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Weekly email – 18 October 2024

2024 > October > 18 > Weekly email – 18 October 2024
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A message from MrsΒ Rothenburg

As we have just one more week in school before the half-term break, a reminder thatΒ Friday 25 OctoberΒ is a Training Day for all staff, so school will close for half term at 3.15pm onΒ Thursday 24 October, reopening onΒ Monday 4 November for an A Week.

Following great attendance at the Year 11 Afternoon Tea and Revision Tips event last week, we’ve had lots of very positive feedback – thanks to those who have already filled in our short survey.Β Anyone still wishing to provide feedback can do so here. A reminder that you can see theΒ presentation from the evening here.

Our Year 11s had the opportunity to put some of the information they learned at the event to good use at our Revision Masterclass on Monday. The students were incredibly focused and keen to get to grips with the revision strategies. Well done to all of them!

On Wednesday our Year 7 students took part in Restart a Heart Day, which you can read more about below. CPR is not just a useful skill to have, it really can save a life, so we were delighted to welcome the volunteer team into school so that they could help our students become CPR Confident. The team were very complimentary about our students – I’m very proud of how respectful, responsible and ready they all were. To give other students the opportunity to learn CPR, we’re hoping to offer some lunchtime sessions in the future; these will be advertised later in the year.

This week our Year 11 Geography students have visited Hornsea for their GCSE fieldwork day, where they completed two geographical enquiries. The first focused on whether coastal engineering strategies are effective in preventing erosion, and the second examined the importance of recreation and tourism to the local economy. The students were brilliant, collecting all the data they needed for their exams, and we even managed to enjoy some fish and chips by the sea!

Congratulations to ourΒ Year 8 and 9 girls football team who played at home yesterday evening against Harrogate Grammar SchoolΒ showingΒ true team spirit. They played fantastically well to come back from a score ofΒ 3-0 downΒ to equalise at 3-3, but then unfortunately lost by one goal in the final two minutes of the match. It was a great team effort by the girls who supported each other throughout. Thanks also toΒ our Year 10 boys who acted asΒ referee and linesmen.

At the same time as the football match was taking place, our Year 8 A and B netball teams were playing against Sherburn High School. The girls played some excellent netball, with theΒ A team winning 12-0 and the B team winning 5-3. Two fantastic results and a great start to the season!

Today we welcomed acclaimed author Robin Stevens to Millthorpe. She is the bestselling author of the Murder Most Unladylike series and other related books. Year 7s had a talk and Q&A session with Robin, after whichΒ she did a book signing. Thank you to Robin for visiting us and to Miss Brooks in the library for coordinating book sales and signing!

Next week, we’re looking forward to meeting with our Year 7 students and their families at our Transition Review Evening onΒ Wednesday 23 October. These meetings allow us to check in with every Year 7 student and discuss any queries or issues they have. Further details about the evening can be found below.

Next Thursday, students in Years 7 and 8 will be watching a Theatre in Education production called SMASHED Live! which supports our Personal Development curriculum. Students will also take part in a workshop where they will explore and reflect on the social and emotional causes of underage drinking as well as the impact. It concludes by highlighting to students where they can go to get help and advice.

And finally for today, congratulations to those students who came to my Principal’s Breakfast this morning, including George, Edie, Ngawang, Charlie, Nevaeh, Lacey, Glenda, Daniel and Beatrice who has been nominated two weeks in a row.

Enjoy the weekend and I’ll see everyone back in school on Monday for the last week of half term!

With best wishes,

Kavina Rothenburg
Acting Principal

What is my child learning at the moment?

Please see below to find out what your child has been learning about in the first couple of weeks of this new academic year in order to have productive discussions about their education:

Year 7 – Faculty: Performance
Conversation starters

  • Drama:Β Students are reading the play ‘The Demon Headmaster’ by Adrian Flynn and exploring how actors use the Acting Tools to present different characters on stage – please do ask them for a demonstration!
  • Music:Β This term students are developing their general musicianship skills through singing, playing percussion instruments and learning to perform in an ensemble. As the term progresses, we will begin looking at aural skills and how to identify key musical features through listening.
  • PE:Β Students are in the second week of their new activity and have switched to either badminton and gymnastics for the boys and the girls are on football and netball. Ask your child if they can tell you about the different serves in badminton? Ask your child if they can tell you about the different passes or positions in netball and football?

