒ Millthorpeβs Pastoral Team β we willΒ share more information about whoΒ they are and how they will supportΒ you when we come to visit you.
Millthorpe is managed by a close team of Senior Leaders. Mrs Rothenburg is the Acting Principal. She leads the school and you are likely to see her around school every day. There are two Vice Principals, Mr Beever and Mrs Armitage, and three Assistant Principals: Mr Baybutt, Miss Boyd and Mrs Norman. The Senior Team also includes Mr Collins, the Business Manager.
Everyone on the Pastoral Team will work really hard to help you to settle in at Millthorpe. They are also there to help you with any difficulties that you might have, either at the beginning or at any point throughout your five years at our school. They make sure that everyone is well behaved, working hard, making excellent progress, attending every day β on time, that their uniform is correct and that you are happy, healthy and well supported. You can talk to any member of the pastoral team if you need their help, advice or support. This can be about school but can also be for things happening outside of school that you need a trusted adult to help you with.
Some students might need an additional layer of support for a variety of reasons and they will be supported at Millthorpe by the Inclusion Team. If you need any specific or additional support, you will be working closely with Mrs Norman and the SEND team and they will be in touch with your families in the near future to talk you through these arrangements.
The Inclusion team is fortunate to have a large team of very experienced and dedicated Teaching Assistants who will work with and support students with any additional needs.
Your school day at Millthorpe may be very different to what you are used to at primary school. The main difference is that you are not in one classroom with one teacher all day, every day. You will have five one-hour lessons each day, doing a different subject, in a different classroom, with a different teacher.
Your teachers at primary school were able to teach you every subject to people your age; at secondary school, your subject teachers are all experts in their chosen subject so they teach one subject (or sometimes two) but they teach it to students aged 11 to 16, from Year 7 right through to GCSEs in Year 10 and Year 11. There will be people in your lessons from other forms as you are not taught as a form group. This gives you even more opportunities to work with lots of other people and make many new friends.
Although you will have lots of different classrooms, please do not worry about getting lost or trying to find them all. Millthorpe will be bigger than your primary school but there will be Student Leaders who will support you and show you around the building. There are also signs on the walls to show you the way to different classrooms and staff on hand to help.
Your timetable
You will be given a timetable onΒ your very first day so you willΒ always know what lessons youΒ have each day. You will thenΒ know which books to bring andΒ if you need anything else suchΒ as PE kits. You will not needΒ your PE kit on the first day.
No, we always give you time with your Form Group and Form Tutor on your first day.Β
In Key Stage 3 (Year 7 to 9), you will study English, Maths, Science, French, Art, Design Technology*, History, Geography, ICT, Music, PE, RE, Drama, Personal Development (PSHE and Citizenship).
*Design Technology includes Food Technology, Graphics, Resistant Materials and Textiles.
We will give you a planner whenΒ you start at Millthorpe. The planner isΒ a vital part of your equipment, andΒ you must look after it. It has lots ofΒ important information in it and it isΒ where you record your homework.Β It is also where you collect RewardsΒ and where your teachers andΒ parents can write messages toΒ each other. Your planner must beΒ with you every single day, on yourΒ person (in your bag or pocket)Β at all times around school, andΒ on your desk in every lesson.
All of your teachers will giveΒ you an exercise book for theirΒ subject for you to work in. YouΒ need to bring the correct booksΒ with you for each day. Make sureΒ you check your timetable for theΒ next day every evening and putΒ the correct books in your schoolΒ bag. Lockers are available forΒ everyone if you have a lot to carry.
You also needΒ equipment such as blackΒ or blue pens, pencils, ruler,Β green and purple pens (forΒ peer and self-assessment andΒ improving your work/actingΒ on your teacherβs feedback)Β and a scientific calculator.Β You are very welcome to bring additional stationery such as highlighters, rubbers, felt tips etc if you have room in your pencil case or school bag.
Your form tutor will checkΒ you have this equipment everyΒ morning, this is to ensure youΒ are Ready to learn. One of your form tutorβs jobs is to help set you up for the day.Β
We want you to comeΒ to Millthorpe and haveΒ an amazing time: makeΒ lots of new friends, joinΒ new clubs, enjoy theΒ trips and extra-curricularΒ activities, and makeΒ many happy memories.
We are also here to make sureΒ that you are learning to the bestΒ of your ability and are makingΒ excellent academic progress. ToΒ help us to do this, all students areΒ encouraged to Go for Gold onΒ their Learning Conduct. We useΒ the phrase Learning Conduct toΒ describe the characteristics andΒ expected learning behavioursΒ of a student who is aiming toΒ be the best that they can beΒ and make the most progressΒ that they possibly can.
Students who achieve a Learning Conduct of 1 (Gold) across all or most subjects are rewarded each term. Those whose Learning Conduct is a cause for concern will be supported to make the improvements that they need. Learning Conduct is completelyΒ different to how academic youΒ are. Even if you struggle withΒ your learning, this is about yourΒ effort and attitude to learningΒ so we expect all students to βGoΒ for Gold.β We will help you toΒ achieve this; we just ask you toΒ try your best and have a reallyΒ positive attitude to learning.
