Easter break
We would like to wish you all a very happy and restful Easter break. Summer term will start on Monday 25 April with a B Week.
School Day
A reminder that after Easter, we will be returning to single break and lunch times. To ensure there is time for all students to use the canteen, both breaks will be slightly extended, so the school day will run as follows:
Carlton Lodge consent forms
Earlier today, students in Year 9 received a consent form for the Carlton Lodge trip. On this form, you will need to report any dietary requirements, allergies or medical information that staff will need to know about while your child is away with us. Completed forms should be posted in the box in the main school reception, no later than 9.00am on Friday 29 April. Please ensure this deadline is met as I will be starting to process this information the same day and it is vital we have all of this recorded. Thanks!
Mr Newman
Trustee and governor recruitment
South Bank Academy Trust is looking for committed and enthusiastic people to join them as governors and trustees.
Being a governor or a trustee is a great opportunity to contribute to improving education for children and young people in our area and there are also many benefits to volunteers. You will develop new skills, meet new people and connect with an extensive network of governors across the city. Governors and trustees are involved in reviewing the finances, policies and performance of schools and you will develop your experience of reviewing strategy: all of these skills are highly valued in the workplace. And for those involved in education as parents or professionally it offers an opportunity to gain a broader perspective on the issues confronting schools.
No previous experience of being a governor or Trustee is needed and training and support is offered to all new volunteers.
Find out more about becoming a trustee or a governor.
How to access Covid vaccinations in the community for 5-11 and 12-15 year olds
Please see this letter from the NHS which details how to access Covid vaccinations for 5-11 and 12-15 year olds, now the vaccination programme in schools has ended.
Reading Pictures Seeing Stories Festival
Over the Easter holidays, Explore York are taking part in the Reading Pictures Seeing Stories Festival. Children and young people will be able to take part in a wide variety of activities in many of their libraries.
Tomorrow at 1.00pm at York Explore Library and Archive, Olivia Northrop will be hosting a Comic Illustration Workshop for over 11s – and it’s completely free! Details of the event can be found here.
For full information about the festival, please click here.
#WakeUpWednesday – A parent guide to Ofcom’s “Children and parents media use and attitudes reports 2022”
This week’s guide is a handy snapshot of the outcomes of Ofcom’s recent report into things like young people’s online activity, gaming, online safety, spotting fake news and more.
Job vacancies
If you would like to work with us, you can see our current job vacancies on our website here.