Year 8 – Faculty: Creative
Conversation starters

  • Design & Technology:Β Students are now a few weeks into Time Block 1 and studying Cultures through Graphics, Textiles, Food Preparation and Nutrition, and Product Design. Please ask your child about what they are designing and making. They have multiple choice quizzes for homework (Google Forms) on Google Classroom and can also show you the work booklets we use to help explain their project to you.
  • Art:Β Students have developed their recording skills learning how to draw key Celtic Art motifs, triquetras, knots and zoomorphic animals.Β They have used metacognition to explore alternative methods of drawing the same motif. Our next step is to learn about the Book of Kells (when, where, how and by whom it was made). Students will learn about the sources of coloured pigments before exploring coloured inks. Researching natural sources of colour and finding out about the Book of Kells would be a good way to support your child’s learning in Art.

Year 9 – Faculty: English
Conversation starter

Year 9 are continuing their exploration of literature of Crime and Detection, their first unit of the year, and have been studying some of Roald Dahl’s ‘Tales of the Unexpected’, as well as a classic Sherlock Holmes story. Ask your child what Mary Maloney does with a leg of lamb – it’s very clever! As the unit progresses, we will be moving on to look at non-fiction writing about crime, and comparing the punishment of criminal behaviours between the Victorian period and our own.

Year 10 – Faculty: Maths
Conversation starter

If you go abroad on holiday you will need to exchange currency –Β investigate how much of five different currencies you would get for Β£100.Β Can you draw a proportion graph to represent your exchanges? If you spend half your money then change the remainder back into pounds, why do you not get Β£50?

Year 11 – Faculty: Science
Conversation starter
Triple Science students are studying Biology Unit 5 Homeostasis and Response, C6 The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change and P5 Forces. Next week they will be completing three separate Standard Assessment Pieces (SAP) on these three topics. Can they explain how the iris reflex works and explain how the eye can focus on near and far objects? Can they explain Le Chatelier’s Principle and explain and predict how changes in concentration, temperature and pressure affect the position of equilibrium. Can they describe the motion of an object that is being acted on by balanced forces?

Combined Science students have also been studying Biology Unit 5 Homeostasis and Response, Chemistry Unit 6 The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change and Physics Unit 5 Forces. Next week they will be completing their Standard Assessment Pieces (SAPs) on these three topics. Can they name contact and non-contact forces? Can they describe how temperature, surface area, pressure and concentration affect rate of reaction? Can they describe the sequence of events in the automatic control systems that keep conditions in our bodies constant?

All Year 11 Science lessons for both Triple and Combined Science are uploaded to the respective Google classrooms.

We hope that you will find this information useful when talking to your child about their learning.Β  Additionally, you might want to take a look at theΒ curriculum section of our websiteΒ which has lots more information about what your child will be learning over the academic year.

Our homework policy – information for families

At Millthorpe School, we recognise the educational benefit of setting quality homework regularly.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research proves that homework can add up to fiveΒ months progress, whilst completing work away from the classroom helps to develop students’ independence, builds good study skills and helps them to take control of their own learning. Homework also enables teachers to identify gaps in knowledge, misconceptions and inform their future planning for the benefit of all students.

We are also careful to ensure that students have sufficient time for extracurricular activities, clubs, hobbies and interests, as well as socialising and family time. To help with this, teachers give sufficient time for the students to complete the task. Teachers do not set homework that is due the next school day unless it is a very short (maximum tenΒ mins) consolidation or preparation task that is essential for the next day’s lesson.

You can see ourΒ Homework Policy 2024-26 here.

Year 7 Transition Review Evening

Our Year 7 Transition Review Evening will be held onΒ 23 OctoberΒ from 5.00-7.00pm.

During the evening parents/families will have the opportunity to meet their child’s form tutor and attend a short presentation in the Main Hall which will include key information about upcoming events and support for our Year 7s.

The presentations, which will be every 30 minutes to allow families to book an appointment with their child’s form tutor to suit, will take place atΒ 5.00pm, 5.30pm, 6.00pm and 6.30pm,Β covering the following key topics:

  • Assessment
  • Wellbeing support
  • Enrichment experiences

Year 11 Revision Masterclass

Earlier this week, all of our Year 11 students took part in a Revision Masterclass. They were all actively involved in learningΒ about the first twoΒ of ourΒ Fab Four Revision Strategies:Β Flash Cards and Self Quizzing. TheyΒ then applied what they had learned,Β making their own flash cards and practising the self quizzing technique. The students were all brilliant!