Learning Conduct of 1 (Gold) behaviours
Please let us reassure you that bullying is very unusualΒ at Millthorpe and we are clearΒ that it is totally unacceptable.
That said, all good schoolsΒ understand that bullying couldΒ happen anywhere, and they haveΒ a clear plan in place just in case itΒ does. At Millthorpe, we have a veryΒ clear anti-bullying policy. This isΒ explained on a page in your plannerΒ and it is also on our website.
In simple terms, if something happens that upsets you or you are unhappy about, just let us know; we take all concerns seriously and ensure they are dealt with promptly.Β You can speak to your form tutor, Head of Year or any other member of staff in school.Β
We also have Wellbeing MentorsΒ and the Student Leaders who youΒ may wish to talk to. Any bullying isΒ recorded by the pastoral team andΒ monitored to see if the actions we willΒ have taken have successfully supportedΒ the victim. We need to know if thisΒ issue persists, and new strategies willΒ be put in place to address the issue.
We do promise to address any bullyingΒ and will keep coming back to the issueΒ if it persists. For us to be successful inΒ addressing bullying, students must talkΒ to us and support one another to makeΒ it clear that bullying is not acceptable.
A common worry for primaryΒ students is how much homeworkΒ they will get when they come toΒ Millthorpe. We do set homeworkΒ and we expect you to do it toΒ the best of your ability and handΒ it in on time, but it will not takeΒ over your life! You will still haveΒ time to have fun, to see yourΒ friends, enjoy your hobbies andΒ spend time with your families.
We make sure that we set aΒ reasonable amount of homeworkΒ and that it is used to consolidateΒ or build on the learning. AllΒ homework will be recorded byΒ you in your planner and will alsoΒ be uploaded to Google Classroom,Β so that you can check it fromΒ homeβ¦and your parents/carersΒ can also check to see what youΒ should be doing! If you are everΒ struggling with your homework,Β just speak to your teacherΒ before the homework is dueΒ and they will be happy to help.
If you find that you have quiteΒ a lot of homework at once (whichΒ is very unlikely), please speak toΒ your form tutor and they willΒ help you. For students who reallyΒ struggle with their homework orΒ for those who need a little bit ofΒ help to complete their homework,Β we do offer a βHomeworkΒ Clubβ where you can do yourΒ homework in school at the endΒ of the day before you go home.
We expect all students to lookΒ smartΒ andΒ wear full uniform at all times.
Your Millthorpe uniform will probably be very different to what you had to wear at primary school. We wear blazers, school jumpers (optional) , smart white shirts, ties, school trousers or skirts both with the Millthorpe badge on and you must wear smart school shoes. Trainers are not allowed.
Please see a labelled example of what our uniform looks like:
Below, you can also see what types of shoes are acceptable and what types of footwear are not allowed.
The photographic examples are by no means exhaustive, but serve to show key features of footwear that is notΒ acceptable for school.
It is important that you wear your uniform with pride. This includes fastening top buttons, ties done correctly, shirts tucked in and skirts being worn so that they are roughly knee-length.
In addition to this, hairstyles should not be βextremeβ and should be natural in colour. In terms of jewellery, you can wear one pair of small plain studs, a watch and one ring. No other piercings or jewellery is allowed.
No studentsΒ are allowed to wear nailΒ varnish/acrylic nails andΒ we ask that students do notΒ wear make-up in Year 7.
The main uniform items are available from Keal Teamwear, 105 Walmgate, York
Tel: 01904 624497
Keal Teamwear will provide school blazers, school jumpers (optional), school badged trousers and skirts, ties and some items of your PE kits. School shirts and shoes can be bought from any shop.
If youΒ are entitled to Free School Meals, we will also send you a voucher toΒ help with the cost of your schoolΒ uniform. We would recommendΒ that you wait to receive thisΒ voucher before beginning toΒ purchase your uniform.
Eco Laundry
We also have an Eco-Laundry inΒ school (check it out here). ThisΒ gives you the chance to buyΒ clean, pre-loved uniform itemsΒ in very good condition for aΒ fraction of the price. This helpsΒ you to keep the cost of uniformΒ down, and also reduces theΒ impact on the environment.
We will let you know how youΒ can purchase items from theΒ Eco-Laundry soon but pleaseΒ note that it will be offered toΒ families in receipt of Free SchoolΒ Meals in the first instanceΒ and we will be in touch withΒ these families in due course.
We have a very committed and active Student Council at Millthorpe which meets regularly under the guidance of our Head of Student Leadership Mr Sloan. The Student Council work hard to ensure that students have a voice and can influence decisions that are made that affect them and the school.Β
The Student Council helps toΒ shape changes within schoolΒ and decide on non-uniformΒ days, which charities we supportΒ each year, and they also lead onΒ projects to benefit the school, ourΒ students and the local community.
Mr Sloan makes sure that the views of the Student Council are heard by Ms Greenhalgh and the Senior Leadership Team. The Student Leadership Team is made up of Y10 students with form reps from Y7 β Y9 providing information from their year groups.
