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Weekly email – 11 October 2024

2024 > October > 11 > Weekly email – 11 October 2024
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A message from Mrs Rothenburg

This We seem to be racing swiftly towards the end of half term after another eventful week at Millthorpe!

With just two more weeks in school until the half-term break, we’ve been taking stock of the autumn term so far. Our Year 7s are now fully in the swing of being Millthorpians, our students are demonstrating our school values every day, the list of golden ticket recipients seems to get longer every week, extra-curricular activities are proving to be incredibly popular and rehearsals for Matilda are well underway. A special mention also goes to our Year 11s who have been working hard in this very important school year. I am super proud that since the start of term, they have shown huge commitment to their learning. A whopping 96% of Year 11 students have Learning Conduct grades of 1 or 2 in all subjects, which is remarkable!

It has been fantastic to chat to so many of our students at our Principal’s Breakfast over the last few weeks, who were all nominated by colleagues for demonstrating being respectful, ready and responsible. Earlier today I met with Theo, Fin, Juliette, Oliver, Beatrice and Nenyasha for pastries and hot chocolate. Keep up the fantastic effort, everyone!

We are working hard to support our Year 11s and their families, so it was great to see so many students and their families at the Year 11 Afternoon Tea and Revision Tips event yesterday. We talked to families about ways in which they can support their child through Year 11, with revision and throughout the exam period. You can see the presentation from the evening here. As ever, we would really appreciate your feedback so that we can continue to improve future events, so if you were unable to complete the feedback form on the evening, you can do so here. Thanks to colleagues from York College and Fulford School Sixth Form who attended the event and to our amazing student helpers for giving up their time and supporting the event.

In response to student feedback, on Monday we will be holding revision sessions for our Year 11 students, providing practical advice and support on how to revise and focusing on some of the revision techniques which can be used. You can find out more about these sessions below.

Next Wednesday, a team from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service will be coming into school to show our Year 7 students how to perform CPR as part of Restart a Heart Day. Further information can be found below.

We are ​also excited to welcome acclaimed author Robin Stevens to Millthorpe next ​w​eek. Robin is the bestselling author of the Murder Most Unladylike series and other related books. ​Next Friday, Year 7s will have a talk and Q&A session with Robin, after which she will do a book signing.

I hope you all have a great weekend. We’ll be back in school on Monday for an ‘A’ Week.

With best wishes,

Kavina Rothenburg
Acting Principal

What is my child learning at the moment?

Please see below to find out what your child has been learning about in the first couple of weeks of this new academic year in order to have productive discussions about their education:

Year 7 – Faculty: Humanities
Conversation starters

  • History: Students are being introduced to the way historians find out about the past and beginning their study of the History of York. In the next few weeks ask your child what York was like under Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Viking rule. Bonus point if they can tell you what York was called during the various time periods! (Answers – Eboracum, Eoforwic, Jorvik, York). They will also have a knowledge test at the end of this unit so please ask to see their Knowledge Organiser and help them with their revision.
  • Geography: How do you find a four-figure grid reference? How do you find a six-figure grid reference?
  • RE: If God is omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent, why is there suffering and evil in the world?

Year 8 – Faculty: Performance
Conversation starters

  • Drama: Students are reading the play ‘Our Day Out’ by Willy Russell and exploring how actors use the Acting Tools to present different characters on stage, particularly focussing on use of voice – please do ask them for a demonstration of their best Scouse accent!
  • Music: Students are exploring chords and the role they play in songwriting. We have explored chords on the ukulele and keyboard and they are beginning to apply understanding to their own songwriting projects.
  • PE: Students have changed activity blocks and will be learning and developing their key skills in badminton, gymnastics, netball and football. Students will be revisiting skills learnt in Year 7 and will be introduced to more advanced skills. Can your child tell you about the different types of serves in badminton? Can they tell you about the different passes in netball?