The presentation from the masterclass can be seen here.

We will hold another masterclassΒ next term which focuses on Brain Dumps and Mind Maps.

Christmas Concert – save the date

We are delighted to invite you to our Christmas Concert onΒ Monday 2Β DecemberΒ at 6.00pm. This celebratory occasion will feature performances from our regularly rehearsing ensembles: guitar club, jazz band, Millthorpe band, brass group, and choir. Our students are looking forward to showcasing the wonderful work they have been doing this term.

Join us as we kick off the festive season with an evening of music and cheer! Tickets are priced at Β£5 for adults and Β£3 for under 16s. Tickets are available to purchase through ParentPay or payable by cash only on the night.

We look forward to celebrating with you.

Wimbledon Trip

Any student who has a confirmed place on the Wimbledon Trip must pay their Β£50.00 deposit by Wednesday 23 October please. Emails have been sent today to confirm places.

The place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list if this is not received by the deadline.

Piano fundraiser – an update

We’re delighted to let you know that they piano fundraiser is now atΒ Β£1050! Thank you again to everyone who has donated. Anyone wishing to donate can do so via ParentPay.

Restorative Peer Mentors

In July 2024, the current Year 8, 9 and 10 studentsΒ received an assembly delivered by Dave Pascoe from Restorative Solutions. This was followed up in our Culture Curriculum earlier this month.Β Restorative Practice is used in schools to find ways of resolving conflict withoutΒ the use of aggression or ongoing feuds, gain a better understanding of how fall outs can impact others and to be able to find a way of “putting things right” with the person who has been harmed.

Students were offered the opportunity to apply for the role of Restorative Peer Mentor to work across the school, alongside staff,Β implementing restorative practice amongst students. Students will receive trainingΒ from Restorative Solutions and a certificate at completion.

The closing date for this has been extended toΒ Thursday 24Β OctoberΒ should any students wish to submit an application. This has been placed on the Student Bulletin and application forms can be collected from the office.

Any questions, please speak to Mrs Cole or Miss Boyd.

Young Carers

Culture Curriculum this week has been about raising awareness of Young Carers and the support we offer at Millthorpe.

On Monday 21Β October, York Carers Centre will be coming in to speak to our Young Carers and gather their input on what they would like from school. Students involved in this have already been notified and a note has been put in their planner.

If you or your child are interested in knowing more about the support for Young Carers at Millthorpe, or you would like to notify us that your child is a Young Carer, please emailΒ

SMASHED Live! survey

As mentioned inΒ last week’s email, onΒ ThursdayΒ 24 October, students in Years 7 and 8 will be watching a Theatre in Education production called SMASHED Live! which supports our Personal Development curriculum.

As part of the evaluation process, we ask that students complete a survey in advance of seeing the production.

The survey can be found hereΒ – please note, this applies to students in Years 7 and 8 ONLY.

Year 7s take part in Restart a Heart Day

OnΒ Wednesday, more than 170 Year 7 students took part inΒ Restart a Heart DayΒ learning how to perform CPR and potentially save a life.

Restart a Heart Day was developed in 2013 by the European Resuscitation Council to encourage others to teach members of the public how to help restart the heart of someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. The following year, Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust offered all secondary schools in Yorkshire the opportunity to receive free CPR training for pupils on Restart a Heart DayΒ and now in this, the eleventh year, an incredible 35,000 young people received CPR training.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Nigel and his team of volunteers from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service who gave up their time to teach our students how to become #CPRConfident and save a life.

CPR saves lives
Mr Rattue, one of our cleaning colleagues here at Millthorpe, suffered a cardiac arrest two years ago and has kindly shared his story with us.

On 1Β June 2022, whilst out walking his dog, Mr Rattue collapsed. Thanks to the kindness of two passing builders and the quick thinking of a passing nurse, his life was saved through CPR.Β You can read the full story here.

Prom preparations – a call for donations

In June, our Year 11 students will be celebrating in traditional fashion at their prom. Of course, for many students, looking and feeling your best on the night is a vital part of the experience. We would love to be able to reward some of our students who have made an exceptional effort by offering them the chance to get some professional grooming beforehand but, as always, funds for this are limited. So if you (or someone you know)Β own or work for a hairdresser, barber, nail salon or other beauty/grooming business, and would be prepared to donate a voucher of any value, we’d love to hear from you, so you can help us recognise as many of our incredible students as possible.