If you would like to be involvedΒ in the Student Council, weΒ will explain how you canΒ do so when you join us.
We understand that manyΒ young people use a mobileΒ phone and that some people areΒ particularly attached to them! ItΒ is good that your parents/carersΒ can contact you on your wayΒ to and from school, especiallyΒ in the early days when you areΒ getting used to the new journey.
You are very welcome to bringΒ your phone to school, but itΒ must be switched off onceΒ you arrive and must not beΒ used at any point duringΒ the school day; this includesΒ break and lunch time. You canΒ switch your phones back on asΒ you walk out through the schoolΒ gates. Your phone shouldnβtΒ be visible during the schoolΒ day at any point. If we seeΒ your phone during the schoolΒ day, you will be asked to handΒ over the device to a memberΒ of staff. It will be confiscatedΒ and handed to the Main Office/Reception for safe keeping. ItΒ will be returned to you at theΒ end of the day. Should thisΒ happen three times your parent/carer will be asked to comeΒ in and pick up your phone.
If a parent or carerΒ desperately needs to contactΒ you during the school day,Β they can call the school officeΒ and we will come and speakΒ to you, so you do not needΒ your mobile phone switchedΒ on during the school day.
At all times, your ownΒ phone is your responsibility,Β you must keep it safe. If yourΒ phone is lost or damaged, thisΒ will be your responsibility.
There are plenty of lockersΒ available for you to use atΒ Millthorpe. They are free toΒ use; you just need a padlock.Β You can buy your own (small)Β padlock or buy them fromΒ school. We will show youΒ how to use the lockers andΒ help you to find your own onΒ your first day at school. WeΒ recommend that you use aΒ locker as it is handy to storeΒ things such as your PE kit andΒ means you do not need to carryΒ everything around with you.
The dining spaces are veryΒ popular places to go duringΒ break and lunch time atΒ Millthorpe due to the excellentΒ menu provided by our cateringΒ team! At break time, there is aΒ range of hot and cold food and aΒ variety of cold drinks to chooseΒ from. Some food choices includeΒ toasties, pizza bagels, porridge,Β hash browns, fruit, vegetablesΒ and hummus. At lunch time, weΒ have an even greater selectionΒ of different main meals or theΒ snack bar where you can selectΒ food such as wraps, paninis,Β burgers, sandwiches, pastaΒ pots, desserts, biscuits, cakeΒ bars and more fresh fruit.
The main meals areΒ advertised on a display boardΒ next to the canteen so youΒ will know what is available.Β Favourites include: βRoastΒ Dinner Wednesdayβ andΒ βFish Fridayβ but all the dailyΒ meals are really tasty.
We use a cashless systemΒ in the canteen, so you βpayβΒ for your items using a key fobΒ that we will give you. YourΒ parents/carers can add moneyΒ using the website ParentPayΒ and when you βbuyβ somethingΒ using your key fob, the moneyΒ is taken off your account. ThereΒ is a daily spend limit and yourΒ parents/carers can see whatΒ you are buying. Students whoΒ have Free School Meals canΒ buy what they want up toΒ the daily limit and they useΒ the same key fob system.
In your first few days, youΒ will be allowed into theΒ canteen first so you can getΒ used to it and get the firstΒ choice! There is always plentyΒ of food available for everyone.
We have so many fun thingsΒ for you to try. There is a fullΒ programme of activities everyΒ lunch time and after school. OverΒ the years these have included: theΒ library, ICT, sports, music, dance,Β drama, STEM club, Manga club,Β cooking club, karaoke club, codingΒ club, drone club, Young Carers,Β LGBTQ+, Culture Club (Diversity),Β various departmental clubsβ¦theΒ list goes on! Our staff and studentsΒ go above and beyond to makeΒ sure there are lots of clubs for youΒ to get involved with and enjoy.
For a list of clubs and activities thisΒ academic year, please visit
At Millthorpe, we are very lucky that we are able to offer a lot of trips for you to enjoy. Some of the trips will be during school time.
These include Geography field trips to Bolton Abbey and Flamborough Head, a History trip exploring the city you live in and various other trips planned by your teachers. Some of the trips are free but many of the trips incur a cost so parents and carers will have to help you decide which trips you may be able to experience if youβre luckyβ¦and well behaved!
We run a Y9 residential trip to Carlton Lodge and also invite all Y10 and Y11 students to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. We also offer many trips abroad these have included:
These trips donβt run every year so you can think about what you may want to experience in your time at Millthorpe if you are fortunate enough.
Of course! The following βtop tipsβΒ were written by our currentΒ students when they were in Year 7.Β We hope that you find them usefulΒ and if we havenβt been able toΒ put your mind at rest, these will!
If you or your child needs some support over the half-term break, please take a look at our online support app called Padlet, which is a directory of support available for students and parents.
Itβs time to head home after an amazing trip. The students have been an absolute credit to us.
If you're shopping at Tesco this half term, don't forget to pop your blue token in the box at the following York stores: Acomb Wood, Tadcaster Road, Low Ousegate and Piccadilly, to help us secure funding for new gym equipment π π
@tesconews @GroundworkUK
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