Year 9 – Faculty: Creative
Conversation starters

  • Design & Technology: Students are now a few weeks into Time Block 1 and studying Emerging Technology through Graphics, Textiles, Food Prep & Nutrition and Product Design. Please ask your child about what they are designing and making. They have multiple choice quizzes for homework (Google Forms) on Google Classroom and can also show you the work booklets we use to help explain their project to you.
  • Art: Students are at the research stage of the Monster Pot / Creative Journey project; working hard to gather potential design features by recording clay monsters by James De Rosso, sea creatures and insects. The next step is to revisit Year 7 clay modelling skills and design the pot they would like to make after October half term.

Year 10 – Faculty: English
Conversation starter

Students are continuing with their study of the modern text for their Literature GCSE. This week they have also received their first SAP (Standardised Assessment Piece) feedback and were guided by their teachers through our reflection and improvement process. Ask your child what this involved, and what they learned from it.

Year 11 – Faculty: Maths
Conversation starter

What information do I need to tell you if I want you to do a rotation, reflection, enlargement or translation? Which of these transformations produce congruent images? Which are similar? What restrictions will give you an invariant point or line?

We hope that you will find this information useful when talking to your child about their learning.  Additionally, you might want to take a look at the curriculum section of our website which has lots more information about what your child will be learning over the academic year.

Students shine in morning routine

As you’ll already know, since September, students have been checking they are ‘Ready to Learn’ as they enter the school site by 8.40am. They are making sure they have the correct uniform, no excess jewellery (one stud in each ear and one ring), that their phones are switched off and they have purchased any equipment they need. This happens largely without a single prompt from the duty team.

We love the fact that our students are taking responsibility but what is extra special for the duty team and not necessarily common across all schools, is the warm greeting we receive from your children. It’s often said that teenagers are monosyllabic early in the morning – a few parents might even find the morning routine a bit of a battle – so we just wanted you to know that your children are smiling when they arrive at school. They ask us how we are doing, what we have planned for the weekend and tell us about the lessons they are looking forward to that day.

It is moments like this that remind us why this is the best job in the world – those little positive student interactions mean so much to us.

Piano fundraiser – thank you!

Thank you to all those who have supported our fundraising mission so far to buy a new acoustic piano for our students to play and practice on.

To date, we’ve raised an incredible £918 towards the cost of the piano, which means you’ve already sponsored 30 of the 88 keys! We’re blown away by the generosity of our families – thank you so much.

Anyone still wishing to donate can do so via ParentPay.

Year 11 Revision Masterclass

As part of our promise to listen to the student voice, last month on Aspirations Day our Year 11s had the opportunity to feedback any challenges or issues they were facing. The feedback was unanimously around uncertainty about whether they are using revision strategies correctly and effectively. As a result, we will be holding a Revision Masterclass for Year 11s on Monday 14 October during periods 2 and 3 which would normally be core PE lessons. (Students will therefore not need their PE kit that day.)

During the masterclass there will be a chance to make, and learn how to use, two of our Fab Four revision techniques – self-quiz and flashcards. We will follow up with another masterclass next term which focuses on brain dumps and mind maps.

Engine idling

If you are waiting to pick your child up, please remember to switch off your engine:

  • Engine idling releases more toxic fumes than a car in motion.
  • It is also illegal under Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act (1988).
Also, for the safety of children and other road users, please avoid the areas near the school gates to drop off and pick up, as these get very busy and are awkward to navigate. Thank you for your support in this matter.

York MIND assemblies

Chris from York MIND has delivered assemblies to students in Years 8-11 this week promoting their drop-in services, groups, the MIND website and the “Chat Chit” podcast. The service provides a fantastic offer for young people in supporting them with their mental health. Please discuss this offer with your child.

Further details can be found on our Padlets on our website under Mental Health and Wellbeing Support:

New Student Leaders 2025

This week the Year 10s had an assembly delivered by some of our current Year 11 Student Leaders about the exciting opportunity to apply to be part of the new team of Student Leaders for 2025.