Careers Fair – appeal to local businesses

As part of our ongoing programme of events to ensure pupils are prepared for their next steps after school, we are looking for representatives from a variety of local organisations and professions to attend ourΒ annual Careers Fair.

The Careers Fair will take place onΒ Tuesday 14 January 2025, from 9.45am-3.15pm, during which students from Year 7 through to Year 10 will have the opportunity to visit the stands, talk to representatives and gain useful careers advice.

Any local businesses interested in finding out more should contactΒ Miss Watts, Careers Lead.

Army Information Days

The Army Careers Centre York is hosting Information Days to inform students and parents about what an Army career can offer them.

The event will take placeΒ over two days at Yeomanry Barracks in York. The two days will consist of a briefing about basic training for regular soldiers, the opportunity to speak to lots of different soldiers about their careers and also have a look at kit, equipment and vehicles. There will also beΒ some fun activities such as the climbing wall (weather dependant) and Batak competition.

  • Thursday 31Β October:Β the day will beΒ specifically shapedΒ for students inΒ Years 10-11Β withΒ more information on the Army Foundation College Harrogate.
  • Friday 1Β November:Β the day is aimed at young people inΒ Years 12-13Β and up with more information on senior Army Entry, Army Officer and Army Reserve.

Matilda rehearsals – a message from Mrs Sladen

We are so close to finishing blocking Act One and it is all looking and sounding great – well done! The final rehearsal schedule for this half term is:

  • Monday 21Β October,Β 3.30-4.30pm:Β Drama Hall – Principals, Kids, Big Kids – Blocking
  • Tuesday 22 October:Β No singing rehearsal this week
  • Thursday 24Β October,Β 3.30-4.30pm:Β Drama Hall –Β Principals, Kids, Big Kids – Blocking

If we can finish Act One this week it will put us in such a good position for when we return after half term – keep going everyone!!

Job of the week –Β Charity Fundraiser

Have you ever wondered who coordinates the fundraising that charities have to do to help them achieve their goals? Charity Fundraisers come up with the ideas which encourage us to donate to them. Often, this can vary from individual donations to business sponsorship so they have to be really creative and constantly thinking of new ideas.

For more information on becoming a Charity Fundraiser, you can watch this video.

Post-16 open evening at Archbishop Holgate School Sixth Form

The Sixth Form Open Evening will take place at Archbishop Holgate’s School onΒ Tuesday 19 NovemberΒ from 6.00-8.00pm.Β Please take a look at their letter for further information.

Parent Carer Forum

To find out more about events and support available from the Parent Carer Forum,Β please take a look at their latest newsletter here.

The Parent Carer Forum is welcoming the Daisy Chain charity to the Folk Hall in New Earswick onΒ 24 OctoberΒ whereΒ they will run a workshop calledΒ Understanding Sensory Processing Differences.Β Further information and booking details can be found here.

Apprenticeship vacancies

York College is currently advertising a number ofΒ apprenticeship vacancies which can be seen onΒ theΒ attached pdf.Β Each vacancy has a hyperlink to the Apprenticeship Service website, where you will find full job details and where you can submit your application.

A note onΒ closing dates:Β vacancies often close earlier than the stated date, so if you are interested, please make sure you apply as soon as you can.

You can alsoΒ read the attached guidanceΒ on how to write a strong application to ensure the best chance of success.

Other apprenticeships are available and can be accessed through the Careers section of your child’s Google Classroom.

#WakeUpWednesday – A guide to horror films and age ratings

Ofcom’s latest Media Use and Attitudes Report states that most children can watch streamed films on a mobile device both in and out of the home, with 80% of UK children watching films on phones, tablets or laptops. That’s a lot of youngsters who might be using their own gadgets to watch something suitably spooky this Halloween season or perhaps, something a little too frightening.

With older children in particular, it can be difficult knowing how to manage their increasing interest in more mature contentΒ including horror filmsΒ in many cases, let alone knowing how best to safeguard them from inappropriate material.Β National Online Safety’s free guideΒ offers expert advice not only on the risks of exposure to horror films and other potentially upsetting content, but also on preventing young viewers from seeing this material or protecting them from being too deeply affected by it if they do.


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition toΒ being able to contact Mrs Cole, Mrs Cooper or Mr BeeverΒ during school hours by emailingΒ, you may wish to make direct contact with theΒ York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub)Β on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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