As part of the Student Leaders team, students can develop their leadership potential while being role models for the student body and ambassadors for the school. They each take on areas of responsibility during the year and take a lead on important events in the school calendar, including the transition for new Year 7s and open evenings.

Year 10 students have until Wednesday 6 November, to submit applications. We will hold interviews later next half-term to appoint the new team before Christmas, ready to start in January.

The letter and application form can be collected and returned to the School Office or Mr Sloan. You can also see a copy of the letter and application form here.

Careers Fair – appeal to local businesses

As part of our ongoing programme of events to ensure pupils are prepared for their next steps after school, we are looking for representatives from a variety of local organisations and professions to attend our annual Careers Fair.

The Careers Fair will take place on Tuesday 14 January 2025, from 9.45am-3.15pm, during which students from Year 7 through to Year 10 will have the opportunity to visit the stands, talk to representatives and gain useful careers advice.

Any local businesses interested in finding out more should contact Miss Watts, Careers Lead.

A blossoming partnership with Middlethorpe Hall

As we continue to enjoy our partnership with Middlethorpe Hall which is further developing the school’s careers programme, we are excited to announce two more great opportunities.

On Wednesday 8 November, Lionel Chatard, Middlethorpe’s Director and General Manager, has kindly arranged a meet and greet with author Sean Lusk who is launching his new novel ‘A Woman of Opinion’ at the hotel later that day. The novel is based on the life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who lived at Middlethorpe Hall in 1713. Lady Mary was one of the most remarkable women of the 18th century, not least due to her campaigning for the introduction of smallpox inoculation, but also as a diarist and poet. The meet and greet will include a short talk followed by a Q & A with our Creative Writing Group.

Secondly, through our partnership we are committed to helping our students to develop their employability skills and this next project certainly does that! A group of Year 9 students are organising and hosting a Christmas Business Networking Event at Middlethorpe Hotel. With Lionel’s support and that of Julia Betteridge, Middlethorpe’s Conference and Banqueting Co-ordinator, the students are currently drawing up a list of local businesses to invite, identifying a guest speaker, designing the invitations and discussing which canapés will be served at the event. More information about this event will follow in future newsletters.

We are very grateful for the help, advice and support that Middlethorpe Hall is offering our students, and for the opportunities that they are providing. You can read more about the partnership here.

Aspiration raising at York St John University

Last week some of our Year 11 students visited York St John University as part of our Raising Aspirations initiative, aimed at students who may not have previously considered university as an option. Our students met with two current York St John students who told them all about student life, gave them a guided tour of the facilities and enjoyed lunch with them in the university dining hall.

After lunch, students took part in an activity designed to highlight the social aspects of uni life, including looking at which societies are available to join. The final part of the day was about how to access university courses, which looked at which post-16 options they could take and still progress to a degree programme.

Universities now accept applications from people doing vocational courses, apprenticeship and T Levels as well as the more traditional route of A Levels. Each university has different entry requirements, so it’s worth checking out the courses you are thinking about to see what they accept.

Upcoming Personal Development opportunities

Restart a Heart Day
On Wednesday 16 October, all of Year 7 will be involved in Restart a Heart Day. Each student will attend a session on how to perform CPR delivered by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

Restart a Heart Day was developed in 2013 by the European Resuscitation Council to encourage others to teach members of the public how to help restart the heart of someone who has suffered a cardiac arrest. In the last ten years on Restart a Heart Day life-saving skills have been taught to an incredible 234,708 youngsters at the majority of Yorkshire’s secondary schools.

On Thursday 24 October, students in Years 7 and 8 will be watching a Theatre in Education production called SMASHED Live! which supports our Personal Development curriculum.

The synopsis of this production is: Mal could be the first in the family to get to uni. Georgia might make the national team if she just goes the extra mile. Freddie hides his crushed dreams and dysfunctional background beneath a veneer of bravado and a haze of alcohol. To Mal and Georgia, the older Freddie represents a taste of danger, excitement, and rebellion. Each seeking to escape from something, they become locked in a negative spiral of peer pressure and a culture of underage drinking. A dramatic finale asks the audience to consider the choices the characters made, and what their own choices might be in their real-life story.

As part of the workshop element of the session, students explore and reflect on the social and emotional causes of underage drinking as well as the impact on young lives and the social influence on decision making. It concludes by highlighting to students where they can go to get help and advice.

The Invisible Man Theatre Company
On Wednesday 6 November, Year 9 students will also be watching a Theatre in Education production when we welcome the return of The Invisible Man Theatre Company. They will deliver a wonderful play called YOLO which is about risky behaviour, followed by a 45-minute workshop. This further supports the Personal Development curriculum.

Looking at many risk-taking activities, YOLO explores the pressure we feel to do things or not to do things. It is designed to allow the audiences to actively, honestly and directly address and discuss topics seen in the play and workshop which includes alcohol, legal highs, sexting, online bullying, sexual health (inc STIs), teenage pregnancy and online safety.

For further information about any of the above events, please contact Miss Watts E:

Webinar – thinking of applying to Oxbridge?

On Thursday 17 October at 6pm, Year 10 and 11 students and their families can log on to a virtual talk with the Oxbridge team who will be discussing the process of applying to Oxbridge and also running a workshop on using sources as evidence.

For anyone wishing to join, the meeting link is and you will need to enter the passcode: 591656.

Matilda rehearsals – a message from Mrs Sladen

Thank you to everyone for their enthusiasm and efforts at rehearsals this week – we are really making some fantastic progress now! Next week’s rehearsal schedule is as follows:

  • Monday 14 October, 3.30-4.30pm: Drama Hall – Principals, Kids, Big Kids – Blocking
  • Tuesday 15 October, 3.15-4.15pm: M1 – Full Cast – Singing Rehearsal
  • Thursday 17 October, 3.30-4.30pm: Drama Hall – Principals, Kids, Big Kids – Blocking

Please make sure that you are continuing to learn your lines, songs and dance moves – you are all doing great, but we want this show to be the very best that it can be!

Job of the week – Barrister

The job of a barrister is to represent people, businesses or institutions in court. Your job is to plead the case on behalf of your client and your client’s solicitor. This may involve aiming for a guilty or not guilty plea, or trying to get as low a sentence as possible for your client if they are found guilty. This is often a self-employed job, although some do work for the government.

For more information on becoming a Barrister, you can watch this video.

Post-16 open evenings

Post-16 providers in York are holding their open evenings this term on the following dates:

Please visit their websites for further information.

Attention and Distraction Study

The University of York is currently conducting a new exciting attention and distraction study. All students in Year 9 and 10 (aged between 13-15 years old) are invited to participate. This study is investigating how well adolescents can pay attention whilst ignoring things that may be potentially distracting (eg thoughts) and how their sleep and mood may relate to this. This study will take place in the Psychology Department at the University of York and students will receive a £10 Amazon voucher as thanks for taking part. 

If you have a child of this age who might be willing to take part over October half term or on a weekend, please click here to provide your email address for move information and/or to arrange a time slot to take part.

#WakeUpWednesday – Top Tips for Teaching Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year. Naturally, this highlights the importance of educating young people on fire safety and ensuring they’re aware of what precautions they can take to keep themselves protected around flammable materials and naked flames.

It can be difficult to know where to start when teaching children and young people about this potentially life-saving topic. That’s why National Online Safety has put together this free guide, offering expert advice on how to educate those in your care about fire safety. It breaks down the steps you can take to protect youngsters in common situations, from bonfire night to lighting a few scented candles. Please take a look and discuss with your child(ren).


If you have significant concerns for the welfare of a child, in addition to being able to contact Mrs Cole, Mrs Cooper or Mr Beever during school hours by emailing, you may wish to make direct contact with the York MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on T: 01904 551900, option 3. They operate an out-of-hours service so concerns can be raised with them at any time.

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